Chapter 638 Another ‘Xie Ming’

“Here… is the inside of the Great Holy Grail…”

The old, rotten, and extremely evil voice slowly moved forward with the sound of crutches. Looking at the surrounding birds and flowers, the expression of Jian Tong’s dirty inkstone was full of ecstasy.

“Finally, I can finally get rid of this decayed body and gain an immortal life. The third method, the cup of heaven…”

Glancing at Jian Tong Zang Yan coldly, Xie Ming said nothing. Because no matter how lofty and great ideals Jian Tong dirty inkstone once had, it can’t change him to what he is now ugly.

In the Great Holy Grail, everyone will show the original appearance of their souls. If you are a normal person, your physical appearance will be the same. If it is a traverser, it will show what he looked like before crossing.

However, the appearance of Jian Tong’s dirty inkstone is a monster that looks like a human being. He has a human body, but his head is as hideous and terrifying as a bug, and on the surface of his skin, there are many centipedes, maggots and other strange-shaped bugs constantly coming in and out.

Ignoring Jian Tong’s dirty inkstone, Xie Ming looked at Justissa: “You still have a remnant consciousness, right? Then, take me to Angra Manuel.”

Just like a doll, Yustesa nodded lightly and began to float forward. Xie Ming also followed, leaving Jiantong dirty inkstone, who was still sighing.

“The true immortality is only one step away. How can the old man let you, a mere heroic spirit, destroy it?”

With the swing of the crutch, the larvae on his body instantly emerged, turning into flying insects with sharp wings like a knife. This is the magic passed down from generation to generation by the Matsuya family, the magic trick.

The man originally named Marquili Sorgen was originally a master of magicians who was good at creating envoys. And when he became Jian Tong’s dirty inkstone, Jian Tong’s magic turned into insect magic.

Control all kinds of disgusting, side-effect insects, and destroy the enemy by slowly destroying yourself. And all of this is also the purpose of Jian Tong dirty inkstone to keep himself alive, using the demon worm he created to absorb the vitality of his blood relatives.

At this time, all the Tongzang Yan sent out were all researched by him to deal with the followers, and used magicians to deal with the followers.

In the original plot, Jian Tong Yanye, the second son of Jian Tong dirty inkstone, also used winged blade insects to attack Tosaka Time, but it had no effect. The first reason is that Jian Tong Yanye was originally an ordinary person with zero foundation, even if he used the method of destroying the body to force him to possess the ability of a magician, he did not know how to use it.

Second, Jian Tong dirty inkstone wanted to play with Yan Ye thoroughly and wanted to see his distorted expression in regret and despair, so he didn’t even think about helping him. The occasional ‘help’ is just to make him fall into deeper hell.

And when Jian Tong Yanye personally used the insects to fight, the power and intensity were completely different from what Jian Tong Yanye used. At least, in Xie Ming’s preliminary observations, each of these winged blade insects has at least the strength of the second gastrogut in the ‘dark bullet’.

But the size of the winged blade insect is smaller, so its speed and wing sharpness will be stronger.

However, his opponent now is Xie Ming. The gastrointestinal organism of stage two? Xie Ming didn’t know how many he had killed. Is it worth his memory to kill each fish?

“court death.”

The pupils turned into emerald green, and the rainbow-colored aperture in the eyes imprinted all the winged blade insects into the fundus of the eyes, and then began to rotate.


All the demon insects instantly turned into fly ash. Even if it is an envoy, it is also a kind of magic. What’s more, this kind of enchantment formed by the use of magical power can’t pass a round in front of the Demon Eye of Forbidden.

“This is the power of your magic eye…” Jian Tongzangyan said coldly, holding the cane in both hands, “It is the first time even an old man has heard of the magic eye that can eliminate magic.”

“Old man, I was going to clean up you at the end, but if you came so eagerly to find death, then you will be fulfilled.”

Xie Ming said indifferently: “This is the inside of the Great Holy Grail, and we here are the conscious body, or the soul body. And if you die here, it is useless even if you have a lot of backhands outside.”

“I don’t know this, do you know?”

“…” Jian Tong Zangyan showed a sarcasm smile on his face: “So what? As long as the old man first touches the cup of the sky, then I am an immortal existence. And you, how can you treat the old man? Kill all the worms scattered from the soul?”

“Why don’t you try it?”

With a sneer, Xie Ming put his hand on the handle of the knife. Just as he was about to shoot, an unusually familiar voice came out.

“Oh, I thought about why you haven’t come here for so long, and I didn’t expect to have such a good time here?”


Xie Ming’s pupils shrank and looked behind Jian Tong’s dirty inkstone. How could he be unfamiliar with this voice? Because this voice is his voice!


Jian Tong’s dirty inkstone was also taken aback, but the next moment he was swallowed by endless black mud.

“Old people who are not savvy should leave the stage quickly.”

Taking the black mud back into his body, the owner of the voice said faintly.

“Are you…Angela Manuel?”

“That’s right.”

The same appearance and figure as Xie Ming, the only thing that has changed is that his skin is dark, and his body is covered with dense red spells. It is the manifestation of the curse of the evil of this world.

“I think you also know that my existence is equivalent to nothingness, so there is no such thing as a personality. But because you have come into contact with the black mud, you let me temporarily put on this shell and acquire a personality and body shape.”

Angola Manuel smiled wickedly: “But of course, my personality is you who have completely fallen into evil, and you who have liberated all desires.”

“Oh, is it so?”

“Uh-huh~, don’t waver.” Angela Manuel looked as expected: “Once you have acquired your personality, I know that you will never deny the desires you hide in your heart. But because You have a strong will, so even if you gain power, you will not use it for your own desires.”

“But I am different. I will use my power to vent my desires. For example, Alice Phil, for example, Sakura’s mother, for example… Altria.”

“Heh, knowing Wuyugong is still such a nonsense, have you really copied my personality?”

Xie Ming sneered: “I won’t deny that I have these ugly desires in the deepest part of my heart, because these are also part of me. What’s more, I am a man, so I naturally have such ideas.”

“However, the saints do not care about the heart, and there is no saint in the world. I am not a saint, I will only act according to my guidelines. As long as I implement my own guidelines, then whatever you say will not affect me.”

“No, no, I didn’t say this to affect you.” Angola Manuel shook his finger and said evilly: “What I said is what I will do after I go out.”

“You can’t get out.” Xie Ming drew out the demon sword, the sword pointed at Angela Manuel, who had the same appearance as himself.

“Because I will be here to kill you.”

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