Chapter 497

The orange-yellow beam once again collided with the dark red radiation cannon, but this time, the power of the radiation cannon was obviously not as strong as last time. Gawain, who closed the levitation device, was pushed by Shenhu’s particle cannon and directly entered before the cannonball rain.

“It’s now!”

A gleam of cold light flashed in his eyes, and the radiation fluctuations and low output of Gawain’s right shoulder caused the propulsion to make the body just turn around, causing Shenhu’s electronic gun to shoot directly into the rain of bullets.

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

The huge blast generated by the bomb explosion blew Gaowen flying again, and Xie Ming tried his best to control the body, like a sailboat still driving in a storm. With the thrust of the blast, Gawain gained the first acceleration.

“Then the second acceleration!” Xie Ming showed a fierce glow in his eyes, pushing the propeller to its limit fiercely, and the levitation system was activated again, and the gigantic body of Gawain rushed straight at the god tiger at an unimaginable speed.

“Can’t escape!”

Outstanding combat literacy allows Li Xingke to quickly infer this fact, but at the same time he can also see that Gao Wen is already at the end of the battle and wants to break the boat. Moreover, this is indeed the most effective way to solve the current situation.

“As expected of Joker! If that’s the case, then come on!!!”

Li Xingke is also a warrior. Although a little out of date, there is still a smile on his face from fighting a powerful enemy. The rope mark of Shenhu’s wrists turned quickly, and at the same time it hurled at Gawain.

The rope was wrapped around Gawain’s arms, making him unable to control his arms and unable to open the muzzle on his shoulders. But this does not prevent Gao Wen from approaching at high speed.

“Tianshu Bawang Charged Particle Cannon!!!”

Shenhu’s breastplate was opening, and countless charged particles condensed again. Li Xingke said lightly, “Farewell, Joker.”

“Do you think you have a good chance of winning? Xingke.”

Gawain’s shoulders gradually turned red, and Xie Ming, who had been controlling the radiation wave energy, raised it to the maximum: “Do you think that the muzzle cannot be opened, and the radiation wave cannot be used?”


The armor covering the muzzle is fragile due to the radiation fluctuations that have been weakly turned on, so when Xie Ming suddenly emits radiation fluctuations at the maximum power, it will not explode.

Radiation fluctuated and exploded, so Xie Ming could really only drew his sword and ran away.

The diffuse radiation wave on the shoulders directly enveloped the god tiger at close range, causing it to enter a temporary paralysis. At this time, Gawain’s energy also announced that it had been consumed, and his head hit the muzzle directly on the chest of the god tiger.

Afterwards, the two machine bodies fell to the ground together, hurting both sides.

“Team 3, immediately reclaim Gawain and the enemy’s body and enter the Madara Dove!”

Seeing the end of the battle between the two men, Lelouch immediately ordered.

“ZERO, the enemy behind…”

“Don’t worry about them, fan, where is that place?”

“Reconnaissance and measurement are over.”

“very good.”

Lelouch waved his hand and said solemnly: “All the army! Retreat to the fourth predetermined location!”


The Eighty-Eight Mausoleum of the Emperor of Heaven is the place where the Chinese Federation buries and worships the emperor of the past dynasties. Lelouch, who is good at fighting with terrain, will naturally not miss such a natural fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

There are only two options to break through here. One is to directly level the towering mountains of the Eighty-Eight Mausoleum of the Emperor of Heaven, and the other is to make a positive breakthrough.

But don’t forget that the Madara Dove is loaded with enhanced strong particle cannons, and the frontal attack will only be for nothing.

Of course, this is only considered according to normal logic. And is the eunuch a normal person? That is a group of eunuchs who traitorously seek glory.

Above the land warships of the Chinese Federation, Avalon of Schneizer was floating. And don’t forget, there are two knights of the round table under Schneizel.

A blue-and-white body with an MVS double-headed sickle, and a dark red heavy-equipped body.

Li Xingke, who was imprisoned by Xie Ming in the same room as the Tianzi, could not help but exclaimed after seeing this scene on the screen: “It’s really stupid! Our Chinese Federation actually asks for help from other countries and Britain! And they really know Ah! Is there someone sitting on Walloon!?”

“That’s the man who won half an EU!”

On the bridge, Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu looked at this scene and couldn’t help laughing bitterly.

“Oh, the enemy is the two Knights of the Round Table plus the Chinese Federation army, but we don’t have any reinforcements… it’s a desperate situation.”

“That’s why it’s the best stage, isn’t it?”

Although Lelouch was in a cold sweat, there was a smile under the mask: “Di Harut, go to prepare the organ. Now, we must wait for the actors to arrive!”

“It doesn’t matter, we still have the emperor here! The other party dare not act lightly…”


Just trying to comfort everyone’s fan, the eunuch immediately slapped him in the face. The entire Madara Dove began to shake violently, this is the enemy’s bombing and shelling!

“how come…..”

The people on the bridge murmured to themselves.

“I plan to razing the Eighty-Eight Mausoleum of the Emperor of Heaven to the ground together with us.” Xie Ming said relaxedly.

“Is this the time to talk coldly!!?”

“All the airframes capable of flying attack and destroy the enemy’s air-burst troops as much as possible! Fujitang, Karen, you are in charge of a knight of the round table, don’t let them disrupt the situation!”

“Diharut, connect with the eunuch on a private channel. You know what to do.”

“Hey…. Are you going to surrender yourself? ZERO. But, it’s too late.”

On the screen, the eunuch who painted his face as white as a dead man mocked.

“Will you stop attacking anyway?” Lelouch asked coldly: “If this goes on, the emperor and Li Xingke will die too!”

“The emperor is just a system.”

“There are as many alternatives as you want.”

“As a transaction material, it has no value at all.”

“Furthermore, we have long wanted to eliminate factors like Li Xingke’s instability. We have to thank you for giving us this opportunity.”

The three eunuchs in the warship sang and smiled.

“Would you like us to offer something better than the titles of Britain?!”

“Hehe, it’s really ugly.” The eunuch smiled and covered his mouth with the back of his hand. “You can get the title of Britain at such a small price. What a bargain.”

“Ceding territory and signing unequal treaties are trivial things for you!?”

“Does it have anything to do with us?”

“That’s right.”

“We are the nobles of Britain.”

Even if he was prepared in his heart, Lelouch couldn’t help being irritated by the inferiority of these eunuchs: “What about the people who are left behind!!!”

“ZERO, do you care about the ants under your feet when you walk?”

“The used toilet paper should be thrown away. This is the same reason.”

“Betraying the country and seeking glory, discarding the lord, betraying the people, what can you get at the end of this road!?”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

The eunuchs laughed: “I’m really surprised, ZERO turned out to be such an idealist. There are as many things as group owners and people, just like bugs.”

“It’s really rotten to the bone! It’s already stinking!! A bureaucrat who doesn’t even know what benevolence and righteousness is!!!”

At this time, Xie Ming had slowly walked to the outer armor of Madara Dove and looked into the air.

“Dad, Yui has prepared a gift for 10 years, so I’m coming here soon.”

“Well, Dad will wait and see, Yui.”

Xie Ming said softly, looking at the bright light that was constantly magnified in the distance.

The conditions are ready, it is time to reverse the situation.

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