Chapter 610: The Destroyed Jian Tong Family

“Berserker? Xie Ming!?”

After the old man heard Xie Ming’s self-introduction, his brain was instantly filled with countless questions. No matter how he searches, he can’t find matching characters from various myths, legends, and history.

Moreover, his job agency is a berserker, why can he communicate with the master wisely? You know, the berserker’s basic job placement skills, but there are berserk skills in it.

Although there are a lot of unresolved questions, one thing is beyond doubt. Because of the appearance of this heroic spirit, it seems that he can control it behind his back to fight for this Holy Grail War? I won, I got the holy grail I dreamed of. If he lost, he also smoothly removed the obstacles, and can continue to artificially transform the girl who was passed on from the Tosaka family.

Thinking of this, the old man couldn’t help showing a kind smile at the girl. But no matter how you look at it, this smile is so creepy.

“Little Sakura, come, come to Grandpa. As long as you promise Grandpa, then Grandpa won’t throw you here again.”

It’s a pity that his wishful thinking is very good, but little Sakura can’t even believe a word. Nowadays, the only thing she can believe is this young man who has an inexplicable connection with herself.

So facing the old man’s cry, little Sakura’s body trembled, holding back his fear and ran behind Xie Ming, her little hand firmly grasped the hem of Xie Ming’s windbreaker.

“Don’t worry, master.” Xie Ming smiled gently, and gently stroked little Sakura’s head: “You will have nothing to do, I am here.”

Feeling the big hand on his head that gave him a sense of security, little Sakura nodded lightly, but still did not let go of his hands. In this regard, a trace of pity flashed in Xie Ming’s eyes, and when he raised his head to look at the old man, there was only a coldness deep in his bones in his eyes.

“Old man, you can go to death.”

Gently covering the little Sakura’s head with the windbreaker, the demon sword village Masaru turned into a cold light and popped out of the scabbard. In an instant, the old man’s body was cut in half. However, the body that had been divided into two halves suddenly turned into countless insects and once again combined into an old man.

“Toast and not eat fine wine.” The old man showed a disgusting smile on his face and lightly waved the wooden cane in his hand. In the dense worm pit in the basement, countless insects swarmed out. The scene and the sound of “sand” can make people with intensive phobias and insects faint instantly.

“It’s disgusting, I’m going to throw up.”

Even Xie Ming has some goose bumps in the face of this kind of scene. This is simply a person’s physiological reaction. When he thinks that if he is not summoned, little Sakura will be crawled all over by these bugs and get into his body, and his heart will be extremely angry.

“Anonymous Knife Skill…”

Just like Shinigami’s announcement before swinging down the sickle, Xie Ming said coldly about the new sword skills he created after experiencing the battle in the tower of sword skills.

“Huankong Flame Slash.”

Condensed to Ultimate, waves of killing intent like flames wrapped around the blade, scattered under Xie Ming’s swing. A circle of fire quickly spread around Xie Ming and the two, igniting everything that passed by.

Countless insects turned to ashes the moment they touched this ring of fire. After the ring of fire slowly disappeared, a layer of dust a few millimeters wide had been spread on the ground. The air was filled with the smell of charred barbecue.

Oh, the hell of the smell of barbecue, which makes me how to deal with barbecue in the future.

He couldn’t help but spit out his own thoughts, Xie Ming looked at the old man again blankly: “Is there any trick? Old man. If you don’t, you should die.”

“Damn it!!”

The old man cursed secretly, his body turned into countless insects and scattered around. After Xie Ming just showed his hands briefly, he understood that this was definitely not a third-rate follower he could deal with. Staying here will only waste bugs.

“Want to go? How could it be that easy.”

The blue rose was taken out of the portable space, and 6 bullets emitting high temperature quickly appeared in the runner.

“Boom boom!”


6 explosive fire bombs instantly hit various areas, and countless flames instantly exploded the entire basement. The worms scattered by the old man were naturally burnt to ashes instantly by the flame.

Protecting little Sakura, Xie Ming and the two slowly walked from the broken basement to the ground. Looking back at this gloomy ancient house, six explosive fire bombs appeared in the blue rose again, and they shot at various areas of the house.

“Boom boom boom!!!”

With three explosions, this ancient house was surrounded by monstrous flames in just a few seconds. Xie Ming picked up Sakura and walked out of this area without even looking. Within a few minutes, together with the courtyard, this courtyard was completely turned into a sea of ​​flames.

And in the front of the courtyard, the name tag with the word “Jiantong” was gradually eroded by the flames and burned out.


In a luxurious room, a man in a red suit, an old man and a young man in a priestly costume are listening to the results of the investigation of the dark ghost face underneath.

“Ma Tong’s house… was destroyed?”

Hearing the report of the ghost face man, the man stood up abruptly, and a glimmer of disbelief flashed in his eyes: “How could that old man from the Ma Tong family be so simple…” But immediately, he calmed down again.

“In other words, the Matsumoto family summoned a follower, but it was ruined by that follower…”

The old man dressed as a priest carried his hands on his back and said lightly: “However, it is also possible that the Matsuya family did this deliberately. The truth is impossible to know based on our guessing here.”

“Kiri, let Assassin continue to monitor.”

“Yes, father.”

The young man nodded, and the ghost-faced follower obeyed the order and left the room silently.

“At that hour, what are you going to do?” The old man looked at the man in the red suit and asked softly, “I need to use the supervisor’s rights…”

“No, Mr. Rizheng.” The man called Shichen said gracefully: “As long as they are participants in this Holy Grail War, they will definitely report to the Church. We only need to obtain information at that time. and……”

Shichen turned around and bowed slightly towards the blond and red-eyed youth who had already sat on the main seat at some unknown time: “With the existence of a king, we cannot lose in this Holy Grail War.”


The blond young man carried the red wine, laughed loudly, and looked at Shi Chen happily: “Shi Chen, although you are a bit too boring as a courtier, you are still worthy of praise for your trust in those you serve!”

“Yes, this Holy Grail War is nothing more than a group of thieves stealing things that the king has lost. This group of people who spy on the king’s treasure without permission will be punished by the king himself!”

“Yes, you are right.”

Shi Chen respectfully said: “All followers can’t be your opponent.”

“Hero King, Your Majesty Gilgamesh.”

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