Chapter 488 Special Zone Japan Establishment Ceremony

This is a very beautiful idea in the administrative special zone of Japan. However, because of its beauty, reality cannot bear its existence.

Especially, a country like Britain where the weak eats the strong. Even if the administrative region is truly realized, for the British nobles, the people in the 11th district will still be the people in the 11th district after all, and the difference and discrimination will not change because of this.

After all, this is the equality and dignity brought about by others’ charity. Besides, can you really believe what the Britons say?

Of course, for ordinary people in District 11, they would not consider so much. Their idea is very simple. Euphemia is a royal family and a vice-governor. There is no need to deceive them. And there is also an example of Suzaku, so why not believe it?

Without fighting, they can live a life of equality, freedom, and dignity as before. What about the Black Knights, there is no need for it anymore, right?

Yes, this is the biggest problem. The establishment of the administrative special zone Japan will make the Black Knights even disappear.

If you join, the armed forces will be disarmed and everyone in the Black Knights will be slaughtered. At that time, even resistance could not be resisted.

And if you don’t join, the Black Knights will lose the banner of righteousness. Become a real terrorist who destroys the peace. It will lose the support of the people and the six schools in Kyoto at the same time. Even within the organization, there will be chaos.

In fact, because of Yuffi’s declaration, all the bureaucrats in the 11 District Administrative Office and the six Kyoto offices were left behind by Coneglia’s confidants to assist Yuffi, General Dalton, and Schneider. The subordinates, General Batlle, who had previously assisted Clovis, cleaned up in one fell swoop.

For General Batlle, cleaning up these parasitic pests around Clovis was regarded as his compensation to Clovis. In this way, he would be able to serve the new lord Xiu Nazer with all his heart.

The six Kyoto companies were also personally approached by General Dalton, and the conditions were put forward: the six Kyoto companies can join the administrative special zone of Japan, and they will not be blamed for what they have done before. However, they must immediately stop their assistance to the Black Knights.

The logistic supplies of the Black Knights have been cut off. Who could have imagined that the Black Knights, which has been causing headaches in District 11 for a long time, had been quite influential in Britain, simply being called the ‘Vase Vice-Governor’ to be easily put to a ruin?

So far, there have been more than 200,000 applicants for Japan to join the SAR, and the number is still increasing. More importantly, even within the Black Knights, some people left the organization and ran to join.

After all, there is no risk, and a Tenten head is hung on the waistband. One is an orthodox royal princess, and the other is two suspicious masked men who do not reveal their appearance.


Xie Ming thinks about it and thinks he will join the Special Administrative Region Japan.

So, what should the two masked men do?


On the day of the establishment of the administrative zone, at the foot of Mount Fuji, it was specially built for this purpose. Nearly 10,000 Japanese were already sitting in the commemoration venue for the establishment of the administrative zone in Japan.

At the same time, there are still many Japanese who have not entered, watching the inauguration ceremony closely through the big screen.

After all, the dream of peace and equality is coming.

However, ZERO and Joker have not yet appeared.

Everyone believes that they cannot appear. Because it appears, it means that they have admitted their failure.

However, Xie Ming likes to say NO to those who are self-righteous.

So, driven by CC and Xie Ming, Lelouch stood outside, and Gao Wen slowly floated into the memorial hall transformed from the stadium.

Seeing Gawain’s appearance, Yu Fei clearly showed a happy smile: “You are here~”

“Admit that you failed? ZERO, Joker.”

“What do you want to do…”

Taizo Kirahara, who was invited to participate in this ceremony, looked at Gao Wen complicatedly: “Your identities, I am going to bring them into the grave together. If the true identity of ZERO and Joker is the prince and knight of Britain, it is revealed. , Everything is over. It will be considered a farce between the British royal family, and even the administrative district will disappear.”

Seeing Gawain floating above the high platform, Yuffi stood up and spread his arms: “Welcome, ZERO, Joker! Welcome to this administrative special zone Japan!”

“Eufemia Li Britannia.” Lelouch said lightly: “After we got down, Joker and I have something to tell you.”

“And me?”

“Yes. The two of us talk to you alone.”

“Then, let’s go to G1 (British Land Warship) and talk together.”

Leaving CC on standby in Gaowen, Xie Ming and Lu Luxiu obediently asked the security officer to check the body with a scanner. After confirming that they were not holding dangerous weapons, the guards let them go.

“Your Royal Highness Euphemia…” Suzaku said worriedly: “Sure enough, it is too dangerous for you to get along with them alone. Supreme, please take me.”

“It’s okay, Suzaku.”

Yu Fei smiled and said, “Please believe my decision.”

“…Yes, your Higness.”

Entering G1, Lelouch controls the operation panel to stop all the functions of G1.

“Really be careful, obviously all the cameras have been turned off…” Yu Fei said helplessly.

“…Sure enough, you already know our true identity, Euphemia.”

Lulu Xiu turned around and said calmly.

“Of course, Lelouch, Brother Ming.”

“May I ask, where was it exposed?”

Xie Ming took off the mask and said with a wry smile.

“Where else can it be? The hotel hijacking incident.” Also taking off the mask, Lelouch flipped through Byakugan: “With that kind of physical fitness, the whole world can’t find a second person.”

“Tsk, I also think that the Joker image I created specifically is already very good.”

Sucked his lips, Xie Ming was a little helpless.

“Ha ha ha, no matter how Ming brother pretends, I will recognize it.” Yu Fei covered her mouth and chuckled lightly.

“That’s what she said, Brother Xie Ming.”

Lu Luxiu looked at Xie Ming teasingly.


How else can Xie Ming answer, he can only “oh”.

“Then Lelouch, Brother Ming, if you come here, you agree to support my decision, right?”

“…Lelouch, come on.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Ming stepped aside and leaned against the wall.

“Eufemia, do you understand? From the above unilaterally imposing ideas on others, this behavior is no different from Clovis.”

Lelouch took out a pistol: “This is a puncture gun made of pure ceramic. With this, even the detector can’t detect it.”

“No, Lelouch, Brother Ming. I believe you, you will never shoot.”

Yuffi said softly.

“Yes, we will not shoot you. It will be you who will shoot, Euphemia Li Britannia!”

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