Chapter 487

“Speaking of which, I was the driver for the two-meter pizza last year.”

Seeing Suzaku controlling Ganymede continuously turning the dough, Xie Ming laughed.

“Brother Ming controls Ganymede, he should be very good at it.”

Looking at the familiar body, Yu Fei said nostalgic.

“Well, this is my first practice machine after all.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “In order to adapt to its slowness, I used a lot of brains.”


Hearing these two words, Yuffi and Lelouch both laughed bitterly. Maybe in a few decades, there will be no way to create a Knightmare that can keep up with Xie Ming’s reaction speed.

After all, this is a guy who can cleave submachine gun bullets at the age of 10.

“I was very optimistic about Ganymede’s follow-up body, but because of the accident, I was eliminated from the competition of the times…”

Speaking of this, Xie Ming is rather regretful. Because Ganymede’s design concept is completely different from the current Knightmare. But it is undeniable that this is the originator of Knightmare for combat.


Hearing these two words, Yu Fei’s expression was a little sad. It is precisely because of this accident that changed the trajectory of the three people’s lives. Otherwise, at this moment…

“So, you still don’t want to come here again, Yuffi.”

Lelouch said calmly: “The more frequently you come, the more dangerous we will be exposed.”

“No, I found a good way.” Yu Fei said softly: “Brother Schneizer thinks this plan is very good.”


Obviously there is no opinion on Schnitzer, but why Xie Ming and Lulu Xiu will subconsciously have a bad feeling every time this man is mentioned.

“You Fei, can you tell me something? Your good way.” Xie Ming asked softly.

“Hey, this is a secret.”

Yuffi blinked her eyes mischievously: “It was my surprise for Brother Ming and Lelouch.”


After a moment of silence, Xie Ming touched Yu Fei’s head: “Then, brother, look forward to your surprise.”

“Lu Lu? The president asked you to find Xie Ming…Ah, Xie Ming, you are here. Nana Li is also here, and…”

Shyarly blinked and saw the princess without a disguise, and couldn’t help but say: “His Royal Highness Euphemia?”

“What, Your Highness Euphemia?!”

“Yuphemia is down?!”

“Where is it??!!!”


Lulu Xiu and Xie Ming covered their faces at the same time, this girl is really…

“Feel sorry!”

Shyarly also understood that he was in a big disaster, and looked anxious: “What to do? What to do, Lulu.”

“It’s okay, Shyarly.”

Lelouch said calmly: “Let’s take Nanali to hide first, Yuffi will leave it to you, Brother Xie Ming.”

“That’s the only way to go.”

Looking around, he casually wrapped a piece of red cloth around his neck to cover the area below his eyes. Xie Ming hugged Yu Fei in the form of a princess: “Then, let’s go. Your Royal Highness.”


With an exclamation, Yuffi subconsciously grabbed Xie Ming’s neck: “Then I’ll leave it to you, Mr. Cavalier.”

Before the door of the activity command room was blocked, Xie Ming rushed out first. Start looking for the safest place nearby.

There is no way to hide, and once Yu Fei’s identity is revealed, he will be suspicious if he hides. So I can only find a safe place that will not be surrounded by reporters and students.

“Sure enough, it’s only there.”

Looking at the tall Ganymede, Xie Ming leaped into the car and jumped directly to the back of the crowd. Then he quickly ran up to the stage and stepped on the Knightmare’s body and began to climb.


Feeling weightlessness, Yu Fei couldn’t help but hug Xie Ming tightly.

“His Royal Highness?”

Suzaku looked at Xie Ming and Youfei who were running in front of him with a dazed expression, and even forgot to control the body in his hands.

As a result, the climax of the whole event, the pizza with a diameter of 20 meters, before it was formed, the pizza dough flew out of Ganymede’s hand along the centrifugal force and landed on the tree.


On the side of the tall building, holding a saucer, the extremely anticipated CC suffered 100 real damage at this time.

It is a pity that neither Xie Ming nor Suzaku can take into account the feelings of this pizza madman at this time.

“Suzaku, Yuffi will leave it to you. I’m not suitable for being exposed to the camera, so I withdrew first.”

Putting Yu Fei down, Xie Ming confessed a few words in a hurry, and immediately jumped down, and disappeared after a few flashes.

“Ah, ok…”

Suzaku dazedly controlled the mecha, put his hands on a platform, and made Yuphy stand on it.

“Thank you, Suzaku.” Yu Fei smiled and thanked, but his eyes were fixed in the direction Xie Ming left, a little lost.

“You’re welcome, Yuffi.”

Seeing Yu Fei’s expression, even though she felt very painful, Suzaku still smiled forcefully.

At this time, the people had already surrounded Ganymede, and the host of the TV station raised the microphone: “Your Royal Highness Euphemia, we are Hi TV, please accept our interview!”

“…Can this video be fully broadcast to District 11?”

Yuffi, who hid the loss in her heart and made up her mind silently, asked the host.

“Huh? Is it a live broadcast?” the host was taken aback and asked.


Yuffi nodded: “I have something very important to publish.”

“Just a moment please.”

The host looked at the cameraman, then picked up the headset and contacted the person in charge. Within a minute, he came to a conclusion: “Yes, Your Highness Euphemia. Please start.”

“…Brother Ming, I will work hard.”

Taking a deep breath, Yu Fei relieved his nervousness, and then looked at the people.

“I am the Holy British Empire, Deputy Governor of District 11, Euphemia. Today, I have something to tell you!”

“I, Euphemia Li Britannia, will establish a special administrative zone around Mount Fuji, Japan!”


As soon as he said this, Xie Ming, who had already merged with Lelouch, suddenly froze. He glanced at Lelouch and found that the other’s face also became extremely ugly.

This trick is a draw from the bottom of the pot! The draw is naturally the salary of the Black Knights.

“In this administrative special zone of Japan, people in District 11 will be able to get back the name of Japanese! The restrictions on people in District 11 and the privileges of Britons will be abolished in the special zone. Whether it is a British or a Japanese, there will be All exist as equals!”

“Can you hear it? ZERO, Joker! Everyone in the Black Knights!”

Yu Fei said sincerely: “I won’t reveal you, and the faces under your mask! So, please join this special zone Japan and build with me!”

“Come with me and create a new future in Britain!”

“His Royal Highness Euphemia!!!”

In the school, all the people in District 11 who came to visit all cheered Yuffi’s name in unison. However, there were only a few people whose faces were extremely stiff.

“…Oh, this is really a big surprise.”

With a wry smile, Xie Mingqiang laughed.

“Yeah…it really surprised me…”

Lelouch said with trembling hands, gritted teeth.

Anyway, because of Euphy’s declaration, Britain is about to usher in new turmoil.

Unprecedented, turbulent.

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