Chapter 614

At night, without disturbing the sleeping little Sakura, Xie Ming put on the black dragon mask again and teleported away from home. You know, tonight is very lively, how could he not join in the fun.

Not long after he went out, he felt that two different breaths were facing each other at the dock in Winterwood City. No, it’s not so much breath, it’s better to say that the two followers didn’t conceal their magic power at all.

One kind of magic is clear, noble and incomparable sharp, the other kind is with indomitable momentum. But it seems that there is no fight yet.

“Sure enough, it’s still at the pier. Fortunately, I stepped on it a bit.”

Converging his breath, Xie Ming’s figure disappeared and appeared on the crane on the dock.

At the bottom right of him, the masters of the two magic powers are facing each other. One of them is a dignified and beautiful girl. The golden hair was curled up, and the dull hair was drifting in the wind. The dress with blue background and white border is covered with silver armor with blue lines, and silver armor is worn on the feet and hands. The two hands are imaginary, seemingly holding a weapon.

In Xie Ming’s eyes of Forbidden Demon, you can see the girl’s weapon entangled by the manic wind element, and the length and width of the hidden weapon.

The other man, dressed in a dark green combat uniform, held two guns, one red and one yellow, one long and one short. The most obvious is the mole under the corner of his right eye. This mole seems to no longer exude the charm of women all the time.

Of course, these two followers were not the only ones present. A beautiful woman with long silver hair shining like snow and scarlet pupils was looking at the enemy nervously.

Xie Ming naturally knew the identities of these three people.

Saber: Altria Pandoragon, King Arthur. Lancer: Dilumdo Audina, chief warrior of the Fiona Knights in Ireland. And, Saber’s acting master: Alice Phil von Einzbern, Little Holy Grail.

“The magic of charm?”

Looking at the enemy seriously, Altria asked lightly.


Hearing the other party’s question, Dilumudo waved the spear helplessly, showing a smile that didn’t know if it was a mockery or a self-deprecating smile: “Sorry, this is a curse that I am born with. Only this is the only thing I don’t care about. There is no way to solve it.”

“If you want to hate, hate my birth, or yourself as a woman.”

Facing the enemy’s ridicule, Altria remained unmoved: “You don’t think that with your face, you can make me show mercy, right? With a gun.”

“If that’s the case, it would be really disappointing. As expected of Saber, the level of magic power can’t be underestimated. But this is better.”

Di Lu Muduo said with a faint smile: “If I kill the girl who has become weak because of this face, it will make me faceless. The first enemy can have such a strength, I am really happy. ”

“Huh~?” Altria gave a wary smile: “You mean, do you want to decide the victory or defeat upright? It is also a blessing for me to meet such an upright heroic like you. .”

“Wow… I haven’t felt it before, but there was really a lot of nonsense before the fight.” Xie Ming tilted his head, looked at one of Hassan’s clones he had caught, and asked his opinion. : “You think so, right?”

“What do you… want?” Baimian Hassan’s clone asked hoarsely.

“Not very good, I didn’t plan to shoot you.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “Anyway, you want to check the situation, don’t you? I’m here to join in the fun too, let’s take a look. If you contact me more, you can get more information about me, right?”

“…I understand.” Obviously, the clone was instructed by his master. Obediently sat down not far from Xie Ming’s.

“Oh, it’s about to start.”

From the portable space, he took out a supper specially prepared for tonight, Xie Ming put it next to him, and threw a piece of meat into his mouth. Feeling Hassan’s sight, Xie Ming asked, “Do you want to eat too?”

“… not want.”

As you can imagine, under the mask of the clone, the corners of the mouth must be twitching. This is definitely Berserker, there is no need to run.

Underneath, Altria and Di Lumuto also ended their chattering, and the magic power radiated from their bodies became fierce. Alice Phil, who was next to him, became more and more nervous.

Altria, who attacked first, tapped her toes and quickly narrowed the distance between the two. Di Lu Muduo naturally couldn’t let her approach easily, and pierced the red spear, but was instantly picked off by the invisible sword and hit the ground.

The invisible sword rubbed the barrel of the red spear, preparing to cut the enemy’s right hand. But at this time, the yellow short spear also quickly pierced out and hit Altria’s chest directly.

Leaning back gently, dodge the attack and quickly draw closer, and the long sword slashes straight down.


The slash of the long sword was blocked by Di Lumut’s crossed guns, but the powerful force also caused the area where he stood to sink slightly.

But in the battle between the two sides, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Altria did not dare to completely let go of the offensive, and had been alerting the enemy’s two guns. The treasures of the heroic spirits will have various special effects. The reason she didn’t dare to let go of the offensive was because she was afraid of revealing her flaws, and then she was defeated by the enemy’s Liberation Treasure.

And Di Lu Muduo’s combat skills were not inferior to Altria. At the moment when Altria is afraid, the situation in the scene should be that Di Lumuto has the advantage.

However, this is not the case. As mentioned earlier, Altria’s sword was hidden by the wind element. Therefore, Dilumudo can’t master the distance at all, and he may get scratched if he is not careful.

The actual situation is that Di Lu Muduo’s face was cut first. Although, just scratches.

“Able spearman.”

“Veteran swordsman.”

This is the evaluation made by both sides of the enemy. But they were no more shocked than Yanfeng Qili and Tosaka Shichen who read Xie Ming’s value through the eyes of Hassan’s clone.

? ? ?

Muscle strength: S

Durability: S

Agility: S

Magic: B

lucky:? ? ?

Treasure:? ? ?

Except for magic power, all values ​​are S-level. And apart from these four values, any other data cannot be viewed at all. Such a powerful enemy even gave Tosaka Shichen the urge to make Gilgamesh kill him now.

This is Berserker, not Saber. You know, Saber, Lancer, and Archer are the job descriptions with the best value. But now a Berserker, as if to trample their common sense on the ground, appeared in front of them.

“Really annoying…..”

Feeling the sight everywhere, Xie Ming couldn’t even eat supper. His pupils turned emerald green, and he glanced around coldly.


All those who peeped suddenly felt a coolness that went straight to the bone marrow. They know that if they continue to peek, the servant on the hoist will actually do it! Although he didn’t understand why he found himself, but he didn’t do it. But considering that the job placement was Berserker, it was relieved.

After all, it was Berserker. He didn’t come to provoke himself, so it’s better not to provoke him actively.

This is the common sense of all masters in the Holy Grail War.

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