Chapter 603: Inherent Skills

After dinner, Xie Ming began to organize his harvest. The first is the allocation of data points.

With 60 bonus data points plus Rewrite’s 10 points, a total of 70 points are evenly distributed among five attributes of 165 points, raising it to 179 points. Then, use the inherent skills to draw the scrolls.

The so-called inherent skills are the active skills formed by the followers because of their deeds in front of them, or their own protection and abilities. The witch of the dragon like Black Jean is an inherent skill that only Black Jean can possess.

There are many others, such as Altria’s Intuition A (later upgraded to Glory Road), Gilgamesh’s Babylonian Treasury, and the Twelve Trials of Hercules, all of which are unique to them. Skills are closely related to their lives.

And this inherent skill extraction is to extract a previous experience from the user and turn it into all their inherent skills. Xie Ming wanted to use this scroll for CC. After all, she is a witch who has lived for a thousand years, and the inherent skills that can be extracted are definitely not too bad.

However, CC refused.

“My thousand years have basically been mediocrity, repeating death and resurrection, without any meaning.” CC said lightly: “Rather than let me use it, it’s better for you to use it yourself, isn’t it?”

“…….I see.”

Seeing CC’s expression, Xie Ming understood that persuasion was useless.

“Then, I will go out and add you some long-range attack methods later.”


CC nodded and smiled: “Use it, I would like to see what inherent skills you can extract.”

“…Yes, I’m also curious.”

A trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, as if he was thinking of all the past, Xie Ming slowly opened the scroll.

Suddenly, countless fragments of memory came to Xie Ming’s mind. The disguise before entering the main god space, the fetters formed in the world of Rewrite, the ghost of vengeance in the world of Sword Art Online, the guardian in the world of Wo Ying, the decisive battle in the world of Slashing the Red, against the children in the world of pitch-black bullets Our salvation, the severing of hatred in the world of Lelouch, and the battle with the water behind in the final forbidden world…

Countless fragments turned into a total of eight balls of light in Xie Ming’s mind, rotating around Xie Ming’s consciousness. It seems that Xie Ming himself, randomly select one.

“Really…. Unknowingly, I actually did so many things…”

With a sigh of emotion, Xie Ming gently stretched out his hand, held a ball of light in his hand, and said softly: “No matter what, it is an important experience that made up who I am now. Whether it’s good or bad, I will accept it.”

“This memory will become my strength, allowing me to be able to protect the people I value. So, show it.”


The ball of light held by Xie Ming slowly burst into a warm, soft light. In an instant, it filled the entire spiritual space, enclosing Xie Ming’s consciousness. In the personal space, Xie Ming opened his eyes.

“How?” CC asked curiously: “What kind of skill is it?”

Yui also blinked, waiting for Xie Ming’s answer.

“Yes…. The name of the inherent skill is: Star Guardian.”

Inherent Skill: Star Guardian (Ex): There was once such a young boy who did not bow to the destiny of destruction, and did not bow to the reality of separation and hostility from friends. He became a bond, connecting friends together again, protecting the future of the planet, the future of mankind.

Effect: When facing the enemy of the planet, all stats of the substitute are increased by 50%.

“This…” CC was a little puzzled: “What is it like to be considered an enemy of the planet?”

“Spirit family.” Xie Ming chuckled lightly: “This skill is really a good skill for me to prepare for the second-order advanced mission.”

The next mission world is the last world of Xie Ming’s second-order. And he will also step on the forefront of the confrontation between the main god space and the sprite clan in the advanced mission. This skill comes at the right time.

“The Sprite Clan…”

Obviously, CC also heard about the Sprites from Yui.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this.” Xie Ming said: “Now I have 1 million in my hand. Go and pick some medium and long-range weapons and protective equipment for you. After that, I will enter the swordsmanship. It’s in the tower.”

“do not want.”


“I said no, I’m tired.” After taking off his clothes, CC lay directly on the sofa holding the cheese-kun pillow, and turned on the TV with a few clicks in the void.

“What a wayward woman.”

Xie Ming gave a wry smile and could only give up. He patted her calf and motioned to give way. Then I sat on the sofa, took out the alchemist’s portable notes from the portable space, and read it.

“CC mother is really…” Yui shook her head dumbfounded, and sat next to Xie Ming, watching TV with CC.

“Xie Ming, I want to eat pizza.”

“Didn’t you just finished dinner?”

“Pizza is a snack.”

“Don’t speak nonsense for granted, what should I do if I teach Yui badly?”

“You didn’t teach Yui bad, how could I teach bad?”

“What about your face? CC, where is your face?”

Xie Ming stood up, squeezed CC’s face, and walked helplessly to the kitchen.

“CC Mom…” Yui said suspiciously: “I want my father to rest for a while, so just tell him no?”

“Yui, do you think your father is the kind of person who would agree to do it if others say it?”

“Uh…it should have been agreed, and then I should study alchemy or swordsmanship on my own.”

“That’s it?”

CC shrugged: “So Yui, sometimes it’s better to be self-willed. I believe Xie Ming is also very willing. You and him act coquettishly and cowardly. This waywardness and coquetry are actually the same for him. Kind of rest.”

“Um…” Yui said tangledly: “Sure enough, these emotions are still so difficult.”

“Slowly you will understand, as long as you keep in contact with others.”

“Okay, Mommy CC.”

Yui also lay down and watched TV together in the CC posture.

“Well, you still don’t want to learn it.” CC’s face became stiff, and he sat up in a jealous manner: “Lying down and watching TV is not good for your eyes, and you are not a lady.”

“Oh~” Yui nodded, and sat up, with a smile in her eyes. Then, it was caught by the sharp-eyed CC.

“Well you little guy!”

CC grabbed Yui instantly.

“Wow, dad help! CC mother is angry!!”

Yui jumped off the sofa and started running around the living room. CC was chasing behind him, suddenly jumping around.

Xie Ming, who was making pizza in the kitchen, shook his head helplessly while listening to the noise outside. But the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

Isn’t this home? Isn’t this happiness?

Whether it is Yui, CC, or Xie Ming, the smiles on their faces are the best proof of this word.

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