Chapter 639

“Yeah, we still have to fight in the end.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, two bizarre backhand daggers appeared on Angola Manuel’s hands. The shape is asymmetrical, with different sizes and shapes, resembling the fangs of a beast, and somewhat similar to the curse of the ‘evil of this world’ that appears on the body of Angela Manuel.

“You have to destroy the Holy Grail, I want to be born through the Holy Grail. From the beginning, we have no way of coexistence.” Lifting two daggers, Angela Manuel laughed wildly: “In this great Holy Grail, because It is the manifestation of the soul, so all the inherent skills that I did not have as a follower can be used.”

“Come on, Xie Ming!”

After speaking, he took the initiative to rush to Xie Ming, and two daggers drew towards Xie Ming’s body at the same time.

“This guy, only the speed is fast.”

He jumped back slightly and escaped Angela Manuel’s attack, but Xie Ming didn’t take the initiative to attack. The reason is because of the two daggers of Angela Manuel.

Angela Manuel’s pair of weapons are named the left-tooth bite (Taurvi) and the right-tooth bite (Zarich). Both are weapons known as evil gods. The effect is also very disgusting.

The right tooth bite can take the enemy’s attack and entangle the opponent’s body. The effect of the left-tooth bite is to destroy the opponent’s weapon if his own attack is received by the enemy. What makes people feel more thorny is the treasure of Angela Manuel-Verg Avesta of Vientiane.

This is a passive treasure that can only be activated after being attacked by an enemy. The effect is very simple. It ignores any defenses and shares damage to the enemy. And this damage is directly engraved on the enemy’s soul, so any mitigation effect of skills will not work.

The treasure can only be captured by one person. If the surgeon’s injury is not good, his own injury will be incurable. And the caster can’t die immediately, otherwise the curse named Treasure will not be activated.

The effect looks very good, but don’t forget that the durability of Angela Manuel is only E. For combat servants whose muscle strength is basically B or higher, this muscle strength is basically a trash fish that can be hacked to death with two knives. . Xie Ming in a normal state can be hacked to death with a single stab.

If it is normal…

It is a pity that Xie Ming is now in a state of severe exhaustion, and the various functions of the heroic body have fallen by three levels. From the original S, it fell directly to C. This is also the reason why Jiantong dirty inkstone has the courage to launch an attack on Xie Ming.

Xie Ming is now relying on his own combat experience to dodge the only brilliant A-level agile attack by Angela Manuel. After all, this guy doesn’t have any fighting skills at all, and it’s all relying on super fast speed to hack. But the most difficult thing for Xie Ming is that this guy’s speed is still improving.

Angramanu’s inherent skills: the wish to die (A). Ignore the limits of the physical body, and accelerate endlessly until his physical body is destroyed. Perhaps, in the first few seconds of his physical destruction, he could become the only Ex-level agility servant so far.

“What’s wrong, what’s wrong, what’s wrong!!!?”

After the two daggers were swung by Angela Manuel, afterimages had appeared. He laughed wildly, taunting: “The guy who defeated the hero king, now in front of me, the weakest servant, can’t even fight back? Hahahahahaha!! Didn’t you say you want to kill me? Let’s do it! !!!?”

“Damn it.”

Xie Ming was also very helpless. If he had any equipment on his body, it would be enough to kill Angola Manuel. But the problem is that he is in the state of consciousness now, and the demon sword is only projected. As long as he maintains the projection of the weapon, the energy on his body is already a bit unsustainable, and there is no excess energy for the next projection.

The Crimson Emperor’s cage hand was an equipment bound to his soul, but the previous new state caused the Crimson Emperor’s cage hand to be abnormal, and it was impossible to reappear at all.

In other words, Xie Ming’s current state is like returning to the tower of swordsmanship.

Is it possible that today is really going to be staged a comedy that beats the master to death? For Xie Ming, this is not happy at all.

There are only two ways to kill Angela Manuel. One is to wait for his self-destruction, or to find the flaw and kill him with one blow. The first method can already be vetoed, because Xie Ming understands that if his speed is twice as fast, he will not be able to cope.

But the second method, to find a fatal flaw in one blow, also takes time. But what Xie Ming lacks most now is time.

“Think…. Hurry up….. The way to solve the current situation…”


Unconsciously, Angela Manuel’s speed has exceeded Xie Ming’s prediction, and the bizarre dagger cut a wound on Xie Ming’s abdomen.


Upon seeing this, Angela Manuel let out a crazy laugh again: “No way? You can’t do it anymore? Hahahahaha, the world is so dramatic! You, the king of Otherworld, will eventually fall to my humble avenger. Foot! Is it particularly humiliating? Especially resentful? Very helpless!?”


Even Xie Ming couldn’t help but explode in his heart. After his personality deteriorated, he was so bad?

However, Angela Manuel is right in one sentence, and Xie Ming is almost unable to support it.

“Let’s do this first.”

There was no time to hesitate, Xie Ming mobilized the few remaining mental powers and opened the Demon Eye of Forbidden. Using the high-speed dynamic vision of the purple magic pupil, the attack of Angela Manuel was captured. The demon knife projected in his hand also swayed slightly and began to block.

What can destroy the weapon is the bite of the left tooth of the weapon in his left hand. Then, dodge the attack with his left hand and block the attack with his right hand. In this way, it will last longer.

But this is also treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, and this ever-increasing speed has made Angela Manuel’s flaws less and less. Is it possible to really lose both? Entrust your resurrection props in the hands of this miscellaneous fish character?

Not reconciled, really not reconciled!

“Hehe, look at how embarrassed you are now.”

At this time, a somewhat unfamiliar voice appeared in Xie Ming’s mind. This voice was so long that Xie Ming didn’t recall it for a while.

“Yu…Tang?” Xie Ming was a little unbelievable.

“Oh, you can still remember me.”

There was also a hint of surprise in Midou’s voice.

“How can I forget my first opponent in the true sense?”


Behind Xie Ming, Midou’s figure slowly appeared: “Then, let my opponent, help you at last.”

“Come on, Fogu! This is us, the last battle!”

The crimson pillar of fire suddenly rose.

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