Chapter 495

In fact, even if the Black Knights did not act, Li Xingke and others would find a way to disrupt the marriage, and even wanted to start the revolutionary plan ahead of time. The eunuchs wanted to use marriage and ceding the land in exchange for the titles of themselves and others in Britain. How can they accept this kind of traitorous behavior? !

However, when a revolution is launched at this time, Britain will intervene in the Chinese Federation by proper means. It’s not that easy to lead the wolf into the room, and then to expel it out. So, whether to launch a revolution to protect the emperor, or to form an alliance for peace.

The reason why I tried my best to send two invitations to ZERO and Joker is probably because of the idea of ​​using a dead horse as a living horse doctor. After all, no matter how bad the situation is, it will be better than it is now.

At the dinner, with the voice of the reporter, Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu slowly walked into the crowd. It can be seen that all the nobles who came to participate were frightened by the arrival of the two of them.

Similarly, Xie Ming and Lu Luxiu also saw familiar faces. Schneizel, Nina, Miley, Lloyd, Sehir, and Odysseus sitting on the main seat and the timid emperor. There are also two directly belonging to the emperor, the empire’s strongest 12 riders, and the Knights of the Round Table exist.

A tall blond man with a hearty smile and a petite, expressionless girl with pink hair,

Asked why Xie Ming knew? I must have seen it before. The first knight who often met Mariana, Bismarck wore a cloak of a different color from them. Although I was a little surprised that these two round tables were so young, it’s not too surprising to think about it.

After all, the British Empire advocates the law of the weak and the strong, so there will be no phenomenon of old people relying on the old and selling the old to stay in their position. The two must be a real round table.

While Xie Ming was thinking about this, he and Lulu Xiu were surrounded by guards with long spears.

“Hey, the Chinese Federation, as a country of etiquette, actually does such rude things to visitors. It seems that we can’t let a group of eunuchs be in power~”

Xie Ming put his hands in Kabuto and mocked: “And, do you think you can catch us with these goods?”


A short eunuch screamed: “You rude! Don’t look at the occasion!!?”

“My politeness exists only for people who are worthy of respect. A group of trash that is neither male nor female is not worth my salute.”

“Damn it!!!”

As an eunuch, he would be distorted in his heart due to physical defects. Now that Xie Ming ridiculed loudly on such occasions, how could they bear it?

“Fuck me!! Kill them!!! No! Get Joker, I will put him to death!”

“Garbage is always garbage.”

Seeing the spears pierced from all around, Xie Ming mocked again, and instantly turned into an afterimage. The next moment, all the spears were folded in half. Xie Ming had already arrived in front of the eunuch and grabbed his neck.

“Look, your fate is already in my hands. Master is in my hands. Quickly, use your usual method, beg me for mercy? Cede me the land?”

“Please stop, Joker.”

Schneizer stepped forward and said lightly: “Today is the time for the two countries to rejoice. Please don’t cause unnecessary killings.”

“who do you think You Are?”


The neck of the eunuch was instantly broken.


Everyone was shocked. Obviously a life died in front of them, but they did not respond. Because no one had expected that Joker actually dared to kill a member of the eunuch group in such a place.

How can this be called a terrorist? This is obviously a lawless madman!

“…Sure enough, he has always brought surprises to people.”

Nina and Mi Lei, who had been rescued by Xie Ming, laughed bitterly instead. At the beginning, this person appeared in front of them like this, scaring everyone into speechlessness. Being bold and unscrupulous, it fits the name of Joker.

“His Royal Highness Schneizer, please step back!”

The two knights of the round table ran to Schneider and looked at Xie Ming solemnly. With the skill he just showed, if he really wants to kill him, no one on the scene can stop him.

“Please rest assured.”

Lelouch said at this moment: “We came today to invite the Lord of Heaven to chat with us about life, and after a chat, about the future of this country. So, can I satisfy my wish?”

“Of course, it’s useless if you don’t agree.”

Xie Ming didn’t know when, he had stood by the emperor’s side and hugged him.

“I heard that Lord Tianzi’s wish is to go outside and see?”

“You… how do you know?”

“Secret.” Xie Ming chuckled, “But today, let me fulfill the adult’s wish. After all, it is too uncomfortable to marry such a 30-year-old strange uncle, isn’t it?”


The petite girl with silver hair and red eyes looked at Xie Ming’s mask with a very strange look, unbelievably not feeling any fear.

“His Majesty!”

“Where are the guards!? Come here soon!!”

“Remember not to shoot!! It will hurt the nobles from Britain!!!”

The eunuchs suddenly became a mess.

Seeing Xie Ming’s success, Lelouch pressed the button in his hand. The next moment, the ceiling of the dinner hall collapsed, and Gao Wen slowly landed.

“Then we will leave first.”

Holding the emperor, Xie Ming jumped into Gao Wen’s cockpit several times, and Lu Lu Xiu was also protected by Gao Wen’s hands. The two were so rampant, robbing their emperor in the capital of the Chinese Federation.

It can also be seen how corrupt and incompetent the army is under the control of these eunuchs. Of course, the most important point is that capable soldiers, such as Li Xingke, did not expect such a result at all.

Sometimes, if you think too much, you forget the simplest things. Strategy and tactics exist to make up for the lack of strength. But if the difference in strength is too great, then no matter how many tactics and strategies are used, it will have no effect.

Xie Ming’s existence is to break the conjecture and common sense of these people.

So, they succeeded.

However, this is just the beginning. The next plan requires the cooperation of the eunuchs. In terms of tactics and strategy, Xie Ming is not as good as Lelouch. But when it comes to controlling and understanding people’s minds, Lelouch is still far away.

Lelouch relied on Geass to control people’s actions, while Xie Ming was able to predict the orders that the eunuch would give through his understanding of people’s hearts.

According to Xie Ming’s understanding of these eunuchs, they would not have to work hard because of the eunuch as a puppet.

However, the appearance still needs to be done. Therefore, they will definitely take the opportunity to send some thorns to hunt down the Black Knights. Therefore, if the plan is to continue, it must first escape the pursuit.

Among those who are chasing and killing, there must be a man who has been filled with the last piece of the puzzle by Xie Ming and has become the real arrogant man of the world.

Qi Lin’er-Li Xing carved.

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