Chapter 606 Unlimited Sword System

“Qiang! Qiang!”

The black and white double knives were like dancing butterflies, spinning around the body of the Palace of Heroes, blocking Xie Ming’s swift and fierce slashing again and again. With the reaction speed brought by Xinyan (True) and his own rich combat experience, Wei Gong could hold on under Xie Ming’s hands.

Here, let me talk about the difference between Xinyan (false) and Xinyan (true). Mind eyes (pseudo) rely on innate feeling and sixth sense to avoid danger or attack. The mind and eyes (true) are the insights cultivated through practice and exercise.

One is born, the other is exercised. One is used to avoid danger, and the other is used to find the other party’s flaws. The latter is owned by the Heroic Guardian Palace.

However, Xie Ming is a master of swordsmanship with both. The Minyan (pseudo) gained from advancing to the Grandmaster realm in actual combat, the Minyan (true) trained when he was promoted to the Grandmaster of Swordsmanship, and the combat intuition (primary) upgraded from Minyan (pseudo).

Therefore, as far as the Heroic Guardian is concerned, his current situation is precarious. If you are not careful, you will lose immediately. However, this will not work anymore, and we must take the initiative. Only by taking the initiative can we seize the opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

“[Mind, as solid as a rock]”

The Heroic Guards suddenly threw out the master Moxie in his hand, and Short Sword turned into two rotating arcs in the air, slashing towards Xie Ming from two directions.


With a cross cut, Xie Ming pushed away the two Short Swords and rushed towards the enemy.

“[Power, Shake the Mountain]”

A pair of dry generals Mo Xie was projected again. Under the mutual attraction of this pair of dry generals Mo Xie, the first pair of dry generals Mo Xie picked up by Xie Ming rotated like a boomerang, and four knives attacked at the same time from four angles. Xie Ming.

“[Sword Fighting, Breaking the Water River]”

“Oh, interesting.”

With a wary smile, Xie Ming stopped and took the iron knife back into the scabbard. Of course, it is impossible for the Heroic Guardian to stop his actions because of Xie Ming’s abnormal behavior.

“[Name, Megatron Skyrim]”

In the end, the third pair of generals, Mo Xie, was thrown, and the Heroic Spirit Palace rushed towards Xie Ming, and his left and right hands simultaneously slashed at the flaws in Xie Ming’s left and right captured by Xinyan (True).

“[We, don’t share the sky]”

This is, a total of three pairs, six Short Swords, at the same time and from different angles, captured six flaws in Xie Ming’s body. This is one of the unique skills of the Heroic Guardian Palace, named…

“Three Crane Wings!”

“Anonymous Knife Skill… Splitting Void!”

The iron knife suddenly ejected from the scabbard, forming an icy circular knife path around Xie Ming. In an instant, the six projected Gan Jiang Mo Xie were all shattered, and a long wound was cut on the chest of the Palace of Valor.


Without paying attention to the wound, the Heroic Spirit Palace quickly moved away, but at this time Xie Ming had already tapped his toes and rushed in again.

“Broken Phantasm!”


Six Short Swords that had been cut to pieces by Xie Ming exploded at the same time, and the flames surrounded Xie Ming. But the Heroic Guardian knew that this was just buying time. Although he didn’t hold any hope, he could only use the last hole card.

After all, that was the only possibility that he could defeat the enemy in front of him.

“I am the bone of my sword. (I am the bone of my sword.)”

“Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. (Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.)”

“I have created over a thousand blades.”

“Unknown to Death, (Unknown to Death,)”

“Nor known to Life. (Nor known to Life.)”

“Have withstood pain to create many weapons.”

“Yet, those hands will never hold anything. (However, all that is left is nothingness.)”

“So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works! (So as I pray, “Unlimited Blade Works!”)

With the end of the eight chanting, the space on the 30th floor of the Tower of Swordsmanship has changed, as if entering another world. In fact, the two entered into another world.

Formed by the mental image of the Heroic Guardian Palace, an inherent barrier!

The endless red wilderness is filled with tombs of no master swords everywhere. On the horizon, the flames kept beating. In the gloomy sky, several huge gears bite into each other and rotate slowly.

This is the mental scenery that belongs to the Palace of Heroes, and his “infinite sword system”!


Xie Ming used a knife to cut away the smoke and dust, looking a little embarrassed. There are many minor injuries on the body, but they are not enough to affect the battle. However, this hand from the Heroic Guards also made him a little angry.

“I understand why people who have fought with you are angry…” Xie Ming said coldly: “You are not a swordsman at all, you are just a soldier who can do everything. So, you don’t care. Whether you use a knife or a bow, you can’t continue to ascend.”

“You are right.” The Palace of the Valiant also knows itself: “All I seek is to accomplish my purpose. Everything is just a tool for me to accomplish my purpose. And my goal now is to defeat you.”

“You can’t do it.”

Xie Ming made a slashing action: “Although your judgment is correct, the infinite sword system is the only skill that you can defeat me. However, I understand your moves, but you don’t understand my skill. Informative. Difference, coupled with the difference in the realm of swordsmanship, is the key to victory or defeat.”

“The ending, from the moment you and me fight, is already doomed.”

“How can you know this kind of thing if you don’t try it?”

Following the actions of the Heroic Guardian Palace, countless sword-like weapons inserted on the ground were lifted into the air at the same time, and the tip of the sword pointed at Xie Ming. In his hands, two extended versions of Ganjiang Moxie were once again projected.

“You can block six-sided attacks at the same time, but how do you block this endless attack from all directions?”

“I don’t need to stop them.” Xie Ming took a deep breath and said lightly: “I just need to let them not hit me.”

“Let’s see, Wei Gong. This is the first sword skill I created, a move evolved from drawing a sword.”

“Unlimited Slash Blade! (Unlimited Slash Blade)”

The dust on the red wilderness was flying, and Xie Ming’s body turned into a dark red streamer across the body of the Palace of Heroes. There was a deep wound on his arm.


The Heroic Guardian Palace hurriedly blocked Mo Xie in front of him, and countless sharp swords in the sky also instantly bombed the area around him.

However, it didn’t work.

The most exaggerated part of the infinite draw and slash is that as long as you have enough physical strength, as long as you control it, you can continue to accelerate. It turned Xie Ming’s whole person into a part of drawing a sword.

The bombed weapon would only be chopped in half by the sword beam that surrounded Xie Ming’s body. A sharp blade storm descended on this wilderness. The Palace of Heroes is at the center of this storm!

“Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Even if Mo Xie was blocked from the vital points of his body with the strengthened stem, the wounds on his body were getting more and more deep. The cracks on Ganjiang Moxie became more and more obvious.

“It’s over.”

The iron sword is completely out of its sheath, releasing all the kinetic energy accumulated in the sheath for a long time. The world, together with the Palace of Heroes, was cut open together.

The 30th floor, passed.

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