Chapter 612

The next day, Xie Ming took Sakura’s hand and came to a house that he was very familiar with.

The kendo field, warehouses, Japanese-style houses, and small gardens. Isn’t this the house where Coyote and Shisi will live? But from today onwards, the surname of this house is Xie! but……

“In the future, Sakura will be a little lonely if I live here alone… The house is too big and it’s not good. Forget it, let’s find a way to untie the boy’s heart knot during this period of time. ”

“Little Sakura.”

When Xie Ming called to herself, little Sakura raised her head silently.

“From now on, this will be our home.”


“Yes, this is Little Sakura’s home, and it is also my home.” Xie Ming gently touched Little Sakura’s head, and said gently, “This is where we belong.”

“Me and…Xie Ming’s…home.”

“Yes, so no matter what happens, we will come back here.”

Xie Ming said something that made little Sakura somewhat understandable, and then smiled: “Let’s go in. After we go in, there are things that need to be told to you.”



After purchasing everything at home, Xie Ming began to talk to little Sakura about the Holy Grail War. Of course, talking to Sakura will be more detailed than talking to Rai Fujimura. Because little Sakura was once the second daughter of the Tosaka family, she still has some knowledge of magic and the Holy Grail War.

At least, she knew that the cold-blooded father who abandoned herself would participate in this Holy Grail War.

“Xie Ming, are you going to fight? With other servants…and Dad?”

“Ah, yes.”

Xie Ming smiled: “Even if I don’t go to fight, the enemy will come to the door actively, so fighting is inevitable. But don’t worry, I will return victorious. Because this is my home with Sakura. , Isn’t it?”

“…I see.” Little Sakura nodded, and agreed happily. Because Xie Ming was summoned, the magic power between the two began to communicate, so little Sakura’s original black hair and pupils gradually took on a little purple. I believe that after a while, the hair and pupils will completely change to purple.

However, Xie Ming is a bit puzzled. If his memory is correct, the time when Sakura was sent to Makura’s house by Tosaka Time should be the year before the Holy Grail War began. However, judging from the scene when he was first called out, it seems that the dirty inkstone of Ma Tong has just been preparing to transform the little Sakura.

Could it be possible that some hands and feet were moved during the two rituals?

These questions Xie Ming didn’t even think about it. Since it was a good thing, Xie Ming didn’t plan to go into it. If little Sakura’s body has been modified, then he will go to collect alchemy materials to repair little Sakura’s body. Now this way, it also saves him a lot of time.

Looking at the timetable, Xie Ming suggested: “Little Sakura, do you want to go shopping with me? Let’s make lunch together, how about?”

Upon hearing this, little Sakura showed a happy smile and trotted to Xie Ming’s side.


The Internet is a good thing, especially in the 1990s when it was not popular, only national government agencies and some large enterprises could use computers. And Xie Ming’s hacking technology, although not much in the following era, but in this era, can be said to be the well-deserved king of hackers.

Xie Ming remembers the first battle of the Fourth Holy Grail War as a demonstration battle at Tosaka Shichen. With Gilgamesh, he easily defeated the follower of Yanfeng Qili, one of the clones of Hassan.

Taking this opportunity, not only let other masters understand Gilgamesh’s force, but also smoothly transfer Yanfeng Qili to a dark place, and use Hassan of all appearances to continue to gather intelligence. But now, Tosaka Shichen’s plan may be interrupted.

Because of the Fujimura group, he found traces of the murderous rain and Ryunosuke. And according to witness information, there was a fish-eyed man who was dressed like a horrible wizard in the Middle Ages beside him.

If you talk about the relationship between the master and the follower, this is probably the best for the follower. Unfortunately, they are leaving tonight.

Xie Ming put on the black dragon mask and teleported out with the black dragon mask on the “idle dispersal” technique learned from the Devil’s Forbidden World near the house. After some distance from home, he instantly felt three or four kinds of sight peeping.

The envoy from the magician, and the surveillance of Hassan, the all-seeing. But it doesn’t matter. Under the cover of the black dragon mask, the Familiar can’t see through Xie Ming’s face at all. Soon, he came to the river bank.

The other party seemed to be walking and chatting. The orange-haired and purple-clothed youth was frantically confiding something to the fisheye beside him, and the fisheye was smiling on the front, looking at the young man’s eyes as if he saw a confidant.

According to the interpretation of the lips, they were discussing the method of the last person they killed today.


A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Xie Ming’s figure instantly came to the two of them, and the black scabbard was hung around his waist.


The young man with orange hair saw that someone interrupted him, his face flashed with impatience: “Hey, Uncle Bluebeard, how about we bring this ignorant guy home as the end of today?”

“…Master, I’m afraid this can’t be done.”

Fisheye was about to take something out of the wizard’s uniform, but a cold light flashed, and his right hand, which was about to take something, fell to the ground instantly.

“Maybe Joan can forgive your sins, because that stupid girl has compassion for anyone. But I, there is only one way to deal with scum like you.”

Xie Ming looked at the two faintly: “Go to hell and confess.”


With a roar, countless octopus tentacles suddenly appeared from the river bank, and they all attacked Xie Ming. With this opportunity, Fisheye didn’t even pick up his arm that fell on the ground, pulling the orange-haired young man and ran away.


The third skill of Demon is activated, Lv5 ability, vector control.

The moment the tentacles touched Xie Ming’s skin, the tentacles shattered together with the sea monsters at the bottom of the river. A bright red appeared on the surface of the river.

“Two murderers, just exit here.”

In front of him, a huge ball of light slowly condensed.

Lv5 ability, atomic collapse.

“Don’t even leave me scum.”


Under the control of Xie Ming’s pervert control ability, the power of atomic collapse has reached a new level. The huge ball of light launched a pure white light cannon, shattered the ground, and enveloped the fish eyes and the orange-haired youth at an extremely fast speed.

After a few seconds, the light cannon dissipated. Together with those who were wiped out in ashes, there were also fish-eyes and orange-haired youths.

Or, they should be called Gil De Lei and Yusheng Ryunosuke.

Leng Yu glanced at the surrounding surveillance, Xie Ming’s body disappeared on the river bank again. Let other magicians have no time to track down.

But anyway, one fact has not changed.

The Caster group, which was considered the toughest in this Holy Grail war, retired.

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