Chapter 635

The so-called mythical attire, there are only a few records in Fate/EXTELLA. The effect is to liberate the original and root power of the heroic spirit myth, and to maximize it. After the heroic spirits use their own mythical attire, their strength will suddenly rise to a stage close to the body, and they will not be constrained by the spirit foundation.

However, not every heroic spirit can withstand the role of mythical attire. If the strength of the spirit base is not enough, then the spirit base will begin to break when the mythical ceremonial outfit is used. The period from being broken to completely disappearing is the last time the heroic spirits can fight.

And Gilgamesh is obviously able to withstand mythical attire. After all, he is close to the ceiling among the heroic spirits, and with his extremely arrogant personality, how can he accept the outcome of losing both himself and the enemy?

Of course, even Gilgamesh could not always use mythical attire. Otherwise, his spiritual base can withstand it, and his core as a follower, the spiritual core, will not be able to withstand such overclocking. Generally speaking, the mythical ceremonies of heroic spirits are the final hole cards that are only used when facing the enemy of the planet (a certain demon bodhisattva, a certain rainbow stick king).

In this kind of Holy Grail war, some heroic spirits will not use this hole card even if they die. But what Xie Ming faced… but that Gilgamesh.

Arrogant and arrogant, self-respecting, and his bad personality, even in the entire month, few people can match him. The most important thing is that even the black mud flowing out of the Black Holy Grail can’t swallow him completely at the level of his conceit.

Such a guy, after being fatally beaten by Xie Ming, can he go crazy without getting angry?

Um? Wait, it seems that this guy didn’t fully use mythical attire, but just *** his own god?

“It looks like you still retain some sense.” Xie Ming sneered: “You haven’t used the mythical attire completely.”

“Hmph, what silly words.”

Gilgamesh said coldly: “As a heroic spirit, I still have the consciousness of a heroic spirit. If you are those bastards, I will use mythical attire to kill you without hesitation. But this time it’s just a discussion, no need Kill you.”

“This time, what I liberated is the divinity that I hate and the treasure of the king. The flesh of the divine nature will become my strongest armor, and the treasure of the king will become my strongest spear. Come on, Xie Ming .”

“The second round, it’s started!”

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

This time, Xie Ming didn’t dare to use the shield to rebound Gilgamesh’s treasures and shoot continuously. Now that the King’s Treasure is liberated, each round of treasure is equivalent to a miniature nuclear bomb. And now Gilgamesh didn’t even think about the concept of waste.

Every time a treasure was shot, it was in a state of fantasy collapse from the moment it was shot. Detonating the powerful magic power contained in the treasure and inflicting damage on the enemy is the collapse of the fantasy.

All heroic spirits can use fantasy collapse. But which hero was so stupid that he exploded his main weapon? Therefore, among the heroic spirits Xie Ming knew about, there were only two people who could use this attack method, Gilgamesh and the Heroic Guardian Palace.

However, the Palace of Heroes is a projection weapon that can be recreated at any time. But Gilgamesh, it exploded but it was gone.

Although he is now in the state of heroic projection, the treasure of the king and all the treasures in it are only the projection of the body. But for Gilgamesh, who is also in projection, these are his treasures. Even if it is him, it is very distressing to use this method to disperse money.

Seeing the deep pain on Gilgamesh’s face, Xie Ming, who kept dodgeling, suddenly felt a little bit dumbfounded.

“Hey! I said Golden Shining!” Xie Ming yelled, “Don’t play like this if it hurts. I’m tired when I hide!”

“If you don’t do this, you will use that strange spatial ability to come to me in an instant, won’t you?”

Gilgamesh was clearly in pain, but he pretended not to care, and said: “The king’s wealth is endless, and it’s no big deal without these!”

“Female Tsundere is a bit cute, but I can’t cute male Tsundere at all!!”

Xie Ming couldn’t help but complain.

“This victory and defeat should also be over.” Gilgamesh didn’t care what Xie Ming thought, he blew the treasure, but it was not for this. The King’s Treasure opened again, and he held a huge golden key in his hand.

With a slight twist of his wrist, the complex structure on the key began to change. In the air in front of him, dense red and dark red lines appeared. The lines shrank slowly, and a weapon that looked like a sword but not a sword appeared in his hand.

This weapon does not have sharp points such as swords, swords, halberds, and axes, and the blade is completely cylindrical. The blade, which is divided into three cylindrical shapes, has a wonderful bright red line. Although it belongs to the category of swords, its appearance is closer to a ‘stick’.

“It’s a trick…”

“Xie Ming, if you can take my blow, then the victory in this battle will belong to you!”

Gilgamesh raised the weapon in his hand high: “Open the lock of the treasure house. At the time of the trial, tear the world with my deviant sword.”

The three blades representing the sky, the earth, and the underworld began to turn in different directions, and a huge whirlwind appeared above him. No, it’s not a whirlwind, but a sword wind! !

The red sword wind penetrated the earth to reach the sky, and even cut countless spatial cracks in Xie Ming’s inherent barrier, making Xie Ming had to use more magic power to maintain the state of the barrier.

“Damn it, if this goes on, the energy can’t keep up.”

Xie Ming felt like a cocoon, but once Gilgamesh’s full-strength attack went outside, the entire Fuyuki City might be destroyed. This kind of thing must never happen!

At this moment, a tender but firm voice appeared in Xie Ming’s mind.

“Tosaka Sakura ordered as the master, Xie Ming, you must win!”

“Once again as the master, you have to live until the day when you meet us again!”

“Use the last command, Brother Xie Ming!”

Standing on the roof, looking at the two petals that have disappeared on the back of her hand, little Sakura said with tears: “Hero, you won’t lose!!”


Energy and physical strength instantly returned to their peak. Xie Ming’s expression was a bit complicated, but in the end, he smiled.

“Yes, my little Master.”

He had long been accustomed to taking responsibility by himself, and suddenly discovered that the little girl behind him had grown to this point in such a short period of time.

“Then, I also turn on my strongest state.”

The three power states on the body, the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor is a carrying vessel, and the wave of killing intent is responsible for supporting it, and the wrath of Sparta turns into tearing the enemy’s fangs.


The mad dragon enough to swallow the world has awakened! The sky of inherent enchantment turned into a burning sea of ​​fire. In the sea of ​​fire, huge ferocious black and red wings were waving, and dark red flame patterns were carved on the armor.

The pure shoulder-length white hair fluttered behind his back, and a black firelight appeared in the center of the rainbow circle in the emerald green pupils. This is a mad dragon who is destined to always be rebellious and not limited by rules. This is the Dragon of Killing Gods!

“Come on, Gilgamesh.” The voice automatically caused the world’s echo, Xie Ming said lightly: “This is really the last.”

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