Chapter 618

After returning home, Xie Ming took off the mask and hung his coat in the closet as he was about to fall asleep. Suddenly, the light in the room turned on. The little girl with purple hair and purple pupils looked at him with vigour.

“Well, little Sakura? What’s the matter? I still stay up so late. If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t be able to grow up.”

“Xie Ming, where did you go just now?”

“Uh…this…” Xie Ming scratched his face: “I said I’m going to have supper, by the way, do you believe little Sakura?”

“Mom said that a liar is going to swallow a thousand needles!” Little Sakura looked at Xie Ming seriously and said.

The problem is that I didn’t lie, I really went to eat supper (watching a movie), and then digested (fight)!

Xie Ming looked helpless. In order not to have a bad influence on Little Sakura, he could only lower his head and admit his mistake: “Well, Little Sakura, I did run to see other servants fighting. Watching others fight, I can stand up to the food.”

“Then what?”

“Then went down to digest and had a fight with two other servants.”

“So, Xie Ming, you didn’t lie?” Little Sakura said angrily.

“In a sense, it should be regarded as not lying.”

Xie Ming chuckled, and said in a low voice.


Little Sakura put her hands on her hips and said happily, “Next time, I will follow.”

“That’s not okay, little Sakura.” Xie Ming knelt down and said softly, “In this Holy Grail War, many people directly aimed at the master to attack. I don’t want little Sakura to be in danger, so this Request, I can’t agree.”

“But,,,,, Xie Ming, if you are gone, I…”

“…….All right.”

Seeing how little Sakura looked, Xie Ming gently hugged her in his arms and said softly: “Then tomorrow, little Sakura and I will go out a little bit. Let’s go find friends.”

“find friends?”


The next morning, watching the news broadcast about the explosion in the port area and the explosion and collapse of a hotel in the downtown area of ​​Fuyuki City, Xie Ming ate breakfast with a blank face.

“Xie Ming, these two things are yours last night…”

“The port area was made by our heroes, but the hotel explosion was made by other masters.” Xie Ming shrugged: “You know, this person who bombed the hotel dreams of becoming a partner of justice.”

“How can a righteous partner do such a thing.”

Little Sakura said angrily, “I don’t want to think about causing other people so much trouble!”

“Yeah, I think so too.” Xie Ming smiled and patted little Sakura’s head: “Hurry up, I’ll show you my secrets after eating.”


Half an hour later, the mountains on the outskirts of Fuyuki City were deep.


Looking at the 16-meter-high giant robot in front of her, Sakura couldn’t help but open her mouth wide: “This is…Xie Ming’s…”

“Humph, isn’t it handsome.”

Xie Ming said triumphantly: “This is a gift from my baby girl. The name is Infinite Gundam. Today, we will drive it to find friends. How about it, do you want to sit on it?”


“Then go on.”

Picking up the little Sakura, Xie Ming jumped into the cockpit: “Wait a moment, I will connect the Druid system to the satellites and networks of this world.”

“Druid system? Satellite? Network?”

“This will be known when you grow up little Sakura.”


Sitting on Xie Ming’s lap, little Sakura watched Xie Ming’s hands quickly tap the keyboard. The map and various incomprehensible data quickly appeared on the cockpit throughout the week, and his heart was suddenly full of admiration.

Sure enough, Xie Ming is the best!

“OK, Misaki Town, Kanbuzi City, Asakami Family, and Tono Family…Data income. It’s relatively convenient in Europe, and it’s collected so quickly.”

Finally, four photos appeared on the cockpit screen throughout the week.

A little girl with long white hair and amber pupils, a little girl with long purple hair and dark red pupils, and two little red-haired twin girls.

“Are they the friends we are looking for?”

“Yes, little Sakura.” Xie Ming said softly, “If you don’t find them now, they may have something that little Sakura almost happened in the future. So, little Sakura should get along with them.”

“…Well, I get it!”

Little Sakura’s body trembled, then nodded firmly: “In the future, they will also be our family!”

“Little Sakura is awesome!” Touching little Sakura’s head, Xie Ming said with a chuckle: “Then, let’s go find them.”

Xie Ming gave a compliment, then put his hands on the joystick: “Infinite Gundam, Xie Ming, and…”

“Tosaka Sakura!” Little Sakura followed.


Six blue wings spread out, the propeller behind it ejected blue flames, and the infinite height plunged into the clouds.


Misaki Town, Tonoya.

Even if all the people with fighting capacity were dispatched together, they were easily brought down by the young man holding the little girl. The young man stepped on the body of the Tono Family Patriarch and entered his room.

In the room, the two twin girls were staring at the young man curiously, with amber and emerald pupils respectively.

“Would you like to go with me?”

The young man put down the little girl with purple hair, stretched out his hand and asked gently: “If you can, please trust me once.”


The two little girls looked at each other and put their palms on the big callused hand. Rough, but it also gives people a sense of peace of mind.


Guanbuzi City, shallow home.

The little girl carrying the schoolbag looked at the young man with the three little girls in front of her blankly, and tilted her head.

“Would you like to come with me?” Xie Ming said with a smile: “I have a way to cure your painless disease.”


The little girl’s pupils shrank, and then she followed Xie Ming without hesitation.


Europe, a church in a certain republic.

The little girl with white hair and yellow eyes was sweeping the floor boredly, wondering why the old man hadn’t finished receiving guests.

Before long, the priest walked in with a young man, still holding that face: “Karen, from today, you will live with him.”


Karen stayed for a while, then looked at the young man with a gentle smile on his face with four little girls behind him.

“Loli control? Trafficker?”

Xie Ming’s face froze in an instant, and he said angrily: “I’m sorry, I can’t even give up any desire for a little girl like you with no chest and butt.”

“Well, well, I’ll go with you.” Karen nodded in satisfaction: “It seems to be following you, it seems more interesting.”

“Oh.” Xie Ming turned Byakugan: “That’s really thank you for giving me face.”

Throwing the broom to the corner, Karen waved his hand: “Goodbye, old man. Although you are an old thing that prevents me from going to school to save money, I still appreciate your kindness in nurturing.”


Gently patted Karen on the head, Xie Ming said angrily: “How do you speak.”


Carlene suddenly showed dead fish eyes: “Say okay with you first, I hate savage men.”

“But your distorted personality must be adjusted in this way.” Xie Ming shrugged: “Well, you will be our family from now on, let’s go home.”

“Home? Where to go?”



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