Chapter 611

The Holy Grail War is a magic ritual in which seven magicians compete for the Holy Grail, which is known as the “omnipotent wishing machine”. In this magic ritual, the seven magicians selected by the Holy Grail will call out followers to serve themselves.

Approximately every sixty years, the underground spirit veins of Fuyuki City will accumulate enough to support the Holy Grail to come to the world, so the Holy Grail with the power that can be realized immediately no matter what kind of desire will appear in Fuyuki City. Some magicians with ambitions and desires will come to Fuyuki City and compete for the Holy Grail.

But in fact, the essence of the Holy Grail War is the huge ritual system constructed by the Einzbern family, the Tosaka family, and the Makiri family (Matsuki family) of the three major families in Fuyuki City in order to reach the “root”. And the heroic spirits summoned were just firewood to provide nourishment to the Holy Grail.

Of course, Alaya is not a fool, naturally it is impossible for his own thugs to be used as firewood by a group of humans. These summoned heroic spirits are all projections of heroic spirits on the heroic seat. Therefore, no matter what these projections are, they will not affect the hero’s body, and even the memory will not be left behind (except for a certain dumb king).

Today, Fuyuki City has ushered in the fourth Holy Grail War. Magicians with all kinds of thoughts, or ordinary people who are accidentally involved in villains, will be staged a life-and-death fight on this stage.

It’s just that these have nothing to do with Xie Ming for the time being. Because he was thinking about where he and little Sakura should live tonight, such an extremely realistic thing.

It doesn’t really matter where you sleep, even if you don’t sleep. But with a little Sakura, you can’t be so casual. You know, Sakura is just a 6 or 7-year-old girl, so many things have happened today, whether it is physically or mentally, she is already exhausted.

He was hugged by Xie Ming, his small head was little by little, and his eyes were dim, but his hands were still holding Xie Ming’s clothes and he refused to let go. She was afraid that Xie Ming would disappear once she let go.

For her, the only thing she can rely on in this world is really Xie Ming. If even Xie Ming disappears, then little Sakura will really disappear even the last hope.

Of course, Xie Ming also has the responsibility to take care of Sakura. This has nothing to do with whether she is her own master, but the responsibility to save a person. The so-called salvation is not only as simple as bringing people out of the cave. If you really want to save a person, you must take her heart and save it together.

“Oh, no way.”

With a sigh, Xie Ming Space moved to the top of a building, his pupils turned emerald green, and he began to search for the location of a big landlord in Winterwood City with the power of the purple magic pupil.

“Ah, I found it.”


In Fuyuki City, in addition to the three major families of magicians, there is also a big landlord-Fujimura Group.

As we all know, Japanese law allows the existence of gangs, and there are gangs controlling the back in almost every area. And Fuyuki City is ruled by a gang called the Fujimura Group.

And the leader of the Fujimura group, Raeihua Fujimura, was looking at the strange combination of Yoruichi Road entering his room with a headache. It stands to reason that he should be angry, but he can’t be angry. Because the young man in front of him brought him very important news.

“Get out, a bunch of trash. If the gun is really useful, you can still let him in here?”

With a wave of his hand, he drove away the dozens of subordinates who surrounded Xie Ming and Xiao Sakura. Lei Fujimura looked at Xie Ming fiercely: “What you just said, is it true?”


Xie Ming looked at the little Sakura who was sleeping soundly in the next cubicle, and said softly, “I believe you, Captain Fujimura, know to some extent that there is such a existence as a magician in this world. Einzbern, Tosaka You should also be aware of the fact that the three families of He Jiantong belong to the family of magicians.”

“Ah, I know. But didn’t these guys say they want to be mysterious, so they never show up?!”

Raihu Fujimura said impatiently: “Why can you say that Fuyuki City will become the battlefield for these guys next.”

“Of course, it’s because of my existence, Team Leader Fujimura.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “I am one of the servants of this group of magicians in the upcoming fighting ceremony of the Holy Grail War.”


“Otherwise, how do you think I came to you so easily, and still have the courage to bring a little girl?”

“…Tell me in detail.” After a moment of silence, Fujimura Leihua put away his bluffing aura and said lightly.

“Preparing to be so.”

Next, Xie Ming slowly explained the holy grail war to the gang boss. However, the explanation is basically the part that can be known to ordinary people. As for some more secret things, it is naturally impossible to let him know.

Lei Fujimura’s painting is not a fool, and he can naturally hear what Xie Ming has concealed. This not only didn’t arouse his anger, but thought that Xie Ming was a worthy partner. It’s not that he doesn’t know the virtues of the magician gang.

The less you know, the safer it is for him and for the Fujimura team. There is a way to die, that is, you know too much. This method of death is very popular among ordinary people who come into contact with magicians. He doesn’t want to die in this way.

“I probably know everything, then you servant, what do you want to do when you come to me in the middle of the night?”

“Yes…I want to make a deal with you, the Fujimura leader.”

Xie Ming smiled: “In the next Holy Grail War, I will inform the team leader Fujimura of the dangerous area of ​​the battle, and I can promise that if the team leader is attacked by a magician, I can help fight against it.”

“And what Team Leader Fujimura has to pay is to help me search for a person’s traces and provide a place for me and Sakura. After that, if I take the initiative to contact you, the team leader should not have any contact with us. Prevent being involved.”

“Huh, it sounds like a great deal.” Lei Fujimura sneered: “But according to what you just said, you can only live in the world during this time. Are you not afraid of me turning back?”

“Why say this kind of hurtful words, Team Leader Fujimura.” Xie Ming said dismissively: “If you were really that kind of person, my current methods of negotiation would not be so peaceful.”

“Hmph, if you weren’t already a dead person, I really want you to be my son-in-law.”

“Uh…” Speaking of Fujimura Okawa, the daughter of Lei Fujimura, Xie Ming couldn’t help but twitch at the corner of his mouth. That person, forget it. Although she is a beautiful girl with a kind heart, she is too off-line and too big.

“Then the person you want me to search for is just an ordinary person.”

“Well, that’s right.” Xie Ming said lightly: “That’s the serial murderer who has killed 42 people so far, Amamiya Ryunosuke.”

“…I won’t ask how you knew about this. After searching for this scum, shall we execute it directly, or?”

“I will do it.”

Xie Ming said coldly: “This kind of murderer, I don’t know why, luck will be particularly good.”

“I see.”

Fujimura Raihua stood up and said, “You and that little girl will rest in this room tonight. After breakfast tomorrow, I will give you the location of the house. That house will be yours from now on. ID card. What… Forget it, just do it for you by the way.”

“Then, thank you Team Leader Fujimura.”

“It’s just a transaction.” Leaving these words, Fujimura Rai painting left the room.

“Really a cold-hearted person.”

Xie Ming let out a chuckle, and also stood up, sat next to Little Sakura, and gently held her little hand. And little Sakura, who had been frowning, slowly relaxed after Xie Ming held her hand.

“Go to sleep, it won’t be long before you really get busy.”

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