Chapter 496

Although it only took a few months of precipitation, it was enough for Lakshata to fully understand the technology gained from Gawain. Therefore, a huge naval, land, and air warship, the base camp of the Black Knights, Madara Dove was created.

It is submersible and can fly. It is equipped with a strong particle cannon that was removed from Gawain and strengthened, as well as a 75mm artillery and wire-guided missiles. In terms of defense, a radiation shield is used, which can be said to be a warship designed and manufactured by Lakshata with all its strength.

But because of this, Gawain’s offensive power is not as strong as before. The strong particle cannons on the shoulders are replaced by radiation waves, which can spread defenses, and can also be condensed into long-range attack weapons.

The Druid system was also copied and became an accessory of Lelouch’s new body. The Gao Wen captured by Xie Ming has completely become an assembled body. But because of this, Knightmare, the next generation of the Black Knights, can be successfully developed.

Of course, without Xie Ming’s consent, no one would move his body. But Gao Wen’s design philosophy and fighting style are really not the type that Xie Ming likes. There are too few artillery ports to be equipped with melee weapons, so the Druid system can enter Xie Ming’s eyes. The system can be copied and copied to other units, so Xie Ming didn’t really miss Gao Wen’s unit.

It’s just that after this series of operations, the performance of Gawain’s body is deteriorating, but that is from 20% to 15%. In fact, in Xie Ming’s eyes, there is not much change.

As long as he is not allowed to drive that damned robber anymore, everything is easy to say. Xie Ming is a man who knows how to be satisfied, and he feels a little embarrassed to be satisfied with Lakshata. Originally, she wanted to give Xie Ming another machine developed at the same time as the Red Lotus Type II. After inquiring, the Indian Military District told her that the machine had been given to someone else.

This time, it was very embarrassing. Lelouch’s body has been manufactured, and Karen’s Red Lotus Form II has also been upgraded. The bodies of Fujitang and the Four Sacred Swords have also been improved to a certain extent, but Xie Ming alone is still driving Gao Wen.

Some members who thought about it all felt that Xie Ming had offended Lakshata. At any rate, he was also one of the two leaders of the Black Knights. Even people with mediocre driving skills like ZERO had a dedicated machine, but Joker alone was the only one who did it. Driving Gawain.

Is it possible that you want him to capture another British machine back?

The reason why I have said so much, there is only one purpose, and that is for the number of words….. ahem, just kidding, because after the emperor invited (kidnapped) back, the three of them returned to the Madara Dove, black The knights kept a vigilant queue and began to move to the predetermined location.

“ZERO, Joker, the Indian army has arrived at the predetermined position, we only need to join them now.” Shan reported.

“Well, but the way back may not be so smooth.” Xie Ming muttered while looking ahead.



The girl sitting in the radar observation position of Madara Dove hurriedly reported: “Enemy attack! The Knightmare troops ahead are being destroyed!”

“Stop advancing! The whole army immediately stopped advancing!!” Fan shouted loudly.

“…According to the truth, even if the enemy comes to chase, it should be one hour later. Now being attacked means that we have seen our plan through?” Lelouch muttered to himself.

“I’m going to drive Gaowen to meet, and there is only one enemy.” Xie Ming turned and took the elevator into Gnaku.


Originally lying on the bridge sofa, Lakshata, who had nothing to do, saw the machine magnified on the big screen, and was taken aback.

The head resembles the facial makeup of Peking opera, and the appearance is very similar to the Taoist robe, and the back is loaded with the unique flying wings of the Black Knights.

“No traffic on this road, ZERO, Joker!”

The rope thrown from the wrist lightly defeated the vanguard of the Black Knights and repelled Chiba, one of the Four Sacred Swords. Li Xingke slowly controlled the body to float forward, and said lightly.

“If you return the emperor to us now, you can still spare your life.”

“Oh, after the disease is cured, I feel confident enough, Xingke.”

From the Madara Dove, Xie Ming controlled Gao Wen to fly out, and the five fingers of his left hand shot a volley, but he was quickly avoided by Xing Ke.

“Joker? Although thank you very much for curing my illness, this is not the reason for my retreat!”

Flicking flexibly in the air, drew out the long sword behind him, and Xing Ke quickly approached Gawain. You must know that what Gawain’s huge body brings is the disadvantage of hand-to-hand combat. Even if Xie Ming, the melee master, was controlling it, it was difficult to make up for it.

“Want to get close?”

The left shoulder opened, and the radiation wave spread instantly, pushing the star carving back. Immediately after the right shoulder opened, energy began to condense.

“As expected of Joker, but!”

The joystick was stretched in an instant, the chest of Star Engraved’s body was opened, and countless electric particles began to condense.

“Heavenly Overlord Charged Particle Cannon!”

The orange-yellow beam and the dark red radiation wave collided in the air, and the two were evenly matched.

“What the hell is going on with that machine?”

Among Madara Dove, Lelouch asked: “Why can its output be comparable to Gao Wen!?”

“Well, it’s the body we plan to use for Joker after all.”

Lakshata slammed his pipe reluctantly: “XT-409, Shenhu. A body with a completely different design concept from other bodies.”

“Then why did it fall into the hands of the enemy!?”

Lelouch hammered the table angrily and asked.

“It means that the Indian Military Region is not an iron plate either.” Diharut smiled bitterly.

“The smelly old man of Damn it…” Obviously, this incident also made Lakshata very unpleasant.

“Are there any weaknesses?”

It was also the first time they saw the body and the driver who could stand up with Xie Ming for so long, and they were obviously a little flustered.

“In addition to the absence of radiation fluctuations, it is the ultra-high performance of the body that causes no driver’s physical fitness to accept it.”

Lakshata looked at the scene of Gao Wen and Shenhu fighting with dignity: “I thought there should be no one other than Joker who can drive it. Kirin’er, well-deserved reputation.”

“Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot?”

Xie Ming couldn’t help but feel a headache when he looked at the agile and vicious god tiger playing with his wrists.

But despite this complaint, the control in his hands did not stop. Gawain’s huge body escaped the beating of the god tiger’s rope again and again, and gave it a volley of ten fingers after taking the time.

Similarly, Xingke encountered such a difficult enemy for the first time. Put yourself in it and think about it, if you drive such a huge machine, you must have been close by Shenhu.

“Joker, what a terrible man. But, Lord, I must take it back today!!


Once again, using the diffusive radiation fluctuations to shook the god tiger’s rope, Xie Ming glanced at the energy bar, and there was not much left.

At this time, countless shells appeared behind Gawain. The reinforcements of the Chinese Federation are here.

“There are the last two radiation wave cannons left. It seems that they have to kill again.”

Xie Ming, who was attacked by shells and gods, although his tone was very helpless, his eyes revealed excitement.

He was actually forced to do this by Li Xingke, and it was right to cure him!

“Joker, although victory is impossible, I still have to seize this opportunity to destroy you!”

Shenhu opened the armor on his chest again, and countless charged particles condensed again.

“Then, it depends on your abilities.”

Licking his lips, Xie Ming controlled Gao Wen and flew out, facing the shell.

“Heavenly Overlord Charged Particle Cannon, launch!!”

“Radiation Wave Cannon!!”

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