Chapter 633: The Last Night

“Trace on”

The energy in the body slowly transformed into magic power and began to flow to Xie Ming’s hands. A little golden light was held between Xie Ming’s hands, forming a cup-shaped halo.

“This is…” Weimiya Kiritugu murmured, “Projection magic?”

As a magician, he naturally guessed Xie Ming’s thoughts. Moreover, the heroic spirit in front of him is not a nonsense guy, since he used this method, it shows that he has full confidence.

The so-called projection magic is the magic that materializes the magic power to make the mirror image of the prototype. Everything from nothing to something is constructed with its own magic power. In terms of the difficulty of magic, projection magic is considered the highest level.

However, once the projected magic power disappears, the projected items will also disappear. It consumes a lot of magic power and has a short maintenance time. The price/performance ratio can be called the lowest among all magic. So basically no magician will use this kind of magic.

The reason why the Heroic Guardian uses projection magic is because of his individual particularity. The object he projected will not dissipate after a long time, simply because it is a by-product of the inherent enchantment “infinite sword system”.

Xie Ming doesn’t have infinite swords, so the little holy grail projected by his projection magic will dissipate once it loses its magic power. If you want to maintain the existence of the little holy grail, you can only maintain the output of magic power all the time.

“Could it be…”

Suddenly reacting to something, there was a trace of dumbness on Weimiya Kirisu’s face, and then he fell silent. Since he didn’t tell this matter, he should not be nosy. If he knew it, the knight king next to him would definitely prevent him from moving.

Seeing Altria’s expression, Eimiya Kirisu sighed deeply. A person who carries the world alone, the king of Otherworld, even if he becomes a hero and summons to this world, does he still plan to carry it alone?

Slowly, the halo began to take shape, and a large golden cup engraved with countless wonderful patterns appeared in Xie Ming’s hands.


Taking a breath, Xie Ming knew that the most difficult level had passed. The next step is to extract the souls of the four followers that Alice Phil has absorbed from her body and inject them into this fake Holy Grail.

Putting his hand on Alice Phil’s forehead, Xie Ming’s pupils turned emerald green. This is the magic eye that automatically appeared when he mobilized his mental power with all his strength.

“Hundred appearances, Gil de Ray, Di Lumut, Iskandall, don’t rely on other people’s wives, come here quickly.”

If the four souls were conscious, except for Gil De Ray, the lunatic, the other three would probably be full of black lines. But it is a pity that these four souls are only instinct.

Under the guidance of Xie Ming’s spiritual power, four streamers flew out of Alice Phil’s body and got into the little holy grail in Xie Ming’s hands.


The departure of the four burdens immediately improved Alice Phil’s condition a lot. Next, without Xie Ming, she can recover health by herself.

“Well, what I did is over.”

Turning over his right hand, the Holy Grail disappeared in an instant. Xie Ming looked at Kiritugu Weimiya: “Next, it depends on whether you comply with the content of the transaction.”

“…….I see.”

Bend down and hugged Alice Phil into his arms, Uemiya Kiritugu said softly, “Thank you.”

“Don’t do things that shouldn’t be done, don’t say things that shouldn’t be said.” Taking a deep look at Eimiya Kirisu, Xie Ming’s figure disappeared in the Liudong Temple.

“Qie Si, what does the last sentence Xie Ming said just now, what do you mean?”

Altria looked at Eomiya Kirishu and asked with a frown.


Keiji Eomiya replied faintly, and then returned to the car with Alice Phil in his arms.


Although I was used to Eomiya Kirisu’s indifference to him, Altria still inevitably felt a trace of anger in her heart.

However, it’s fine for Weimiya Keishi, why would Xie Ming hide it from me?

Altria lowered her head, thinking. But how can she guess she who doesn’t understand magic at all?


On the fifth day, the little girls who stayed at home felt something was wrong. Obviously everything is the same as usual.

As a heroic spirit, like his brother, he received everyone from all over the world to this place, and gave himself and others a young man who had never felt warm before. Only today, it seemed that he was about to disappear at any time.

At first, the girls just felt a little too sensitive. And when Xie Ming gathered everyone behind the restaurant after dinner, they knew that this was not an illusion.

“Um…how do you put it…” Xie Ming looked at the girls and scratched his face: “You should all know that I am the heroic spirit summoned because of the Holy Grail War.”


“Tonight, the Holy Grail War may be over. I originally wanted to take you around today, but to be honest, I’m not familiar with Fuyuki City. So, after thinking about it, I will cook dinner for everyone as usual. ……”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “I’m sorry, but I can’t do my responsibilities for bringing everyone here.”

“Brother…” Fujino shook his head slightly: “No, brother. Although my brother didn’t say it, everyone felt it. My brother brought us here to change our sad things in the future.”

“If I have not felt any pain, I might be used by others to embark on a path of no return. But my brother taught me how to use the magic eye and helped me heal my body. With this alone, Fujino can’t do anything. It paid back.”

“Yes, brother.” Amber smiled: “I and Jade are the heirs of the Wujing family. When the Patriarch of the Tono family imprisoned us in his room, Jade and I already knew what was going to happen. I’m desperate.”

“But brother rescued us.”

A smile appeared on Jade’s expressionless little face: “Brother, this is the prince of my sister and me.”

“Huh…” Karen said with an awkward look: “Looking at you giving me the same Guy Ert cross as Kohaku and others, it means that my physique is also very special. Moreover, you put everything in school. Arranged for us, what can we complain about.”

“Xie Ming…”

Little Sakura bit her lip. The tears were already rolling in her eyes, but she still smiled: “I am the same as Amber Emerald and others. If it weren’t for the appearance of my brother, I would have been swallowed by those bugs. My brother, it was Little Sakura’s. Hope, it is the hero who saves little Sakura.”

“…Haha, you all said that, I don’t know what to say.” Xie Ming smiled and said, “I have discussed with Fujimura Raihua about the future. So, you guys. There is no need to worry about anything. And I believe that when you are together, no matter what happens, you will cross over. And…”

“Even if I leave, the bond between you and me will not be cut off, will it?”

“Brother… Brother!”

Little Sakura couldn’t bear tears anymore and plunged into Xie Ming’s arms. The other girls also gathered around and buried their heads on Xie Ming’s body.

It doesn’t matter whether it is the jade with male phobia or Karen, who is naturally awkward and poisonous, this is the case.

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