Chapter 629

Lightly using the back of the knife to pick up the pierced Huang Qiangwei’s stabbing, Xie Ming’s knife traversed a weird path in the air and slashed towards Dilumudo’s right rib. But in front of the blade, the body of the red long spear had been blocked there.



The huge force exerted by the knife Di Lumut was hard to resist. Even if he stabilized his center of gravity, his feet still rubbed two marks on the ground. And Xie Ming’s attack had just begun.

Pointing to the tip of his toes, he quickly followed Di Lu Muduo, holding the demon upside down, and directly picked off the spear he was protecting in front of him.

With the right foot as the standing point and the waist as the axis, the left foot is thrown out like a whip. This swift and continuous round kick was drawn on Dilumudo’s bent arm in time. The immense power left it with no room, and plunged into the building next to it.


The building collapsed, and Dilumudo’s figure was completely buried in the rubble of the tiles.

Of course, Xie Ming’s attack will not end there. Turning over his left hand, the blue rose took it in. The six bullets in the wheel flashed with purple, black and red lights.

“Thunder-piercing bullets.”

Two purple bullets were fired.

“Shadow Bullet.”

The black bullet followed the purple bullet.

“Explosive bullets.”

The thunder-piercing projectile penetrated the rubble, clearing the way for subsequent bullets. The Shadow Eclipse bombs have a restraining effect on the enemies in the rubble, trapping them. The Explosive Bomb is used to explode in the rubble, causing a huge amount of damage.

An explosion in a confined space will be dozens of times stronger than an explosion in a wide area!


In the collapsed building, flames erupted, exploding all the surrounding ruins. Xie Ming put away the blue rose, begging the devil into its sheath, quietly waiting for the enemy to show up.


Amid the flames, a figure broke through, and the dark green combat uniform had become a beggar’s outfit, with burns everywhere. But, at least Dilumudo is still alive.

“It doesn’t give people a chance to breathe. It’s like a combo of storms. Warriors of Otherworld, how many hellish battlefields did you gain after striding over such a skill…”

“I don’t have the habit of talking to the enemy during my battle.”

Xie Ming put his hand on the handle of the knife again, and said faintly: “The next blow, the winner will be decided.”

“I’m afraid, it’s hard to make you wish.”



With a clear drink, a fierce slash attacked Xie Ming. Qu Mo instantly pulled out of the sheath and blocked the attack. In front of him, Altria was pressing the epee hard, and there was no trace of confusion in his eyes.


“Xie Ming!!”

The roar of thunder resounded across the sky, and two dark bulls pulled the chariot and crashed into Xie Ming.


Using the space power to teleport to the side and slinging Tang Knife, Xie Ming knew that the worst scene he expected had appeared.

The Saber group, Lancer group and Rider group, in order to prevent him from destroying the Holy Grail, have formed an alliance and united together.

“Xie Ming, I’m sorry…” Iskandar said faintly with a short sword in his hand, “Even if I know what you are saying is true, I want to take a bet.”

“Obtaining the flesh by oneself is more important than the destruction of mankind…” Xie Ming sighed: “Yes, you are the king of conquering. If it is to satisfy your own desires, the survival of mankind has nothing to do with it.”

“What about you, Webber.”

Xie Ming looked at another passenger on the chariot: “You also support Iskandar’s decision? Even if the contaminated Holy Grail will destroy more than 70% of the world’s humans?”


Webber was silent for a moment, and said firmly: “Even so, I will follow him forward. Because I am his Master!”

“Really?” Xie Ming smiled and looked at Altria: “Then what about you, Altria. What are your reasons to stop me?”

“Xie Ming…” Altria raised the holy sword: “I have no obsession with the Holy Grail. The reason why I appear here is only for the way of the knight. Since my lord wants to continue to fight for the Holy Grail. , Then I will continue to wield the sword in my hand.”

“Even if Alice Phil would die because of it?”

“…This is Alice Phil, her wish.”


Alice Phil, who was beside the car, said complicatedly.

“The way of the knight… but if the evil of this world comes out…”

“At that time, I will personally destroy the Holy Grail!” Altria said decisively: “Swear by the holy sword in my hand!”

“Eimiya Kirisu really doesn’t cry without seeing the coffin…”

Xie Ming shook his head: “Forget it, I would have expected this ending anyway. But…”

The sword pointed at the three heroic spirits, and Xie Ming showed an invincible smile: “Do you really think that if you raise all three, you can defeat me?”

“Then, just come and try!”

The blood-red mist was wrapped around his body, and the pure and terrifying murderous aura was vented unscrupulously. The red dragon emperor’s cage hand was put on, and his pupils turned emerald green.

Ruo Xie Ming was just a tiger with sharp teeth. Then at this time, he was like a dragon slowly waking up. The sense of oppression it brings is not the same dimension as before.

“You’re kidding…” Dilumudo clenched his spear tightly and shed a cold sweat: “Isn’t he just full of strength?”

“The pair of cagers…”

Altria squeezed the holy sword tightly: “The blood of the red dragon in my body is scared…Is that a dragon’s treasure higher than the level of the red dragon?”

“Hey… This joke is a bit too much.” Iskandar smiled wryly: “Why is there still thunder and lightning on his body…”

And Alice Phil on the side, as well as the magicians such as Eimiya Kirishu who were watching the battle in the dark, focused more on those eyes with rainbow light.

“The magic eye… and it is the most advanced magic eye… what is the effect?!”

“How many hole cards does this Berserker have hidden in the end!?”

Iskandar took Webber out of the car: “Boy, the next battle is a decisive battle in a sense. It is estimated that the most dangerous is by my side, so you go and stay with Saber’s lord. Bar.”

“…Iskandall, I will command you with a spell!”

Webber stretched out his hand, and the Ling Shu on the back of his hand began to glow red.

“Conquer the king, go to victory!”

“Go get the Holy Grail!!”

“Go, conquer the whole world!!”

“Boy…you…” Iskandar was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: “Hahahahahaha, then, conquering King Iskandar will surely complete my courtier Invitation!”

“Xie Ming, come on!!!”

“Let you see, this king’s hegemony, this king’s inherent barrier!”

“Its name, Ionioi Hetairoi!”

The world began to change.

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