Chapter 640

To be honest, Xie Ming’s current strength basically doesn’t need Fugu, the monster that entrusts Midang’s soul. It’s not that Xie Ming doesn’t miss old feelings, but that there is really no place to use it.

Therefore, the frequency of use of Fugu, the lava monster, is getting less and less. So even in the face of such a crisis, Xie Ming never used the idea of ​​using Fogu.

However, the soul of Midang appeared, but Xie Ming provided a third way. One way, Xie Ming has always been to avoid this kind of thing.

“Hmm!!! Why are there other souls here!!!?”

Being bombarded by the pillar of fire, Angela Manuel roared, “Who are you guys!?”

“Is a loser.”

On Midou’s body, the same injury as Angela Manuel appeared, which instead made him smile furiously: “Didn’t you hear it? I belong to this guy, my opponent!”

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

Countless pillars of fire spewed out from the ground again, surrounding Angela Manuel.

“Stop!” Angela Manuel said angrily: “My treasure has worked, I have been hurt, and the same hurt will appear in your soul! Do you want to die!?”

“It’s a lingering wild dog. I can follow this bastard to see so much, I should have been satisfied a long time ago.”

Midang’s body began to blur. After making a mockery of himself, he stared at Xie Ming who was silent beside his eyes: “What are you still doing!? Kill him!!”

“…Midang.” Xie Ming clenched his fists: “I would rather use resurrection items than this situation…”

“What are you naive to say!”

After angrily cursed, Midou’s expression softened slightly: “I am a dead person, I should have been content long ago. I can help you a few times, my life is enough.”


The energy in the body is not reduced, so how is Fogu used? It was Mido who was burning his soul, using Fugu with soul as fuel. Through the miracle of the cup of heaven, Mido was able to manifest here. However, this was also the last time he appeared.

Since Angela Manuel had been hurt, no matter what, Midou had only one way to die. He also understood this, so he burned himself unscrupulously.

“The last carnival must have fun!”

Mido smiled evilly and roared: “Do it, Uranus Temple Hutaro!!”

“You damn guy…”

The nail pierced deeply into the palm of his hand, and Xie Ming’s hand holding the demon knife kept dripping blood. He gently returned the demon sword to its sheath, and his mind began to mobilize his talent skills.

“Rewrite, 50 points of intelligence, transfer to strength.”


Taking a deep breath, Xie Ming looked at Angela Manuel who was trapped by the pillar of fire without expression, and said five words softly.

“Quickly, draw a knife and chop.”


The projected demon sword disappeared into countless fragments.

“Damn it!! It’s bad, so a little bit…” Keeping the ferocious face on his face, Angela Manuel’s body was turned into two halves and slowly disappeared.


Midou’s body was also split into two halves, but his face showed a smile that he had never seen before.

“Well… this is enough…”

“Midang…” Xie Ming closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he smiled: “Bye.”

At the same time, a certain Chaldean spirit base summoning stand.

“Senior, do you want to summon servants again today?” Ma Xiu looked at the orange-haired girl helplessly.


Fujimaru Tateka clenched her fists, and the fighting spirit burned in her eyes: “This time, I must draw out a powerful servant!”

Immediately, the 30 Saint Quartz that was finally collected were placed on the summoning table, and the magic power was input.

“Oh oh oh, it’s amazing, it’s amazing!”

Seeing the golden light blooming on the summoning platform, Fujimaru Tatsuka’s expression became more and more excited.

“It’s actually out…”

Matthew couldn’t help but look forward to it, and began to concentrate on waiting for the appearance of a new partner.

Slowly, a blond man wearing a red robe appeared in Jinguang, his eyes closed, and he was still sorting out the information that had just entered his mind.

“I am such a wild dog, can I be included in the Heroic Seat?” After a moment of astonishment, the man shook his head helplessly: “That guy has a lot of face.”




“Ah, you are my Master, right.” The blond man said faintly, “I am Caster. Just call me Mido. Please enlighten me in the future, Master.”

As he said, Midou forced himself to show a kind smile. However, no matter how you look at it, it seems to be grinning.

“Again… another strange person has been summoned!!”

Fujimaru Tateika wanted to cry without tears.

“Sorry, sir.” Ma Xiu patted Fujimaru Tatsuka’s shoulder lightly, not crying or laughing.


Inside the Great Holy Grail, Xie Ming finally recovered half of his physical strength and spirit after a period of delay. Now, the plan to destroy the Holy Grail has been half completed, and Angela Manuel, the source of pollution, has been eliminated. All that is left is to solve the magic power of the Great Holy Grail that has been polluted as the evil of this world.

“Are you leaving?”

Seemingly aware of Xie Ming’s thoughts, Justissa said her second sentence.


Xie Ming said indifferently: “Next, I will destroy the Great Holy Grail and draw a sentence on this absurd and ridiculous drama.”

“…” Justissa looked at Xie Ming quietly, without showing any expression on her face.


With a self-deprecating laugh, Xie Ming shook his head. What was he thinking? Justissa just had a residual consciousness, and his personality had already disappeared. How can you answer what you have said?

Wait, then why does she take the initiative to talk to herself?

“Justiceza, you…”

Xie Ming walked over and stared at the silver-haired woman closely: “Do you still retain a little sense of self?”


“I think there is such a thing.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “The goal you are pursuing is wrong, so I will definitely destroy the Great Holy Grail. But… if you have the idea of ​​going out to see or Thoughts, then transfer your consciousness to my sword.”

The model for begging the devil was projected, and Xie Ming inserted it in front of Justissa.

“Because of the special nature of this knife (with its own AIM force field), it should be able to hold a person’s soul. Whether you want it or not depends on your own choice.”

After all, Xie Ming thought moved his head and his body disappeared inside the Great Holy Grail.

In this place where birds and flowers are scented, there is only Yustesa alone. However, at this moment, she was looking at the Tang Dao in front of her, and her hollow eyes seemed to have a trace of human brilliance.

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