Chapter 498 Body Name: Infinite

“That is…Joker!!!”

Seeing the figure appearing on the outer deck of Madara Dove, the eunuch’s eyes were filled with incomparable resentment: “Kill him! Kill him!!! I want him to die!!!”

If the eunuchs in the Black Knights hate the existence most, Xie Ming, who mocks them in front of many people, is definitely ranked first. You know, eunuchs have lost the dignity of men, and the only thing they value is their own face.

Therefore, anyone who makes them lose their face will inevitably be hunted down endlessly by the eunuch group. If it falls into their hands, it must be impossible to survive or to die.

In addition, in order to satisfy their pervert desires, these eunuchs often arrested innocent people and children and became toys for themselves to play with. The things they have done are even worse than the inhabitants who hate the children of the curse in the pitch-black bullet.

In the pitch-black bullet, people did such a cruel and inhuman thing because they transferred the hatred of the primitive gut creatures to the children. Although Xie Ming despised them, he was not incomprehensible.

And what the eunuchs did was not to treat the people as adults at all, and just for their own whims of the day, they gave orders that were utterly conscience. This is no different from the noble bureaucrats in the Crimson Eye.

If the sky is incapable of punishing the evil, I will die in the darkness! Xie Ming will always be a member of Night Attack. So when Xie Ming knew what these eunuchs did, their lives had already entered the countdown.

But it seems that now, Xie Ming’s life is the first to enter the countdown. In the face of such intensive shelling, Xie Ming would definitely enter a state of dying if it hits. Of course, the premise for this false proposition to become a true proposition is that Xie Ming or others do nothing.

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

“do you died?”

“That Joker, just died like that?”

Both Schneizer and the eunuch stared at Madara Hato’s deck. Then the result disappointed them.

A black and gold machine with a skull mask on its head stood in front of Xie Ming.

“Brother Xie Ming, why are you running out suddenly?”

In Joker’s mask, Lelouch’s helpless voice came (in private chat, of course): “The plan has been disrupted.”

“But, my body is about to arrive.”

“Hey? Where did you come from, Brother Xie Ming?”

“Fell from the sky.”


Lelouch was stunned for a moment, and then he heard a communication from Madara Dove: “ZERO, be careful! The organism directly above is approaching at an unprecedented speed!!”


A body with black, blue and white as the main color, opened the six light blue metal wings behind it, and slowly stood in front of Lelouch’s body.

The armor is blue and white, outlined with red lines. The golden skeleton can be seen at the joints, and the wings spread out on the back give this machine a special sense of sacredness.

Unlike other Knightmare, the cockpit of the aircraft is located on the chest of the aircraft. There are two folding barrels on the back, two telescopic double-edged swords are also contained on the waist skirt, and two folding barrels below.

The body’s hands are holding two lightspeed rifles, and the forearms of both arms are equipped with energy shield generators. A scabbard covered with mysterious patterns hung on the waist on the left side.

Seeing this machine, whether it was Lakshata or Lloyd in Avalon, he stood up instantly, with a gleam in his eyes.

“This is… a unit with a completely different design concept from Knightmare. You can’t even call it Knightmare! Where did Joker get this unit!?”

The battlefield seems to have fallen into a brief armistice because of the intrusion of this machine. When Xie Ming saw this machine, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

“Yui, where did you know that I like this type of body like Liberty Gundam…”

“How can Yui not know what Dad likes?” Yui said mischievously in the heart call.

That’s right, this machine can be regarded as a modified version of Freedom Gundam that is reduced to about 8 meters. Of course, only the appearance looks like.

“What’s the name of this unit? Yui.”

After several jumps, Xie Ming entered the all-week cockpit of the body, and he couldn’t put it down.

“SAO-X00Y, Infinite Gundam (Infinite Gundam).”


Hearing this commemorative body model, Xie Ming smiled: “Then, let all the enemy aircraft present present a salute for the arrival of Infinite Gundam.”

“Xie Ming, Infinite Gundam, attack!”

Like an illusion, when Infinity Gundam took off, everyone seemed to have seen its metal wings release small light red particles, like a dream. Then the next moment, this machine, which was bigger than Gawain, came into the air.

“The Druid system is activated, and the whole gun is deployed.”

With the sound of metal collision, the two folding barrels on the back stretched out, resting on the shoulders of Infinite High, and the barrels on both sides of the waist also stretched out, and the beam rifles with both hands were slightly raised.

In the all-weekly cockpit, countless sight frames locked one enemy plane after another. Of course, the control of the Druid system is still done by Yui.

“For the birth of the king, present a salute!”

Xie Ming gently pressed the button on the joystick.


What is a barrage? Now this machine, which seemed so mysterious to everyone, really taught them.

The crimson radiation wave cannon fired from the double-shouldered barrel, the yellow magnetic rail cannon fired from the waist barrel, and the green beam fired from the beam rifle in the hand. Every shot is so fast, and every beam is so short. But in this short 10 seconds, the Sixth Gate barrel has been fired hundreds of times.

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

Except for the two Knights of the Round Table, relying on the body’s own shield and driving skills to hide in the past, the army of the Chinese Federation was almost completely wiped out.


Lloyd slapped his palms heavily on the railing, his eyes were full of madness: “What about energy!!? So many energy attacks are enough to consume the energy of three Gawain!! Why hasn’t that machine been exhausted yet? !!!!?”

“It’s… crazy…” Lakshata’s beloved pipe fell to the ground for some time, but she didn’t know. Because all her thoughts are on the machine Xie Ming drives.

“I really want to know its power, its system, its body structure, ah, ah, I really want to dismantle it!!!”

This is the thought in Lakshata’s mind. Of course, Xie Ming would not allow anyone to move this machine except Yui.

Looking at the two Knights of the Round Table in the distance, Xie Ming controlled the body, grasping the scabbard with one hand and the handle of the knife with the other. The six wings on the back were gathered together in a posture of drawing a sword.

“not good!!”

Lloyd roared in Avalon: “Ania, Keno, run away immediately!! That machine is definitely not something that any Knightmare can contend!!!”

“Damn it!!”

Keno, the blond man driving the blue and white body, showed a horrified smile: “How can such a monster exist…”

“Keno, evacuate.”

The pink-haired Ania tried to keep calm: “Ania, use the omni-directional energy shield, the queen.”

“How could you let Ania come…”

“Defense, defend quickly!!!”

Lloyd’s roar interrupted Keno’s words. At the next moment, he saw the demonic machine rushing over into a stream of light. The speed is beyond the reach of people and there is no time for him to react.

“Quickly, draw a knife and chop.”

The cold light that seemed to cut the sky flashed across the two bodies, the Infinite Gundam was already behind the two, slowly putting the long sword into the scabbard.



As soon as the long knife was fully inserted into the scabbard, a strong explosion sounded behind Xie Ming. With the firelight as the background, I believe everyone present will remember this picture forever.

Like a demon, one person rules the entire battlefield.

The Black Knights, Joker.

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