Chapter 604-Tower of Sword Technique

1 million, if it is replaced by the former Xie Ming, I really don’t know how to spend it. However, since CC pointed out the strengthening of such a sales channel for him, 1 million is really not enough.

First, I bought a lady magic pistol for CC, which cost 200,000 yuan. Then a necklace that can produce a 1000 durability shield cost 330,000, and there is still 470,000 left. After that, the demon knife village was strengthened to +10, which cost 440,000. (It failed once when it was strengthened to 10, but it didn’t drop the strengthening level.)

However, the +10 effect of the Demon Sword gave Xie Ming a little surprise, so the 440,000 is still worth a lot of money.

+10 Effect: Curse Blade (Passive): When attacking, there is a 30% chance to apply a physical curse effect to the enemy (can be removed) for 10 seconds.

The so-called physical curse is to make the substitute lose 2% of their physical strength every second. 10 seconds, that is, 20% of the physical strength, this is sometimes enough to determine the outcome of a battle. Especially when fighting against those MTs, the demon sword will directly become their nightmare.

There is also a +10 equipment enhancement scroll, Xie Ming did not waste it, and used it on Aegis. The two strengthening effects on the shield are not bad.

+5 Effect: Increases the energy recovery speed of the surrogate by 20%.

+10 Effect: The duration of the asylum is increased by 2 seconds.

The increase in energy recovery speed means that Xie Ming can fight more sustainably. As the shelter time increases, there is also more room for maneuverability, unlike when fighting with the water behind, it can only block a stick.

Now, the rewards are almost exhausted. Only the handy notes of the alchemist who needs time to study and the pass to the tower of swordsmanship are left.

The Tower of Swordsmanship is a high tower into which the Lord God will copy all the world’s swordsmanship Grandmaster and above, and then put it into it, with a total of 100 floors. As for the pass to this tower, only the substitutes who have entered the Grandmaster or above with sword skills can have the chance to obtain it from the mission world rewards. And the higher the level of swordsmanship, the higher the chance of obtaining it.

Of course, the tower of swordsmanship corresponds to the tower of swordsmanship, the tower of fighting, the tower of magic and so on. The passes for these towers are obtained in the same way as the tower of swordsmanship. And the role of the tower of swordsmanship is only one, actual combat! At each level, an opponent who is the most difficult for you will be arranged, and you must defeat him before you can go to the next level.

In this constant battle, improve your sword skills and make up for your shortcomings.

In the Tower of Swordsmanship, no equipment skills can be used, and there is not much difference in physical data. And the only thing that a substitute can use is the standard long knife issued by the Tower of Swordsmanship and everything related to the swordsmanship that he has trained.

Because it is an actual combat, the surrogate in the Tower of Swordsmanship will be killed. After being killed by the enemy, the surrogate will automatically return to the personal space, and will not be able to enter the tower of swordsmanship again within the same day.

You know, the surrogate can stay in the personal space for only seven days. Therefore, after going through the mission world once, you can only enter the tower of swordsmanship seven times. This kind of strict restriction still drove the surrogates who use the sword to rush, because the tower of swordsmanship is too great for the help of swordsmanship.

Think about it, in the case of only fighting swordsmanship, the opponent’s swordsmanship specifically restrains your swordsmanship. If such an opponent really encounters in a battle of life and death, it will definitely be cool. In the Tower of Swordsmanship, you can avoid this kind of thing in advance and know the weaknesses of your swordsmanship in advance.

Whether it is for actual combat or for the improvement of one’s own swordsmanship, there are huge benefits.

After greeted CC and Yui Yi, Xie Ming couldn’t wait to use the pass. In front of him, a light blue portal suddenly appeared, and inside the portal, a black one-hundred-story tower was standing there quietly.

Among the hundred-story tower of swordsmanship, the first to the 30th floors are the topmost existences in the grandmaster of swordsmanship. From the 31st floor to the 80th floor, there are figures at the level of master swordsmanship. From the 81st to the 95th floor, all are masters of swordsmanship.

And the last 96 to 99 floors are said to have reached the legendary swordsmanship realm, the infinite realm and the only realm of swordsmen. Xie Ming felt that there must be two people he knew among these four floors.

Why not say 100 layers? Because the 100th floor is reserved for the substitutes. As long as someone can pass the 99th floor, then he can become the 100th floor master, that is, the master of the entire Swordsman Tower. All the swordsmen in the Swordsman Tower will follow his orders to act.

It is a pity that no substitute has ever climbed the 100th floor. The current record is left by a fourth-order surrogate. The number of floors he reached is 95 floors.

In other words, even the fourth-order surrogate was stuck between the great master and the supreme realm. It can be seen how high the gold content of the tower of swordsmanship is.

“Really, it’s getting more and more exciting.”

Licking his lips, Xie Ming pushed open the door of the Tower of Swordsmanship. His goal is to hit 30 layers at a time.


After entering the Swordsmanship Tower again, all the equipment on Xie Ming’s body was automatically unloaded into the portable space, and all the skills that had nothing to do with Swordsmanship were also sealed. An extremely ordinary iron knife was hung around his waist.

Using his fingers to gently measure the width, thinness, sharpness, and length of the iron knife, Xie Ming silently remembered it in his heart. Then, he looked at the center of the stage on the first floor. There, a young girl was waiting for him quietly.

Wearing a green-collar and white background, a sailor suit stained with Bloodline, long lavender hair, long narrow eyes mixed with eagerness and excitement. With a proud figure and glamorous face, the iron knife in his hand that was the same as Xie Ming’s had already been out of its sheath.

“God, she is actually a master of the swordsmanship Grandmaster.”

Xie Ming had an urge to cover his face, which was really unexpected.

“Are you a challenger?” A flush of flush appeared on the girl’s face, as if she couldn’t wait. But a good tutor let her introduce herself first.

“My name is Dudao Kongzi, and it is a descendant of Dudao.”

Toxic Island Suiko, from the anime [Academy Revelation], is a third-year student in the high school where the protagonist is located. The head of the Kendo Department has the strength of being a champion of the Japanese national championship. To be honest, Xie Ming really didn’t expect this goddess-level figure to be his first opponent. It stands to reason that in a novice world like the academy apocalypse, people shouldn’t be strong enough.

But unexpectedly, this Poison Island-senpai could actually be copied by the Tower of Swordsmanship, and it seemed that she had completely accepted the state of her desire to kill. Really, the master is among the people.

But although Xie Ming knew him, and liked this girl very much. But since it is the enemy, there is only one way to go.

“…Xie Ming, create your own genre.” With a sigh, Xie Ming switched his state and said lightly.

“Create your own genre…. That means you have the realm of a master.”

A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of Dudao Kongzi, and he became more excited: “Then, let’s fight!”

“Hey, I also have a day when I kill my sister to prove the truth.”

Xie Ming sighed silently in his heart again: “I still kill the character I once liked, although it is a copy…”

“The main god space is simply frantic.”

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