Chapter 605: The 30th Floor: The Palace of the Heroic Spirits

The Grandmaster of Swordsman’s Swordsmanship does not appear to have any Hualihu Qiao’s swordsmanship. Capturing the opponent’s weakness and then winning with one blow is the essence of actual combat swordsmanship. Therefore, Xie Ming did not expend much effort to deal with the poison island Kongzi.

This is the gap in realm. When all the conditions are almost equal, the state and skill of swordsmanship are everything that determines the outcome.

Although, when the knife in his hand pierced the poison island Kongzi, the corner of Xie Ming’s eyes kept twitching. But then, he was deeply aware of the harshness of the tower of swordsmanship, or the harshness of the main god space.

The second layer: yellow hair, blue pupils, wearing a light blue sailor suit, holding a dripping hatchet in his hand, and wearing a white hat on his head. There was a terrible grin on the delicate face at this time.

When Higurashi cried, Ryugu Rina.

The third layer: black beautiful long hair, black sailor suit, proud figure, gently rubbing the kitchen knife with Bloodline in his hand. Not far away, a pot of boiling water was burning. There was no highlight in the girl’s pupils.

Day on campus, Gui Yanye.

The fourth layer: The long pink hair is combed into two braids behind him, and the pink pupils are full of crazy killing intent.

Future diary, my wife Yuno.


There are countless MMPs in Xie Ming’s heart that he wants to talk about, but he doesn’t know who is better to talk to. This TM is the tower of swordsmanship, this is specially for me to play! ? Hatchet, good boat and sick Jiao are all prepared, do you still have to achieve something for yourself?

And, are you sure that these three Blacken heroines are in the realm of Grandmaster Sword Skill? You TM treat both hatchets and kitchen knives as knives! ? Forget it, what is the one in my wife Yuno’s hands? ! It’s an axe, definitely an axe! ! ? This is the tower of swordsmanship, right? ! !

Although their combat effectiveness is not strong, it is terrifying, OK! ? The psychological shadow is about to come out, okay! ?

You know, even if Xie Ming’s strength is far stronger than these three heroines, when facing them, there is a sense of trembling, and it feels like they have the skills to attack men.

On the fifth floor, the opponents finally started to normalize. There are swordsmen from alien planets, and ninjas who can be resurrected once using ninja swords and prosthetic hands. I just don’t know why when he killed that ninja, a bloody dish appeared on his body.

The more you go to the back, the more pressure Xie Ming feels. Obviously it is the realm of the Grandmaster of Swordsmanship, but it can make Xie Ming feel the pressure, and the gold content of the Tower of Swordsmanship is immediately reflected. Just ignore the first four layers.

However, although I felt the pressure, it was still just pressure. But by the 26th floor, the opponent’s level has risen to the level of a half-step master. At this time, even Xie Ming had to raise his spirits and seriously confront the enemy.

Finally, Xie Ming arrived on the 30th floor. The guards here, although they are half-step masters, are more powerful than some master-level figures. Otherwise, it would not be possible to be arranged in such a key place as the 30th floor.

In the middle of the floor, a man with white hair and brown skin wearing a red coat was waiting quietly.

“…Are you not an Archer? Why is the state of swordsmanship the pinnacle of a half-step grandmaster!?” Xie Ming couldn’t help but spit when he saw the man.

“Know me… that would be easier.”

The man turned around, and a black and white Short Sword appeared in his hand. The black sword is named Ganjiang, and the white sword is named Moxie.

“What’s easy to do? It’s a foul for you to appear here, right?”

Xie Ming said dumbfoundedly: “Why can you use projection magic! Is it possible that as long as you project a knife, it is a skill related to the knife? Then can you still release the infinite sword system? Heroic Guards.”

Heroic Guardian Palace is the heroic existence of Fate Stay Night’s protagonist, Shiro Guardian, who prays for miracles in order to save 500 human beings in the future. It is the substitute for the restraining power of the Moon World, and the nameless heroic spirit.

There is such a kind of heroic spirit, their achievements in front of them are not enough to promote themselves to the existence of heroic spirits, but they have signed a contract with the root inhibitory force, so after death, they are incarnate as the inhibitory thugs and named: the guardian.

But their duty is to avoid the demise of mankind by killing mankind. And the Palace of Heroes is one of these guardians. He wants to be a partner of justice, and out of the desire to save, he incarnates as a hero, but what he does is constantly killing mankind.

Now, this hero is standing in front of Xie Ming, which can be said to be very tricky. Because Xie Ming can only use passive skills related to swordsmanship, while the Heroic Guardian can use projection magic to imitate sword-like treasures.

Moreover, the ability to use projection magic means that the Heroic Guardian can also use his ultimate trick, the infinite sword system of the inherent enchantment.

The so-called inherent enchantment is the magic in which the magician in the moon world realizes his “psychic landscape”, and it is also called the magic that is closest to magic. Once the inherent barrier is activated, it will change the surrounding space and pull the enemy into the world of your own mind together with you.

In this mental world, the surgeon will be able to control the enchantment to attack the enemy. To describe it as a card in Yu-Gi-Oh, it’s field magic.

The inherent barrier of the Palace of Heroes, called Unlimited Blade Works (Unlimited Blade Works), is a mental world that gathers all the elements of swords. In the inherent enchantment, he can project all the weapons he has seen, but the strength will be one level lower than the original. The weapons he copied will also appear in the enchantment and can be projected with projection magic.

For a certain heroic spirit, this is an inherent barrier like a natural enemy. But for Xie Ming, it was just a little troublesome. Seems to understand this, the Heroic Guards also said so.

“I won’t use Infinite Sword System, because this thing doesn’t actually play a big role for other people except for dealing with the golden glitter, let alone you who have entered the realm of the master.”

Xie Ming listened to this. This guy is very bad, if he hadn’t read the original, he would really believe it. It doesn’t work for other people. Could you please tell me how you killed Hercules six times?

“Forget it, the ship will go straight to the end of the bridge.” Xie Ming gave up the entanglement. There are too many things that can make him complain about the 30-story tower of swordsmanship.

“Then, let’s fight!”

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Xie Ming rushed up with his toes, and the iron knife around his waist came out of its sheath.

“Huh, I was seen through. As expected, rhetoric doesn’t work for this kind of enemy.”

Such a thought flashed in his mind, and the Palace of Heroes also waved the black and white swords in his hands, welcoming Xie Ming.

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