Chapter 632 The Emperor’s Privilege

Watching Webber’s departure, only Xie Ming, Altria and Alice Phil remain in the abandoned factory at this time.

“Xie Ming…” Altria slowly stood up and raised the holy sword again: “Then, it’s our turn to win the battle.”

“…No, there are more important things tonight.”

Looking at Alice Phil, who was still groaning while enduring the pain on the ground, Xie Ming said lightly.

“More important things?”

“I’ll ask again, Altria.”

Xie Ming stared at the girl’s pupils, and said seriously: “What are you pursuing the Holy Grail for now?”

“Then I will answer you again, Xie Ming.” Altria’s aquamarine eyes were as clear as gems at this time, without a trace of hesitation: “I will do my best as a knight for my Master. . Even if my Master is such a man.”

“A man like that…” Xie Ming sighed, and took the Demon back into his portable space: “Then, take me to see your Master, Kirisu Eomiya. I have a deal, I want to Talk to him.”

“Deal, and Kiriji?”

“Just tell him that.” Xie Ming smiled: “If you don’t want to lose your daughter and wife, come see me.”

“I’ll see you in Liudong Temple in two hours. I only waited 10 minutes, and I won’t wait until it expires. Also, remember to bring Alice Phil with you.”


Liudong Temple is a temple located on Wonzo Mountain in Dongmu City. And the underground of Yuanzang Mountain is the magical place for constructing the Great Holy Grail, and it is also the spiritual vein of the entire Winterwood City.

If you want to summon the Little Holy Grail, there are only four places in the entire Fuyuki City that can do it. Tosaka House, Fuyuki Church, Fuyuki City New Metropolitan Hall, and Liudong Temple. And the most suitable place for summoning is of course this Liudong Temple located above the spiritual veins.

Xie Ming didn’t choose this place randomly. Because in this place, Alice Phil, the little holy grail, will be in the most unstable state. The most unstable means the easiest to manipulate.

With the sound of the car’s brakes, Eimiya Kiritugu, wearing a long black trench coat, walked in, followed by Altria who was holding Alice Phil.

“I’m here, Berserker.”

Eimiya Kiritugu calmly said, “What is the deal you are talking about.”

Taking a deep look at the man with numb eyes, Xie Ming said lightly: “Literally, I have a way to change the fate of Alice Phil becoming a little holy grail.”

“Really, Xie Ming!” Altria showed an expression of surprise in an instant.

“So, what about the Holy Grail?” There was no movement on Eimiya Kirishu’s face: “Let Eri live, what will happen to the Holy Grail?”

“…Sure enough, you are a bastard.”

Xie Ming showed a look of disgust: “If it wasn’t to prevent the tragedy from happening again, I will kill you as soon as I don’t care whether the Holy Grail is not the Holy Grail.”

Eomiya Keiji can easily give up a few people for the lives of most people, even if those few people have their loved ones, relatives, and daughters. Even so, he will keep tears and give up on them.

And Xie Ming, the origin of his battle is to protect the people around him. All other things to save the world are just to protect their important people.

The two, in another sense, are natural enemies, incompatible with water and fire. If Xie Ming doesn’t have the plot memory of the original work, I believe he would draw a sword to kill him the moment he discovered the existence of Kirishu Eomiya.

“I know what you are thinking, Weimiya Kirisu.” Xie Ming looked at the man in front of him coldly: “You can’t believe what I said, or you don’t want to believe what I said. Because if it is contaminated The Holy Grail is true, then you will lose your last hope, and you will not be able to fulfill your wish to’relieve all mankind’.”

“That’s why you have a trace of luck, even if you lose your wife and daughter for nothing.”

“Be happy, Keiji Uemiya. Because I exist in this Holy Grail War, you will have a good death.”

“……What’s the meaning?”

“I will use my inherent skills to create a little holy grail that can replace Alice Phil.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “After that, I will extract the soul of the servant that has been stored in Alice Phil and inject it into the container I made. In this way, Alice Phil will live, the Holy Grail The advent of will not be affected.”

“And the price you need to pay is to be a bystander before Gilgamesh and I decide the victory. When the five followers leave the field, the little holy grail will be fully revealed. When you see what it looks like , Make another choice.”

“Will you continue to fight for the Holy Grail, or help me destroy it together.”

“…Why do you want to do so much for me?” Eimiya Kiritsugu asked. Their family has nothing to do with the heroic spirit in front of them, and they are still in a hostile relationship. Xie Ming, there is no reason to do these things.

This transaction is not so much a transaction, but more like help from Xie Ming.

“For you?”

Xie Ming sneered: “Don’t be overwhelmed, I am not doing this for you, but to prevent the tragedy from happening again. Do you accept this deal?”

“I can’t think of a reason for not accepting…” Wei Gong Kirisu nodded.

“The transaction is established.” Xie Ming stood up and said lightly: “Then, I will start manufacturing containers now. If you are not at ease, you can also watch.”

After talking, he came to Alice Phil without even looking at Eimiya Kirishu.

It is not difficult to create a container that has the same effect as the Little Holy Grail. There are many ways. For example, the fragments of the little holy grail in the third holy grail war are implanted into a magician, and that magician can become a simple little holy grail. (Similar to Shinji on the Fate/Stay Night UBW line)

But Xie Ming has no fragments of the little holy grail, nor does he want to sacrifice other people casually, so what should he do?

At this time, among the inherent skills of his heroism, the skill called the Emperor’s Privilege Ex came in handy.

Emperor’s Privilege Ex: Skills that you didn’t possess can also be obtained in a short time. As the violent-kun that rules the entire world, his words are the will of the world.

As the most buggy inherent skill of the entire Xingyue, there is only one effect of the Emperor Privilege Ex, and that is what you think. This inherent skill allows Xie Ming to possess all the skills he imagined.

And Xie Ming, what he wanted to use at this time was this inherent skill. There are two abilities he wants to acquire.

Projection magic, and strengthening magic.

When he was summoned by Heizhen to go to Oroliang, Xie Ming had briefly owned and used the Little Holy Grail. Now what he needs to do is to use projection magic to project the little holy grail, and then use strengthening magic to strengthen the internal structure of the little holy grail.

In this way, a fake little holy grail with all the abilities of the little holy grail was born.

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