Chapter 486-You Fei Is Here

Wearing sunglasses, Yu Fei dressed up in disguise with two bodyguards, looked at the surrounding stalls very freshly.


Suddenly, Yuffi was stopped.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t pay attention, there is nothing wrong, right?” Yu Fei took the lead in apologizing.

“No, we should apologize.”

Nanali took the blind man and said, holding Yui’s hand. On the side, Sakishiko was alert to Kabuto’s bodyguard with his hand behind Yufi.

If someone hurts Nanali or Yui, that man will become very scary.

“Hey? Nanali?” Yuffi noticed the person she almost hit and exclaimed.

“This voice is… Sister Yuffi?”

After Nanali reacted, she was a little uncertain.


“It really surprised me. I didn’t expect Nanalie to have your legs healed…”

Following Nanali and Yui to the student union club, Yufei said softly.

“Thanks to Brother Ming.”

Nanali said softly: “Brother Ming did not know how many things had been done in order to take care of my brother and me over the years.”

“Brother Ming…. He has always been so reliable.”

“By the way, Sister Euphy. Can we keep the matter here a secret?”

“But…” Yuffi said worriedly: “If this goes on, you guys…”

“As long as I stay with my brother Ming, my brother, and Yui, I will be happy enough.” Nanali said without hesitation holding Yui’s hand.


When Yui knew that Yui was Xie Ming’s daughter, Yu Fei’s face instantly became extremely stiff. But when he knew that he was just an adopted daughter, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. This made Yui snicker, but also worried about Asuna in another world.

Mom, your competitors are so many.

Feeling a bit stiff in the atmosphere, Nanali quickly changed the subject: “Speaking of which, Sister Yuffi still remember the time we quarreled when we were young?”

“Of course.” Yu Fei showed a nostalgic expression: “At that time, the two of us were vying to be the bride of Brother Ming, making Lelouch a little jealous.”


Nanali covered her mouth and smiled: “My brother is unexpectedly jealous.”

“Yes, yes~”

Both of them laughed, seeming to recall the scene at that time. Yui, who was listening quietly, also snickered.

“Dad, I must have been very helpless at the time.”

Think about it, a man who is actually more than 20 years old, and two little girls are vying to be his own bride, she can imagine how tangled Xie Ming’s expression was at that time.

“What about now?” Nanali asked, “Does Sister Yuffi still like Brother Ming?”


Although Yu Fei was a little shy, he did not hesitate: “Until now, I still like Brother Ming. This mood has not changed. Even my sister…”

“Sister… You mean sister Cornelia?”

“Nothing, nothing.” Yuffi said quickly.


Nanali’s mood is a bit complicated. I didn’t expect that even Sister Conelia would treat brother Ming…..

“By the way, Sister Yufei, let’s go find brother, and brother Ming.”

“Lulu Xiu and Brother Ming?”

Yuffi’s eyes lit up and nodded, “Well, let’s go.”

“Then Yufi sister, Nanali, I won’t go.” Yui smiled: “I still have some things.”

“That’s it…”

Nanali tilted her head suspiciously, and then no longer cared: “Then I will go to play with Sister Yuffi.”

“Well, be careful all the way.”

Yui waved his hand, and sent the two out of the door, and returned to the computer: “Then, come on Yui. The distance is complete, there are only a few technical problems left!”


Anyway, CC was sent to the roof of an unmanned teaching building, so that she could watch the pizza come out with her own eyes, and the witch lady gave up.

“In other words, do people in this world have an obsession with pizza…”

In retrospect, pizza is also eaten at student union meetings, and pizza is made every year. The most popular fast food is pizza. Xie Ming felt that he had discovered something extraordinary.

Back in the command vehicle of the Academy Festival, Lu Lu Xiu was found alone in it.

“Why are you alone, Shyarly?”

“Ah, Brother Xie Ming.” Lelouch switched the communicator: “Shyarly was pulled by the president to catch the strong. After all, a lot of people are needed to make such a big pizza.”


Xie Ming pulled off the stool and sat next to Lelouch: “After all, we can’t show our faces, we can only work hard for them.”

“Speaking of which, everyone is really careless about Wu You.”

Lu Lu Xiu gave a wry smile: “Obviously, the Chinese Federation has just arrived, and it actually organizes such an event.”

“It is precisely because the atmosphere has been tense recently that I have to use this kind of activity to ease everyone’s emotions.” Xie Ming said lightly: “According to Mi Lei’s words, everyone needs a festival, no matter what time it is. It needs a holiday.”

“So that’s it, in this respect, the president is better.”

“Brother, Brother Ming.”

“Huh? Nanali?”

“The pizza story hasn’t started yet…”

The brothers turned their heads and saw Yuffi who was supporting Nanaly, and they were stunned.

“…Why are you here, Yuffi.”

Xie Ming covered his face and said helplessly.

“I just want to give you a surprise for Brother Ming.” Youfei smiled.

“…Forget it, I knew it would happen a long time ago.” Xie Ming sighed: “Sit down, it’s been a long time since I saw Lu Lu Xiu.”

“Yeah.” Yu Fei said happily, “Although I have known it from Brother Ming, it is really great to be able to meet in this way.”

“Well, it’s been a long time since I saw you, Yuffi.”

Lelouch smiled wryly and greeted him.

“Long time no see, Lelouch.”


“Okay, okay, everyone is paying attention~” Mi Lei looked at the long-awaited audience below, and said lively: “Now that everything is ready, let me introduce it to you!”

“First of all, it is the production machine. It was made by our Ashford family, the third generation Knightmare, Ganymede! Although the machine body is already considered an antique machine, our driver is not ordinary. ”

“Let us have a grand welcome, the member of the student council’s discipline, the knight of His Royal Highness Euphemia, Suzaku Suzaku!”


The audience below uttered a warm cheer. Karen, who helped behind, was a little confused: “Is Suzaku’s popularity so high?”

“Because many residents of District 11 have also come.”

Saki Shiko, dressed in a maid costume, smiled and said, “Because it is an open college celebration, plus it is the school where Mr. Suzaku is located.”

“Because of this?”

“Yeah. Because Mr. Suzaku is the star of hope for people in District 11.”


Karen looked at the hopeful and smiling compatriots under the stage, somehow, a little envious.

As a terrorist, unless she succeeds, she will never be able to walk on the streets with integrity. Whether it was her or the rest of the Black Knights, it was the same.

However, since we have embarked on this path, we must stick to it. For the brother, for the mother, and for the ones who have been leading the team forward, ZERO and Joker.

Thinking of this, the envy in Karen’s heart has disappeared.

Because, sooner or later, she will be able to walk on the road so openly. Just follow those two people.

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