Chapter 631

This is the desert, and the ruthless scorching sun hangs high in the sky, as if to evaporate the entire world. Even if you are wearing shoes, you can feel the hot sand on the soles of your feet.

Here, Iskandar is no longer driving a Kamui chariot pulled by a flying hoof ox, but a fierce horse with a black mane. It is the “untamable horse” that the King of Conqueror tamed when he was 12 years old, and his partner in the battlefield was named Busifalas.

“Xie Ming, you let us see your emperor’s way yesterday. Now, it’s my turn to let you see, I’m overbearing!!”

Sitting on the horse, Iskandar opened his arms: “Here is the land my legion once drove. It is the scenery of the warriors who have shared the joys and sorrows with me!”

“A person who is different from you carrying the world, the reason why this place was born is that this is the mental image that my legion and I have together!”

Not far away, with a neat pace, the armored soldiers walked slowly behind Iskandar, holding spears, swords, and shields.

“Look, even though the body is destroyed, the soul becomes the heroic spirit, but the legendary warriors who are still loyal to me! The fetters with them are my treasure! My kingly way! I am Iskandall proud of The strongest treasure!!”

There are tens of thousands of people. Except for the lack of treasures, job placement and job placement skills, everyone is a hero! Based on the combat power standard of the main god space, Xie Ming will face more than tens of thousands of Tier 2 enemies.

And in Iskandar’s subordinates, there is even a heroic presence that is stronger than his own combat power. Iskandar’s own combat power is at best only the middle stage of the second tier, that is to say, there are heroic spirits who have stepped into the third tier.

“Xie Ming!”

Iskandar raised his short sword high and shouted: “You are the lonely emperor who bears everything alone, so Yu is the king who will fight with these ten thousand warriors and conquer the world together!”

“Also! Ranya! Ranya!!” The soldiers roared neatly, agreeing with their king.

“And now,’Glory Look’ Dilumudo and the famous Knight King are also Yu’s allies! Faced with such a battle, can you still say what you just said!?”

“Why not?” Xie Ming, who was surrounded by soldiers, took a look around and said faintly: “No matter how many miscellaneous fish come here, they are just miscellaneous fish. Although there is a saying that ants are killed by more ants. But it doesn’t work for me.”

“I’m still saying that. If you are confident that you can defeat me, then you might as well give it a try! It’s just that the price to be paid is your life!”

“Ha ha ha ha!!”

Iskandar laughed and said: “Soldiers! The opponent we are going to face this time is the king of Otherworld ruling the world! Facing such an enemy, are you sure of victory?!”

“Sure victory! Sure victory! Sure victory!”

“Then, follow me and charge!!!”

“Oh oh oh oh!!!!!”

An army of tens of thousands of people charged with one person. What was that scene like? Xie Ming has witnessed it with his own eyes.

He has had many one-to-many combat experiences along the way. But no enemy can bring him such a feeling like the King of Conquer. At this moment, the feeling that was rolling in his heart was the fighting spirit that was about to spew out!

“This is how to resist thousands of troops with one person!!”

“The King of Conquest Iskandar! In order to show respect to you, I will open my second hole card!!!”

“Boost! Boost!!! Boost!!! BBBBBBBoost!!!”

“Balance Breaker!!”

The red armor appeared on Xie Ming’s body. The ferocious dragon wings spread out behind Xie Ming. There was a crack in the helmet, and a trace of white air was slowly spit out from it.

“Anonymous Knife Skill…Boundary Break!”

The huge black and red blade light flung out from the sword that begs the devil. Countless cracks appeared in all the places where the knife light passed. Conquer the king’s inherent barriers and begin to shatter.

With the powerful power of the forbidden state, combined with the master Xie Ming’s spatial ability, in the simplest way, with the most pure power, break the barrier. This is the sword skill Xie Ming summed up after the battle with the Heroic Guardian Palace.

The desert was shattered, and the soldiers were chopped down into light spots. The king’s army that Iskandar is proud of was destroyed by Xie Ming’s stab.

The dragon’s wings stretched out, and the moon covered the armor with a halo, except for the dark blade of the sword without a trace of reflection. Xie Ming looked at the crowd condescendingly, and declared lightly.

“You guys, lost.”

“……..Not yet.”

After a moment of silence, Iskandar raised his head and slashed his short sword fiercely. With a roar, the flying hoof thunder ox and the Kamui chariot reappeared at his feet.

“The king of the world in Otherworld! I conquer the king, and I will always fall on the road of charging! The stronger the enemy, the more my mood will be surging! This heartbeat is exactly what I dream of, The sound of the ocean tide of Okeanos!!!”


The black bull was pulling the chariot, and Iskandall holding a dagger stood on the chariot. This is Rider’s job agency, driving a tank and attacking the enemy with a fearless attitude.


A smile appeared on Xie Ming’s face under his helmet: “Then, you are satisfied, too.”


The beggar pierced through Iskandar’s chest, pierced through his spiritual foundation.


Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Iskandar smiled: “I am satisfied with this expedition.”

The strong body slowly dissipated into light particles. Alexander the Great, the conqueror King Iskandar, left the field.


Alice Phil on the side, after Iskandall disappeared, her face instantly became extremely pale, her knees softened, and she knelt directly on the ground.

“Alice Phil!”

“After all, there are already three followers who have left the field and absorbed the souls of the three followers. She can’t hold on anymore, right.”

The armor of the Chilong Emperor slowly dissipated, Xie Ming landed on the ground and said lightly.

“Berserker!” Dilumudo dragged his bruised body and raised his weapon again: “We have not yet decided the outcome!”


After a moment of silence, Xie Ming’s figure teleported to his front, and asked the demon to cut off the red spear he was protecting in front of him, and cut his chest open. The spiritual foundation inside was also cut in half.

“Then, satisfy your wish. The victory or defeat is divided.”

“Ah…thanks a lot.”

Di Lu Muduo Audina, although he did not meet a good lord, but was beheaded after a battle with a strong enemy, this ending is also considered good.


Xie Ming looked at Weber with his fist clenched: “Do you hate me? Do you want me to take revenge?”

“…No, no matter whether it’s reasoning or good and evil, you are on the right side.” Weber shook his head: “What I did was just to accompany my king and play nonsense.”

“The skills are not as good as others, so I am convinced that I lose. But I want to live. I will continue to spread his experience and deeds. As his friend, as his courtier.”


Xie Ming retracted the scabbard of the demon: “Then, try to live. Keep in mind the mood at this time and the realization at this time, you are the last and best courtier of Iskandar.”


Biting his lip and clenching his fists, Webber said firmly with tears in his eyes.

“Really…” Xie Ming said with a smile in his heart: “This is the future Elmero II… In the future, all that is waiting for you is endless overtime and stomach pain.”

“Try to live, boy.”

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