Chapter 485: College Festival

People always bear the consequences for what they do. If there is a cause, there will be an effect. This is the unchanging truth of the world. The law of causality is something that can’t escape. Lulu Xiu, Xie Ming, and Suzaku are all like this.

Unfortunately, even if Lelouch and Xie Ming are the leaders of the Black Knights, and even if Suzaku is driving Lancelot how powerful, there is one thing they cannot resist.

That is caused by insufficient attendance, make up classes.

What’s more tragic, in a few days will be the once-a-year college festival of Ashford College. As members of the student union, they will be more busy than ordinary students. So because of this, the teachers came up with a way.

It is to take advantage of the two days of public holidays to make up all the lessons that the three people have dropped.

Xie Ming really sympathized with and thanked the teacher, and used his rest time to make up lessons for the three of them. But ah, but ah…

“Are you too dedicated!?”

Looking at the teachers who were standing in a row outside the door and preparing to take turns to teach in the classroom, Xie Ming really wanted to cry without tears.

To be fair, his dignified avenger, world savior, night attack ace killer, founder of Gensokyo, and Joker who resounded through the world, had to spend time in the classroom learning the knowledge of his already Master.

This is just a waste of time!

Xie Ming resisted, he really resisted. But the teachers seemed to know that they couldn’t control Xie Ming on their own. They pulled Mi Lei, Nanali and Yui together to accompany Xie Ming to make up lessons.

What can I do? What can be done?

Ah, thank you teachers, the school really wants to award you dedication trophies.

Feeling that he was looking at her with a ridiculous gaze from the side, Mi Lei’s gaze, Xie Ming really smiled on the surface, and MMP in his heart.

Look at Lelouch who is carefully taken care of by his gentle girlfriend next to him. Xie Ming really feels that he has a fake fiancée. Although it was originally to behave.

But when his eyes turned to Suzaku, Xie Ming suddenly became balanced. Not only did he have to cram, but he also had to endure Lelouch and Shyarly’s dog food, which was terrible.

However, in the eyes of Suzaku, Xie Ming and Lulu Xiu are the same raccoon dog. Lelouch has Shyarly, Xie Ming has Mi Lei, he is alone. Oh, this damn dog food is so sweet.

The trouble is naturally more than this. First of all, because of Suzaku, ZERO, and Joker, the opinions of the civilians, that is, the Japanese, were divided.

Those who approve of the Black Knights are hostile to the Suzaku, saying that the current peace is the peace that comes from begging. Without ZERO and Joker, the Kyushu region would be taken away by the Chinese Federation. Only the Black Knights can bring them victory and hope.

Those who agree with Suzaku are looking forward to stability and peace. They only beg for stability in their lives and not to be hurt again. And with the example of Shuquemu Suzaku, even the people of District 11 can get ahead.

Although there were differences, they didn’t have any opinion on the Black Knights, but the number of people joining the group decreased.

For the Black Knights, the most important thing at the moment is to accomplish their goals, or the goals set by Lelouch for them.

Establish an independent country in the Tokyo area!

Everyone thinks this is too messy. How can it be achieved just by relying on them. A realistic goal should be set. But some people agree very much.

For example, Yucheng has always been regarded as the thorn head among the cadres of the Black Knights. Because he felt that following the words of ZERO and Joker, he would be able to reverse his life and achieve his dream of becoming a bureaucrat.

But anyway, now that ZERO has set goals and has a rigorous plan. Then, as subordinates, they only need to complete it. Therefore, both Fujitang and Diharut are extremely busy now.

Even Yu Fei, after the heart-to-heart talk with Xie Ming, has always been mysterious, as if he had some plan in his heart.

But anyway, none of these can stop one thing.

The academic festival of Ashford College has begun.


“Everyone, wait a long time!”

In the broadcast room, Mi Lei shouted with great energy: “From now on, the first academy established in the Tokyo concession, the academy festival of Ashford Academy is about to begin!”

“The signal to start is the voices of these two young ladies~”

Nana Li asked a little nervously, “Um, can I really do it?”

“What’s wrong, Nanali.” Yui said happily, “As long as everyone is happy.”

“Yui Yi is right, happiness is the most important thing!”


Yui took the microphone and placed it between herself and Nanali.

“1, 2….”

“Meow~!” The cute meows of the two girls resounded through the academy.


Hearing this cute cat cry, all the students were instantly excited.

“It’s nice to be young…” Xie Ming said lazily, hiding in the tree.

“Ming Ming!!!”

Mi Lei stuck her waist under the tree and stared at Xie Ming: “Is it appropriate for you to be lazy here because everyone is so busy!?”

“How did you know that I am here…” Xie Ming asked with a pained expression on his face.

“That’s a question, of course it’s because of love~”

“…Seriously, I lost.”

Turning over and jumping off the tree, Xie Ming looked at his laptop: “There is no problem report.”

“It’s not this! It’s the one over there!!”

Mi Lei smiled as she pointed to the huge pizza oven built not far away.


Xie Ming covered his face: “Last year, a pizza with a diameter of 2 meters was already very exaggerated. This year you actually want to make a pizza with a 12-meter diameter.”

“Hey, it’s amazing.” Mi Lei smiled triumphantly: “When it’s finished, this will be the world’s number one big pizza!”

“Ingredients and ovens cost so much budget, I also invited the TV station to come over…”

Sighing, Xie Ming said helplessly: “What if we are photographed and exposed.”

“After all, the pizza must be recorded. As long as you and Lelouch are careful, it will be fine?”

Mi Lei smiled sweetly: “Please, this is the request of my fiancee~”

“Hey…you can’t do anything about it.” What can Xie Ming do, he can only compromise.

Moreover, after a certain pizza girl knows this news, she will definitely run out to look for food. If she was exposed to Suzaku, it would be all over.

Xie Ming, who was patrolling the road, just thought about this when an unusually familiar voice stopped him.

“Hey, do you know where to eat the world’s best pizza?”


Xie Ming turned around and looked helplessly at CC, who was wearing an Ashford Academy uniform and tied his hair with a white ribbon: “I knew you would run out.”

“So you are here, Xie Ming.” CC said calmly, “So, where is the pizza?”


Xie Ming suddenly had a hunch that this academy festival will be an extraordinary chaos.

to him.

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