Chapter 613

Tosaka House, Tosaka Shichen and the three of them were looking at the image sent back by the ambassador with serious expressions.

In the picture, the black-haired masked man is raising his hands and throwing his feet, turning a slave and master into pieces. And from the beginning to the end, the eyes of the mask man did not have any fluctuations, and remained calm and cold.

“Time, this…” The elderly priest of the Templar Church was full of doubts and puzzles. This is a follower, no doubt. However, the abilities he showed were too mysterious, even if he rummaged through the ancient books, he couldn’t find a matching character.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Lizheng.”

The more at this time, the more elegant you must maintain, this is Tosaka’s habit. So he was holding red wine with a gentleman’s smile on his face, as if he was not worried about the servant at all.

“But, time…”

“The first thing we need to do is analysis.”

Tosaka Shichen put down the red wine, slowly came to the front of the screen, and tapped it lightly. The content on the screen quickly regressed and paused at the moment Xie Ming swung his knife to kill Gil De Reid.

“The decisive swing of the knife, whether it is speed, strength or determination, is at the top level.”

The screen was played again, and when the tentacles attacked Xie Ming, they were completely shattered by the shock.

“From the beginning to the end, this follower did not look at the attack on the river. In other words, he has absolute confidence that he can withstand Caster’s blow, but the integrity of his ability is still unknown to us. It is very possible that he used the effect of the treasure.”

Finally, the picture stopped to the huge light cannon that annihilated the two.

“If the previous ability to smash the tentacles has brought mystery to others, then this light cannon attack is just showing one’s own power. This is similar to the plan we plan to implement tomorrow night. It shows that this follower may Said that the master behind him is also a person with an excellent strategic level.”

“Moreover, there is the most crucial point.”

Speaking of this, Tosaka Shichen’s face is also a little dignified: “How did he find Caster’s whereabouts? You know, even we did not track Caster, but he was in this short period of time. The Master has arrived at Caster’s position.”

“Obviously this afternoon, Caster has just been called out.”

The room fell into a short silence. Tosaka Shichen saw that his warning had worked, nodded in satisfaction, and then continued.

“Neither reveals his identity, but also shows his own skills, the power of the follower, and the unknown means of intelligence collection. This master may become our strongest enemy in this Holy Grail war. As for the role of the follower Introduction, I have two speculations.”

“Saber, or maybe, a low-level madness skill, Berserker. But no matter what, he needs to pay attention. What do you think? King.”

“Huh, it’s just a bunch of bastards.”

Behind the three of them, Gilgamesh, wearing a black motorcycle uniform, sat on the main seat with his legs up, and said disdainfully.

“So, about tomorrow night’s plan…”

“Shi Chen, do you actually want me to be compared with this kind of bastard?!”

“No, you misunderstood, the great hero king.” Tosaka Shichen said respectfully: “I just think that this servant’s unscrupulous display of power has the meaning of provoking you. As the king of kings, you need to The people of the world show their strength and let everyone know that this is just a jumping clown.”


As if feeling a little boring about Tosaka Shichen’s performance, Gilgamesh waved his hand and spiritualized his body and disappeared into the room.

“At that hour, Qili and I will also go to get ready.”

“Well, trouble you. Mr. Rizheng.”

Watching the two priests leave, Tosaka Shichen felt that no one was around, and sighed slightly.

Although the servant whom he summoned is very strong, his personality… is not good.


All the masters who observed Xie Ming’s battle, the information analyzed was more or less similar to that analyzed by Tosaka Shichen. If Xie Ming knew, he would really laugh out loud, and then tell them that you are thinking too much.

The reason for wearing a face mask is to conceal one’s appearance. This is correct. But Xie Ming really didn’t think about showing power, wrists, and so on.

The reason for using Doumo’s third skill was that Xie Ming wanted to try this third skill. The effect is very satisfactory.

As for the collection of intelligence, this time it is really thanks to the Fujimura team. The eyeliner of this gang covers the entire Fuyuki City, and unless Caster and Yusheng Ryunosuke will never appear in front of people, it will be sooner or later that they will be discovered.

But magicians will never realize this.

First of all, one of the responsibilities of a magician is to remain mysterious. Because only mystery can maximize the effect of one’s surgery. Therefore, under normal circumstances, magicians will never come into contact with ordinary people.

Secondly, it is the arrogance of the magician. Magicians do not have the values ​​of ordinary people, they only have their own goals in their eyes. Everything is just props that can be used. And this kind of props called “ordinary people”, in their minds, only has the purpose of “making a living sacrifice”.

If you say that the magicians in the forbidden world are just wanton and reckless, they don’t care too much about the lives of ordinary people. Then the magician in the Moon World really treats the lives of ordinary people as nothing. If you can achieve your goals, even if tens of thousands of people die, what counts?

But this is actually the development trend of magicians in the moon world. People with normal three views were framed and killed by other magicians (except the protagonist). Those who are not normal in the Three Views but have no brains are also dead. So what is left is a magician who has abnormal three views but has a brain.

This type of person is also the type that Xie Ming hates most. If you see one, you will kill one.


On the second night, according to Tosaka Shichen’s plan, Gilgamesh showed his strength, Yanfeng Kirei and Hyakuma Hassan went into the dark. The power displayed by the Tosaka family made the magicians feel a little more jealous. However, it is just fear.

On the third day, a record appeared on Xie Ming’s computer. A lady with blond hair and blue eyes and a beautiful lady with white eyes and red eyes arrived in Japan.

“Xie Ming, what is this?”

Little Sakura sat next to Xie Ming obediently, watching the things on the computer curiously.

“Ah, this is a computer, and it will be the mainstream tool in the future.” Xie Ming hugged Sakura, reduced the data and opened a small game: “Look, you can also play Othello on this.”


Little Sakura’s eyes were full of curiosity: “Can I have fun?”

“Of course. Then decide the outcome, little Sakura. I won’t be merciful.”

“Yeah! I’ll do my best too!” Little Sakura said with some excitement, showing the child’s nature.

(Note: Computer windows in 1990 came with two games, Othello and Solitaire.)

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