Chapter 627: A Night Destined to Sleep

“How come… Alice Phil…”

Altria was a little unbelievable: “Then, if the winner appears, you will…”

“I will transform into the form of a little holy grail, and Alice Phil will die completely.” Alice Phil said softly, “This is my destiny, Saber.”

“and many more…..”

Iskandar raised his hand and asked solemnly: “Even if this woman is a little holy grail, she also has the ability to fulfill our wishes. Does this have anything to do with the reason you said you want to destroy the holy grail? ”

“Well, be patient and continue to listen to me.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “The reason why I wanted to destroy the Holy Grail is indeed related to the Einzbern family. The reason still goes back to the Third Holy Grail War.”

In the Third Holy Grail War, Einzbern summoned the seventh rank outside the specifications, Avenger (Avenger) Angola Manuel. This hero is a young man slandered as “all evil in this world”, which is the so-called “innocent monster.”

The existence of heroic spirits will be given a corresponding nature because of the spread of later generations of humans. So when a human named Angela Manuel was called out as a hero, his soul already had the nature of “the evil of this world”. In the third Holy Grail War, he was defeated and his soul was absorbed by the Holy Grail.

Angola Manuel is a hero created by the wishes around him, so when he enters the Holy Grail, it is equivalent to making a wish. The Holy Grail, as the power of the wish machine, accepts the wishes of the people entrusted to Manuel in Angola, grants him only the soul the power consistent with the “symbol of evil” and grants him the body.

As a result, Angola Manuel used the Great Holy Grail as the womb and has been living in the Holy Grail. And his “evil” soul also polluted the magical power of the Holy Grail, which was originally colorless, into an attribute of “evil”. Since then, the Great Holy Grail has become a vortex of vicious power. The fundamental nature of the Holy Grail has been changed.

Xie Ming, who said this, showed a mocking smile: “Because of Angela Manuel, the Holy Grail has undergone two changes. First, the wishes made will be realized in an evil direction, and the ending will only bring the world. Disaster comes.”

“The second point is that once the Holy Grail is liberated, the’evil of this world’ will flow out, and it will continue to spread malice until it destroys all the human beings that deserve to be cursed.”

“That’s why I want to destroy the Holy Grail. Let the Holy Grail War come to an end for the fourth time.”

Everyone was silent. Although I said I believe in Xie Ming, what he said was too alarmist, which is hard to believe. Only Gilgamesh, after a brief flash of light in his eyes, showed a malicious smile.

“This king can testify. What Xie Ming said just now is the truth.” Gilgamesh smiled: “I thought this Holy Grail War would be so boring, but from this point of view, the fun is too much.”

“Sure enough…” Xie Ming looked at Gilgamesh helplessly: “I know that if you explain it, it will arouse your bad taste.”

“Hahahahaha, this king’s hunch is right. In this Holy Grail war, the last one standing in front of me is definitely you, Xie Ming!”

Gilgamesh laughed and said: “From the beginning of summoning the real world, I feel that there are too many worthless people in this world, ugly and hypocritical, and useless. But now there is such a toy as the evil of this world. , This king can screen out valuable people as much as possible and become the people of this king.”

Standing up, Gilgamesh’s figure slowly disappeared, leaving a word.

“Saber, take a good look at the container. When the king is interested, he will come in person and collect it from you.”


“Okay, I have made it clear that it should be explained.”

Xie Ming shrugged and stood up as well: “Believe it or not, it’s up to you. It’s getting late, and I’m going back to sleep.”

“Wait, Xie Ming.” Iskandar stood up and asked seriously: “You just said that the contaminated Holy Grail, the wish will be realized in the direction of’evil’. Then, if I want to obtain the flesh, the Holy Grail How will my wish come true?”

“Yes…” Xie Ming thought for a while: “It should be contaminated by the’evil’ attribute, so that the spirit base can be reversed. Of course, you will gain the physical body, but the spirit base reversed you, think about it. It shouldn’t be conquering the world, but destroying the world.”

“However, if you are confident that you can maintain yourself under a strong curse, you should be fine. However, this assumption is impossible to achieve.”

Xie Ming said faintly: “It is my purpose to destroy the Holy Grail. If someone blocks me, then no matter who it is, my knife will definitely cut off his head.”

“That’s it, goodbye.”

The space ability was activated, Xie Ming returned to the cockpit of Infinite Gundam, looked at the little girls who were already sleepy-eyed, and smiled gently: “Okay, let’s go home.”


“Really… That Berserker said so…”

Hearing the report from the phone, Kirisu Eomiya gently hung up.

The empty room was full of smoke. On a clean whiteboard, all the photos of the master and the information of the followers are pasted. The paper on the table is full of dense plans.

Eimiya Kirishu wanted to pull out the gun and shoot all of this into a sieve. But reason told him that this was of no use. However, the anger that kept gushing out kept driving him.

He used his wife as a bait, abandoned his daughter, and came to today unscrupulously. In the end, someone told him that everything you did was in vain? How can he accept this? How can it be accepted! ?

“All, are they useless…”

Lying on the bed, at this time the cold-blooded man called the magician killer, his face was blank and painful.

Perhaps there is still a trace of luck in his heart.

Thinking of what Xie Ming said was nonsense. Although he knew it, that might be minimal.


Standing blankly in the courtyard, Altria wore a battle armor, looking at the wind-wrapped weapon in her hand. In my mind, thinking of everything that happened tonight.

“Don’t deny yourself…”

Thinking of Xie Ming’s straightforward words and gentle expression, Altria was a little at a loss.

What is the feeling that is surging in my heart at this time? Is it the love that Gurney Vere said? Is it the love that made Lancelot desperate?

She didn’t understand, she couldn’t figure it out. However, she felt very happy.

Because in this world, there are people who understand her. Although, he is the enemy. Although, he did not approve of his own ideas. Although, he wants to touch his dull hair.

“Am I… cute?”

Touching the dull hair on his head, Altria murmured.

This girl who dedicated her life to the country, after becoming a hero, actually showed signs of her first love. Believe this, even Merlin hadn’t expected it.

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