Chapter 617


Xie Ming yawned, looked around, and said helplessly: “Speaking of which, can it be over? I’m so sleepy. And the people are almost gathered, except for the golden glitter that hasn’t appeared yet, servants. I’ve also met each other. It should be over.”

“Golden Shining…Hahahaha, Xie Ming, you are really funny. I also think I should call him Jinshiling!” Iskandar smiled, “After all, you see, that guy is not wearing gold all over his body. Armor? It flickers and flickers, really wanting to snatch all his things.”


Through Hassan’s avatar, Tosaka Shichen and Yanfeng Kirei, who heard the two talk about each other, uttered these two words unanimously. With that person’s arrogance and domineering, how could he resist being so mocking at him! ?

“The existence of a mere hybrid, dare to discuss this king, or even dare to give him such a vulgar name, it is simply a crime!”

“Ah, it’s coming out, Jin Shining.”

“Well, it really came out.”


You two are really not here to be funny! ?

Of course not, because Iskandar heard Xie Ming’s words, so he cooperated with him.

Xie Ming said before that Altria is “one of the kings with abnormal brains”, that is to say, besides the people present, there are other beings who are “kings”. As for those present, Saber, Lancer, and Rider have all appeared, Caster has exited, and Assassin has exited in most people’s cognition.

Then, only Archer is left.

And what are the common characteristics of Wang? Be proud! Therefore, being so excited by the two, the last follower will inevitably show up. So Altria did not refute Xie Ming’s words.

With the arrival of countless golden light particles, Gilgamesh, with blonde hair and red eyes, wearing golden armor appeared on the street lamp not far away. In his eyes, there is only disdain and contempt.

“The existence of a mere bastard…Go to hell.”

Behind Gilgamesh, several golden ripples slowly appeared. The various weapons that appeared in the ripples were all treasures. However, it seems that this time he is planning to project only C-level treasures.

“Saber sauce, protect that beautiful lady.”

Xie Ming smiled, stepped on his toes, and slowly flew to a position parallel to Gilgamesh.

“Come on, Jin Shining.”


Following Gilgamesh’s anger, the treasures behind him shot at Xie Ming.

The third skill of Demon is activated, Lv5 ability, vector control.


The moment each treasure hit Xie Ming, it suddenly reversed its direction and shot in the direction of Gilgamesh. And the speed was more than twice as fast as what he shot.

“Oh~ It seems that you are not only good at talking.”

An interesting smile appeared on his face, and the golden ripples behind Gilgamesh increased again. Since the launch speed is not comparable, then the number is used to make up for it.

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

The treasures collided with the treasures in the air, and then scattered on the surrounding ground. In the eyes of others, it is as if the two armies are constantly bombarding with artillery.

The sound of explosions and the sound of metal collisions continue to flow.

“This is endless…”

After all, the third skill of Demon can only last for 1 minute, and if the enemy uses a treasure with penetrating ability, the reflection of the vector control will be easily penetrated. So Xie Ming began to think about how to break this deadlock.

“Um… how about this.”

Lv5 ability, electric shock!

After switching abilities, Xie Ming condensed a strong magnetic sphere in his hand and threw it forward.


I saw that, whether it was the treasure inserted on the ground or the treasure that Gilgamesh kept releasing, all were attracted by this sphere and stuck on it.

“Successful, the guess is correct.”

Xie Ming smiled and snapped his fingers.

“Boy, what have you done?” Realizing that it would be useless to continue to release the treasure, Gilgamesh stopped shooting and asked coldly.

“Hero King, even if your Babylonian treasury has almost infinite treasures, you can’t change some of the characteristics of the treasures.” Xie Ming said calmly: “Weapon-like treasures, in the final analysis, are weapons endowed with fantasy concepts. .But this cannot change their essence.”

“The weapon is made of metal. What is the most commonly used metal for forging weapons in ancient times is iron. Since it is iron, it will be attracted by magnetism. And the one I just threw was made of Strong magnets with enhanced capabilities.”

Pointing his head with his finger, Xie Ming said with a smile: “Even if it is a treasure or magic, it is impossible to easily change the basic theorems of this world. Perhaps today’s science cannot defeat the mystery, but it cannot be easily destroyed. .”

“Don’t underestimate the development and research of mankind over the years, Hero King.”


Hearing Xie Ming’s explanation, Gilgamesh covered his face and laughed: “Interesting, really funny! Boy, you are so interesting! Now, I begin to believe in your previous nonsense. !”

“Don’t underestimate human beings…? Hahahahaha! For the sake of making this king so happy today, you won’t be true for the time being. According to your kid, this king will also go back to sleep. ”

“That’s right…” Xie Ming nodded: “See you next time, then.”


Gilgamesh chuckled lightly, and his figure disappeared into golden particles.

“Okay, everyone has seen each other. I also told you the true identity of your last follower, Archer. You have gained enough tonight, can you go back?”

Xie Ming stretched his muscles and bones: “If anyone wants to continue, I can’t accompany him.”

“Lancer, retreat.”

The master who was hiding in the dark commanded like this.

“Yes, my -kun lord.”

Taking a serious look at Xie Ming, Di Lumuduo looked at Altria: “Saber, the battle between you and me, wait until next time.”

“Well, Lancer.”

Altria nodded: “Next time, I will have a showdown with you.”

The three watched Di Lumut’s departure, and Altria turned her head to look at Xie Ming: “As a result, what are you here for, Xie Ming.”

“Um… I finished the supper, so I want to interrupt your fight. I will watch it next time when I make a supper?”


Altria shook her head helplessly: “Your character really reminds me of an old person.”

“Don’t don’t don’t, don’t compare me with the shame of that magician.” Xie Ming said quickly: “I am not as ethical as he is.”


Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Altria covered her mouth and chuckled: “It looks like you are really familiar with us.”

“Xie Ming!”

At this time, Iskandar drove the chariot slowly over: “What is the science you said, is it awesome?”

“Yeah… The strongest scientific achievements so far can be compared to the treasures of the city.”

“Really! Better than that B2 bomber?”

“That’s for sure.” Xie Ming nodded: “When the day is over, you go to buy a book about Einstein, and you will understand. If you don’t understand, you can ask your little master, he is the same. A modern person.”

“So that’s it…” Iskandar glanced helplessly at the young man who had fainted, “Then let’s do it tonight, there will be some time later.”

“Then I should go back too.”

Seeing Iskandar driving his chariot to the sky, Xie Ming smiled at Altria: “Sleeping at night is an enemy to women, good night, both of you.”

After speaking, Xie Ming used his spatial ability and returned home.

This is the end of the first night of the Holy Grail War.

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