Chapter 621 Origin Bullet


With a heavy gunshot, the bullet pierced through the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid’s defenses and shot Kenneth’s left shoulder.


He clutched his wound and let out a painful cry, Kenneth’s expression became incredibly hideous: “Scalp! (cut)”

The mercury ball stretched out several long whips and hit the enemy. But he was backfliped by Kirishu Eomiya, and at the same time he picked up the slight thrust that was thrown behind him, and began to continue shooting at Kenneth.

“Damn it!!”

Mercury turned into a film again, blocking the bullet storm. But after this period of time, Kiritugu Weimiya has escaped again.

“It broke through the automatic defense of the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid?!”

Kenneth was a little unbelievable. Because of the magician’s arrogance and the self-esteem of the technique designer, he couldn’t admit that this was a flaw in the technique: “No! It’s just that I was negligent on that guy’s pediatric attack. !”

“We must adopt faster and more efficient defensive methods.”

While manipulating the Moon Spirit Liquid to destroy everything around him, Kenneth cursed: “The scum of the magician, sordid trash! How dare I bleed…”

“You must pay the price!!”

On the other side, hiding in the corner again, Eimiya Kiritsugu put the small punch in his hand on the table next to him, and took out the Contender from his clothes.

“Now, that guy should understand how powerful this gun is. The same attack won’t work again. Next time, he will definitely use his whole body magic to defend.”

Carefully took out a 30.06mm bullet and pressed it into the barrel of the gun. Kirisu Eomiya thought coldly: “If it’s not like this, it’s me who will trouble my brain.”


“Brother…” Fujino was a little dumbfounded as he watched all this happen: “Why can the bullet of that submachine gun be blocked, but not the other pistol?”

“Because that pistol belongs to Kirito’s exclusive magic attire.”

Xie Ming replied: “Kenneth’s Moon Spirit Liquid, that is, the film formed by the large mercury ball can block the bullets of ordinary firearms, but if the opponent uses magic attire, the defense power of the film alone is still insufficient. .”

“This is the common problem of magicians, or most people with powerful powers, conceited.”

“The arrogance caused them not to attach importance to the enemy. The result was defeat.” Xie Ming sneered indifferently: “The lion fights the rabbit, and they go all out. But some people just don’t understand these principles.”

“That guy, do you really think that the title of “Magic Killer” by Kirishu Weimiya was for nothing?”

“Magic… Killer…”

Maybe Fujino didn’t even notice it, but at this moment, there was a smile of excitement on the corner of her mouth.

“…The nature of the magic eye is closely related to its origin, which is the essence of the soul.”

Xie Ming, who saw Fujino’s smile in his eyes, sighed slightly in his heart: “The twisted eye represents the essence of your soul. Something has been distorted, Fujino…”


“Boom boom boom!!!”

There were several explosions in the castle.

“Extremely boring…”

The defense of the Moon Spirit Liquid was removed, and Kenneth clutched the painful wound and roared: “I didn’t come to participate in the Holy Grail War just to fight this kind of boring battle!”

Continuing to move forward slowly, the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid destroyed the windows and doors, and at the same time began to explore. But this time, Eimiya Kirisu didn’t use the “intrinsic time control” to hide his breath, but stood openly in place.

Because his strategy has succeeded.

“I found you, smelly mouse!”

In the distance, Kenneth slowly approached: “You don’t think that the same method as before is still useful, do you? The next three abuses.”

“The reason why you can take advantage of me is not because of any tactics and surprise attacks, but just an illogical accident! I will let you understand the difference soon.”

“I won’t let you die happy.” With a grinning grin, Kenneth said cruelly: “I will use healing magic to protect your heart and lungs while putting you to death! Regret and finally die in despair!!!”

“You curse as much as you want before you die. Curse your timid employer, Einzbern who stained the Holy Grail War!!”


After listening to Kenneth’s speech blankly, Keith Eomiya raised his slight charge again and fired at the barrage.

“Fervor, mei sanguis! (Boiling, my blood)”

This time, the defense of the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid was no longer a membrane, but turned into a dense column of mercury to block Kenneth’s front. The bullet hit the mercury column and all were bounced off.

At this moment, Kirishu Eomiya’s other hand raised the Contender and pulled the trigger.


“Sure enough, this hand is here, idiot!!”

Kenneth smiled triumphantly, and after manipulating the mercury column in front of him to remove the two layers, he immediately wrapped the bullet.

And seeing this scene, Eumiya Kiritugu smiled as he was over.



The Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid instantly turned into a place of mercury, and Kenneth spouted a mouthful of blood, only feeling a tearing pain all over his body. This kind of pain made the veins of his whole body show up and screamed.

Blood squirted out of his nostrils and mouth unstoppable, Kenneth knelt on his knees, turned Byakugan and fell into a pool of blood.

“The bullet just now…” Fujino murmured.

“That’s another unique magic costume of Kirishu Eomiya, and its name is…Origin bullet.”

The origin bomb is a magic costume made by Kirito Uemiya to make the most of his origin. He excised, removed, and ground the first and second ribs of his flanks into powder, and then condensed them with Soul Engineering and sealed them in 66 bullets as the core.

The origin of Eimiya Kiriji, just like his name “Kiriji”, is cutting and joining. It is very different from destruction and regeneration. It is like a cut line. If it is combined again, the cut will be like a knot formed by a line and a line. The behavior of “cutting and reproducing” will cause the object to produce irreversible “deterioration”. “.

Objects hit by the origin bomb will have the origin of Eimiya Kirito. If it hits the organism, there is neither wound nor bleeding, but the shot site becomes like a necrotic old wound, and the surface seems to be healed, but the internal nerves and capillaries are not accurately regenerated, and their original functions are lost. .

However, if magic is used to interfere with the origin bomb, the consequences will be very serious.

In the bullet, the “origin” of Kirito Eomiya will be seriously fed back to the magic circuit of the operator, causing the magic circuit of the operator to “short-circuit”, causing his magic to run away and completely destroy the circuit. Not only can it cause damage, it can also make it impossible to use magic again.

The damage caused depends entirely on how many magic circuits the target activates at the moment of hitting the target. Because what destroys the body of the surgeon is the magic power used by the surgeon at that time.

To describe it in game terms, it means that if you release a fireball interference origin bomb and consume 50 points of mana, then you will suffer 50 points of damage. If you use 5000 points of mana in your whole body to fully defensively interfere, then you will suffer 5000 points of damage.

In the defense just now, Kenneth undoubtedly used the magic power of his whole body to defend. Therefore, this led to the complete runaway and destruction of the magic circuit in his body.

The magician named Kenneth Elmero Archibald has no future as a magician.

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