Chapter 634 Xie Ming VS Gilgamesh

Gently covering the tired girls with quilts and combing their somewhat scattered bangs, Xie Ming’s always gentle expression also showed a trace of reluctance. Of course, it’s impossible to show them such an expression.

However, there is a loyal underworld boss like Fujimura Lei, and Fujimura Dahe also has a very good relationship with the little guys, so Xie Ming will not worry about their next life.

But just in case, he still left ten tubes of intermediate treatment medicine at home, as well as some backhands. In this way, he can leave without worry.

“But having said that, having a foreign body in the body is really uncomfortable…”

Xie Ming covered his chest, and the little holy grail made with projection magic was now hidden in the spiritual foundation of his heroic spirit’s body. The energy in the body has been continuously transformed into magic power, maintaining the form for this little holy grail.

There is such a thing in his body, and I still have to go to fight with that Jin Shining, and I feel a little excited when I think about it.

“Then, goodbye, girls.”

Standing up, pulling the door of the room gently, Xie Ming said gently: “May your future be free of pain and sorrow.”

Putting on the mask of the evil dragon, and the demon and the demon sword village Zheng hung on their waists at the same time, the decisive game of the Holy Grail War is about to begin.


In front of Liudong Temple, Xie Ming sat quietly on the ground, with both knives flat on his knees, waiting for the arrival of his opponent.

“come yet?”

He opened his eyes and stood up. Looking at the blond man in front of him, Xie Ming put his hand on the scabbard of the demon sword, and said faintly: “It’s really late, what can I do?”


Gilgamesh laughed and said, “Before the main act is performed, you always have to appreciate the funnyness of the clown, right?”

“…… Yanfeng Kirei, killed Tosaka Shichen?”

“Oh, it seems that you do have the ability similar to this king’s All-Knowing Almighty Star. That’s right, that guy Qili finally understands what pleasure is. Now, he should go to Saber’s Master. After all. , That is his only persistence in this Holy Grail War.”

“Really, it’s a pity.”

Having said that, Xie Ming did not feel any guilt for not saving Sakura’s father. After all, Tosaka Shichen is the most orthodox magician, the type that Xie Ming hates most.

“Okay, let’s start too.”

Xie Ming slowly pulled out the demon sword and pointed his sword at Gilgamesh: “You should understand that the gap between you and me is very big, right.”

“Heh, don’t be too smug!”

Gilgamesh sneered, and the treasure of the king slowly unfolded behind him: “I admit that you are the only opponent of this king in this Holy Grail War. So, I will get serious.”

“The king of Otherworld, what you have to face is the oldest king who is serious, the hero king!”

“Just to my liking!”

Aegis appeared on his left arm, and the hand of Emperor Chilong appeared. Xie Ming raised his left hand and said with a smile: “Then, let’s change the battlefield!”

“The world is destroyed by me and created by me! (I destroy the world then create it)”

The mental image was once again projected onto the world. The two came to a beautiful world under the sun called hope.

“The second advantage of this inherent enchantment is its resistance to combat.”

Untie all the chains that were entwined with him, sinking into the ground, Xie Ming took off the mask: “The chain on my body is the attack method of this inherent barrier, and it is also its foundation.”

“As long as the chains are not completely destroyed, this world will not disappear. Here, we can let go of our hands and feet to fight.”

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”



A huge shield smashed in front of Gilgamesh, and Xie Ming’s demon sword slashed deep into the shield, but it did not cut it off.

“The prototype of Rho Aias (seven-fold ring of blazing sky)?”

The blow failed, Xie Ming immediately retreated. In the next second, countless treasures bombed the place where he was just now.

The shield slowly disappeared, Gilgamesh waved his hand again, and all the treasures of the king behind him unfolded. Guns, swords, halberds, axes, knives, and each of them are treasures above the B level.

A green light flashed in his pupils, and Xie Ming gave up his plan to use vector control or electric shock abilities to survive the attack.

Because these treasures all have magic-breaking effects, and the materials are all non-metal.


The shield in the left hand caught the first treasure, and a huge whirling force began to form on the surface of the shield. This whirling force began to attract all the weapons that attacked Xie Ming, and gradually formed a huge weapon Uzumaki.


“Take it, Gilgamesh!”

Xie Ming roared and waved his left arm: “The shield is against!!”

Lv2’s anti-shield effect can bounce all physical projectiles!

“Such skills are still hidden!”

The famous shield from three sides of history instantly stood in front of Gilgamesh, and the torrent of treasures that had just been shot by him poured on the shield at a speed several times faster than before.

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

The first shield was broken, the second, the last! !

Putting away the third shield that was already full of cracks, Gilgamesh looked at Xie Ming, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

A coin slowly fell on Xie Ming’s fingertips.

Lv5 ability, electric shock.

“Take me a note, Super Electromagnetic Cannon!”


The orange stream of light shot out at an initial speed of 3 times the speed of sound, and blasted on Gilgamesh’s golden armor, pushing his body several meters on the ground.

“Damn it Damn it Damn it Damn it!!!”

Although Gilgamesh was not harmed because of the Golden Armor. But when has he eaten this kind of suffocation? Raising his head suddenly, the scarlet pupils were already full of anger at this time.

But at this time, Xie Ming had already used his spatial ability to teleport in front of him.

“Shing Kong…. Withdraw a knife and cut!”

The demon sword turned into a cold light approaching the speed of light, with unparalleled power, leaving a huge crack in the golden armor. But Xie Ming’s attack is not over yet!

“Boost! Boost! Boost!!!”

The power tripled in an instant, and the vigor gathered on the left fist.

“Spartan fighting technique, collapse attack!”


The ground was stepped out of a huge pit, and the fist bombarded the crack in the golden armor like a cannonball. This time, Gilgamesh spouted blood and flew out. The golden armor slowly cracked in the air, turning into a light spot and dissipating.


Even Xie Ming, who has continuously carried out such exaggerated and swift attacks, needs a little adjustment. And Gilgamesh in the distance, taking advantage of Xie Ming’s adjustment, slowly climbed up.

With Bloodline at the corners of his mouth, mud and grass stuck to his body, the original hairspray hair has been scattered messily.

“How humiliated this king…”

Gilgamesh tore off his clothes, revealing a perfect figure enough to make the girl scream.

“You, you deserve to die!!!”,

The red line slowly climbed onto his body, drawing into a wonderful pattern.

“Mythical costume….. finally used it.”

Clenching his fists, Xie Ming’s eyes flashed with solemnity.

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