Chapter 620: Magician’s Battle

“Brother, what does this mean?” Fujino asked puzzledly.

“Yes, what do I mean?”

Xie Ming showed an unpredictable smile: “Worry, guess, make judgments and choices based on your own observations. There is only one thing I can remind you.”

“Don’t go against your heart.”

“…” Fujino was silent for a moment, then cast his gaze below him.

In the castle, the lord of Lancer, Kenneth, who had broken through all kinds of traps, finally saw the man who had conspired against him.

Dim pupils, a vicissitudes of black-haired middle-aged man with stubble, holding a slight punch in his hand, wearing a black coat. He is more like a mercenary than a magician.

No, to be precise, Kirito Eomiya is a killer. He will not fight head-on as noble as Altria and other heroic spirits, nor will he have his own pride and bottom line like Xie Ming. For him, it is the most correct choice to be cautious, achieve the goal with the least risk, and achieve victory.

So when Kenneth entered this castle, his ending was already doomed. As the master of the clock tower -kun, he has been regarded as a genius since he was a child, and the mouse in front of him is not worth mentioning.

Moreover, he has never experienced a real fight. Kenneth’s so-called fight is just an orthodox showdown with other magicians. In addition, because the hotel he was staying in was bombed by Kiritsugu Eomiya last night, Kenneth had no magic outfits except for the ball of mercury beside him.

However, if it were normal, Kenneth would be enough to deal with other magicians just by relying on that ball of mercury. Because this mercury ball was completed in his twenties, it is known as the supreme dress of Elmero, one of the twelve houses of the Clock Tower.

Its name is: Volumen hydrargyrum (Volumen hydrargyrum).

Automatic attack, automatic search for the enemy, automatic defense. The attack method is a whip-like slash; the enemy detection method is to sense the fluctuations and heat sources in the air; the defense method is membrane defense and column defense, which can be said to be a universal weapon.

The reason why Kenneth was able to withstand the micro-burst shot of Eomiyakiji was because the automatic defense of the Moon Spirit Liquid turned into a mercury film.

With his hands around his chest and looking at the enemy jokingly, Kenneth said lightly, “Scalp!”

Four pale silver tentacles protruding from the mercury liquid on the soles of the feet propped up the platform and stabbed at the enemy, but Eimiya Kiritsugu didn’t just use firearms to attack.

Before Kenneth attacked, Kiritugu Eomiya was already prepared.

“”Time alter–double accel! (Intrinsic time control, double speed)”

In Eimiya Kiritugu’s eyes, everything around him doubled. But in reality, it was not. It wasn’t that the surroundings had slowed down, or that he had become faster. This is the unique magic of Master Kiritsu Eomiya, which is inherently time-controlled.

The prototype of inherent time control is inherent enchantment. Control the time of the world by throwing your own mental image into the world. But this way of using it is too cumbersome and requires a lot of magic. Therefore, in order to display the technique of time operation with a very small scale and higher efficiency, the application method created is “intrinsic time control”.

If it is too cumbersome to put the inherent barrier outside and consumes too much magic power, then compress it in your own body. It is the most natural to separate the natural body from the outside world, and the interference from the world is also the smallest. In this smallest enchantment, the “adjustment” of just a few seconds is the truth of “intrinsic time control”.

Speed ​​up the flow of blood, the burning of hemoglobin, and the time it takes for muscle movement to start to finish, showing a physical stamina that ordinary people can’t achieve. Leaning on this, Eimiya Kirisu escaped Kenneth’s attack and escaped from the hole he cut.

“Oh…” Although his personality was arrogant and suspicious, Kenneth was not a bit false about being called a genius. He easily understood the truth of “Intrinsic Time Control”, but at the same time he also understood the shortcomings of this magic.

The magic of adjusting time will inevitably cause errors in the flow of time inside and outside the enchantment, and after the magic is released, the “correction of the world” will inevitably be imposed on the “surgeon”. Therefore, Eomiya Kirji’s body itself will be squeezed and distorted to match the original flow of time.

“At any rate, it is also influenced by magic, why do you still make such a humble action.”

Kenneth shook his head: “Go to hell and repent.”

A pothole was exposed on the mercury floor, and Kenneth’s body steadily fell to the next floor. Looking at the dim surroundings, he again gave orders to the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid.

“Ire: sanctio! (track, obliterate)”

The silver mercury ball shot out countless small mercury pillars, extended on the wall, and began to search for the enemy’s location. It didn’t take long for the small mercury column to be recovered, and the mercury ball began to move slowly.

“Have you found it? Oh, see when you can escape with that kind of body.”

On the other side, relying on familiarity with the terrain, Eimiya Kirisu kept running with a small charge in his hand, and the burden of his body had already brought great pressure on him. But now is not the time to relax.

After passing a corner, he quickly calmed his breath against the wall. Then gritted his teeth and started the magic again.

“Time alter–triple stagnate!”

Can speed up, since it can also slow down. This time, Kirito Eomiya slowed his body time three times. The beating of the heart and the flow of blood are slowed down by a factor of three, thereby preventing the detection of the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid.

The magician battle is actually no different from the intelligence battle. Who can learn more about the opponent’s hole cards, who can win. From the fact that Kenneth has only used Moon Essence Liquid so far, it can be inferred that he only has such a magic costume left because of the attack last night.

As for the automatic detection, Eimiya Kirishu can easily judge it. Therefore, he decided to stay here, Yin Yibo Kenneth.

Sure enough, after the body time was reduced to one-third of the original, the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid couldn’t detect his existence at all. And Kenneth, who trusted the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid too much, didn’t have any suspicions. So when he walked slowly into the corridor, he still had a comfortable smile on his face.



The micro-rush ejected countless bullets, all of which were shot on the automatic defense membrane of the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid.

“Idiot!” Kenneth’s triumphant smile still has a trace of lingering fear: “This is a needless struggle!”

“That’s hard to say.”

He said this word silently in his heart, and Kiritugu Weimiya threw away the slight charge in his hand, and took out a single-shot pistol from the long black windbreaker.

This is his magic costume, Thompson Contender.


There was a smile of successful strategy, and now, it was “Magic Killer” Eomiya Kiritugu who had left the stage. Also, it’s time for “Magic” Kirishu Eomiya to play.

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