Chapter 628 The Fourth Night

Xie Ming understands that the so-called heroic spirits are the incarnations of the most persistent and unbelievers after death. Even if he said that the Holy Grail had been contaminated, they would not give up because of this.

In the Saber group, Xie Ming doesn’t know what Altria thinks at this time, but it is impossible for Eimiya Kiritsugu to give up like this.

In the Archer group, Tosaka Time is to go to the root cause, and this goal can be achieved even with the contaminated Holy Grail. And Gilgamesh also clearly stated that he would use the ‘evil of this world’ to clean up mankind, so it is impossible for them to just give up.

In the Lancer group, Kenneth has now become a useless person, I believe even Ling Shu has been taken away by his fiancee. Dilumudo is not obsessed with the Holy Grail, while Kenneth’s fiancée Sola was seduced by Dilumudo’s “Devil Mole of Love” and threw herself on Dilumudo.

This group will also pursue the Holy Grail in order to restore Kenneth’s body.

In the Rider group, Webber just wanted to prove his worth, but Iskandall…if Xie Ming said that he would give up, then he would not be the king of conquerors.

In this way, it seems that Xie Ming is now the enemy of all the followers. But the worst situation seems to have not happened yet. As for whether it will happen, it depends on the result of Xie Ming’s action tonight.

Caster Gil de Lei has been first attacked by Xie Ming for a strong solution, and Hassan, who is full of appearances, has also left the field. Even if I ate some supper made by Xie Ming last night to replenish the vitality and absorb the souls of the two servants, Alice Phil’s body has gradually become unable to move.

“…Hey, it seems that we have to find a way to solve it.”

Opened his skills interface and looked at the introduction of the inherent skills he had acquired as a follower, Xie Ming touched his chin and began to think.


At night, Xie Ming left all the little girls at home this time, and flew to Lancer’s temporary base camp in Winterwood City alone.

Standing in front of the abandoned factory, let out his aura without any concealment. Not long after, Di Lu Muduo appeared in front of Xie Ming with his two guns.


Dilumudo said solemnly: “The reason you are here…Ha, sorry, I asked more.”

“Dilumdo Audina.” Xie Ming said lightly: “It’s a pity that you will leave tonight. As for why I found you first, I don’t need to say more about the reason.”

“Because I am the weakest among the remaining servants?” Di Lumuto clenched the barrel of the gun.

“No, because your group is the most unstable element.”

Of all the remaining combinations, only the Lancer group does not have stable goals and beliefs. Moreover, his lord, Kenneth’s fiancée Sola, had been completely seduced by Di Lumut, and could not use normal thinking to infer her at all.

As far as Di Lumuto is concerned, this time he was called to complete his unfulfilled loyalty. For Sora, as long as Dilumudo is happy, everything is fine. As long as Di Lumuto smiled at her, she was willing to do anything.

The purpose of the Lancer team is too chaotic, not obsessed with the Holy Grail, but participating in the Holy Grail War and refuses to leave. This kind of combination with too many chaotic factors is too unstable to exist. Therefore, in Xie Ming’s plan, Dilumudo was the third follower to leave the field.

“I’m not a knight, so I won’t talk about chivalry with you.” Thou Mo appeared at Xie Ming’s waist: “The only thing I can give you is to kill you upright in a frontal battle. ”

“This…. enough.”

Dilumudo smiled: “However, before the battle begins, it is still unknown who wins and who loses. Although I know I am not your opponent, as a knight, I will bet on my glory for me. The Lord-kun won the victory!”


Xie Ming shook his head noncommittal, put his hand on the grip of the bewitching demons, and said calmly, “Then, I’m going.”

The black knife light cut through the air and arrived in front of Dilumudo in just an instant. The attack came first, and the voice just fell.

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

The previous Di Lu Muduo was almost killed by this trick. But this time, the ending is completely different from last time.


The blade just got stuck at the intersection of the red long spear and the yellow short spear. Di Lumut’s feet sank slightly because of the tremendous force, and two traces that were not too far were dragged on the ground.

But anyway, he blocked the knife, the fastest move among all Xie Ming’s moves.

“Although the muscle strength is insufficient, did you barely capture the knife path with the agility of A+?”

Xie Ming exclaimed, “After that night, it seems that you have considered a lot of countermeasures for my cut.”

“After all, it is too rude to be won by the same move.” Di Lumuduo fiercely picked up Xie Ming’s knife, and the yellow short spear came out like Lion Majesty.

The two guns in his hand are the key to the reason why Di Lu Muduo of Lancer can have the ability to fight top heroes.

The red spear, named Gae Dearg (Red Rose). Its effect can negate the defense composed of magical power. No matter what level of defense it is, as long as it is formed by magic, it is equivalent to not having it in front of this gun.

Not only that, like the “Wind King Enchantment” that Altria wraps around the sword, this kind of magic enhancement or additional ability will lose its effect when it comes into contact with this gun, so the attribute damage attached to the demon itself Did not show up.

And the other yellow short gun, named Gae Buidhe (Yellow Rose). It has only one effect, and the damage caused cannot be healed in any way, unless the short gun is destroyed or the user Dilumudo is killed.

In the initial battle with Altria, Di Lumuduo wanted to use this inevitable Huang Qiangwei to use her ignorance. However, his plan was destroyed by Xie Ming’s admission.

Another key factor for Di Lumuduo to play against top heroes is his courage and strategy. Even in a fierce battle, he will think about tactics. Deliberately induce the opponent to make mistakes, and then take this opportunity to issue a fatal blow that will determine the battle.

He has a weapon that can break through the opponent’s defense to make up for his lack of strength, and uses his own strategy and extraordinary skills to guide the battle to his side.

This is the chief warrior of the Fiona Knights of Ireland, known as “unparalleled in the world”-“Glory appearance” Dilumdo Audina.

Perhaps his deeds were not glorious. Perhaps, his ending is very tragic. But these are not enough to conceal his own brilliance.

It was this brilliance that allowed him to board the seat of heroic spirits with sufficient qualifications.

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