Chapter 615

Because of the aftermath of the battle between Altria and Di Lumut, the containers on both sides and the concrete floor underneath became a mess. The two had stopped the fierce battle, with smiles on their faces. This is the excitement I feel when facing a close opponent.

“Although this kind of battle that can’t tell each other’s names is not an honor at all…” Di Lumutuo praised: “All in all, let me praise it first. I have not shed a drop of sweat after fighting with me so far. It’s unbelievable that you are a woman.”

“There is no need to be humble, Lancer.”

Altria said with a wary smile: “Although I don’t know your name, it is also my honor to be praised by you with superb marksmanship. Let me accept it with gratitude.”

“The game is over here, Lancer.”

At this time, the voice of a strange man spread all over the pier. Apparently, it was Dilumudo’s master.

“Don’t let the victory and defeat drag on any longer.” Di Lu Muduo’s lord said lightly: “Saber over there is a strong enemy, hurry up and solve her. Use of your treasure, I give permission.”

After hearing the order, finally, Di Lu Muduo’s eyes appeared cold, smiled and said: “Understand, my lord.”


The yellow short gun was thrown on the ground by Dilumudo, and he held the red long gun in both hands. On the barrel of the gun, the cloth strip full of curses slowly burned away, allowing this red spear to release the previously sealed power.

“As my master said, next, I’m going to kill you.” Di Lumuto put on a posture and asked faintly: “Saber, you plan to continue to gather the magic of the wind and hide your sword. ?”


Altria didn’t reply.

“So, it seems that there is a reason to hide the sword.” Dilumudo smiled: “I think your “real name” should be closely related to that sword.”

“It’s a pity, Lancer.” Altria said calmly: “You have no chance to see the body of my sword, because before then, I will deal with you.”

“That’s hard to say.”

Di Lumuduo slowly approached: “Let me uncover the truth about the unknown sword, Saber!”

As soon as the voice fell, the spear pierced out with lightning speed, and Altria swung the sword. However, he was clearly a second player, but was forced to become a first player by Di Lumuduo’s superb spear skills. The tip of the gun hit the root of the long sword, and the entangled wind element was dispelled, exposing the guard of the sword.



Altria quickly changed her moves, slashed the spear and then jumped a little back to open the distance. However, a drop of cold sweat was shed on his face: “The’Wind King Enchantment’ has been lifted?!”


A faint smile appeared on his face, and Di Lumuto launched a powerful attack when the enemy was uncomfortable. In order not to expose the body of the sword, Altria was forced to be a little embarrassed by the spear for a while.

“Damn it!”

After reacting, she didn’t care about so much anymore, swinging up with her sword. Every time it collides with the spear, the sword body hidden by the Wind King enchantment will burst out with dazzling golden light. After colliding several times, the two moved apart again.

Wielding the red spear in his hand, Dilumudo said triumphantly: “In the fight just now, I have already lived with the Master for the length of your sword. In this way, I won’t be confused by the Master’s lack of distance!”

After speaking, he repeated the old tricks and prepared to stab again. But this is a figure falling from the sky with a mighty force. The two who were planning to continue fighting quickly moved apart, and then there was a loud noise.


“That’s it, that’s it, that’s it.”

The dust was dissipated by a single blow from the sword, and Xie Ming, wearing a mask, slowly put the demon into the scabbard, and smiled: “If you want to fight next, I will be his opponent.”

“That Berserker, what the hell is thinking!?”

This is the question that the masters who are observing from the side suddenly popped up from the bottom of their hearts. Only the avatar of Hassan, who was with Xie Ming, twitched his mouth to answer his master.

“Master, I think… it may be that he has finished supper.”


Yonmine Kirei and Tosaka Shichen are silent at the same time. What should I say… Is it really a Berserker?

If the spectators were speechless, then the two who were interrupted in the battle were angry.

“Don’t you feel ashamed to interrupt other people’s battles uninterestingly?” Altria said with a frown, holding her long sword.

“On this point, I agree with Saber.”

Di Lumuto also pointed his spear at Xie Ming: “Is it possible, do you want to take advantage of the battle between me and Saber and take the two of us in one fell swoop?”

“Yes, yes, you can think whatever you like? I’m not your master, I can’t control you.”

Xie Ming flipped through Byakugan: “I originally planned to watch your battles and go back to sleep after a supper. Who knows you all nonsense, I just came out with some real information after I finished eating. So I came out.”

“According to me, that’s the end of tonight. As for you, you should go back to sleep, go back to sleep, go back to be scolded and scolded. Then tomorrow night you will be troubled by the other party? How about it, it’s reasonable.”

Reasonable fart!

There was nothing on Saber’s side, Lancer’s side almost yelled at him. Treasures are all used here, let us go back without any results? What a joke!

“Lancer, the opponent has changed. Let’s solve this crazy talker first!”

“Yes, my lord.”

Di Lumuduo nodded and looked at Altria: “Wait until I solve this guy first, before we continue our fight. You have no opinion, Saber.”

“No, I will fight you together, Lancer.”

Altria stared at Xie Ming: “If you are the only one against the enemy, then it is your advantage for me.”

“Ah, we have to fight.”

Xie Ming twisted his arms: “Then I will introduce myself before the fight. My real name is Xie Ming, and my job is Berserker. Well, other skills and treasures, let me keep it secret. After all, there is a mystery. Sensual men are more attractive, aren’t they?”


Di Lumut and Altria were silent, and the other masters who were observing were also speechless. The most important thing in the follower war is the follower’s real name. Because the enemy can use the follower’s real name to get information about the treasures and skills that the Master follower possesses.

And the servants in front of them actually exposed their real names in this way. It seems that he is not afraid that others will investigate his name and get his information.

Wait, how come the heroic spirit named Xie Ming hasn’t heard of it.


“You are suspecting that I said a fake name.” Xie Ming said with a smile, “It’s a pity, this is my real name. As for I haven’t heard of it, it’s naturally because I am not in any myth and history.” , Don’t even belong to this world.”

“More, I can’t tell you. As for whether I reported my real name because I know that you can’t understand my intelligence, I’ll let you guess for yourself.”

“After all, what do you expect a Berserker anymore?”

By the way, Xie Ming was not unaffected by the madness skills. On the contrary, his job agency skills maddening is Ex level. However, the negative effect brought to him is not to lose his reason, but…

Do whatever you want without violating your bottom line.

In other words, is there any difference between Xie Ming in peacetime?

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