Chapter 645 The 41st Floor: Bantian Silver Time

If you want to further improve your own strength in a short time, is there any way to do it? Xie Ming always has only one answer, actual combat.

Of course, actual combat is not about letting you fight indiscriminately, and fight like a stunner, but you must use the most efficient way to improve in actual combat. The plan Xie Ming came up with was the tower of swordsmanship and the arena.

In the Tower of Swordsmanship, fight the most fierce death battle with the master who restrained his swordsmanship style, and continue to fight until his death. After death, he briefly emptied his brain and adjusted his body in his personal space before heading to the arena.

With Xie Ming’s current strength, there is no problem at all to dominate the entire Tier 2 arena. However, relying on the increase in equipment and skills, Xie Ming’s point of fighting in the arena is completely meaningless.

Except for the time when he was fighting for the Book of Servants, Xie Ming had only two purposes when he came to the arena to fight. See more strange abilities, and use these substitutes to hone your on-the-spot reaction ability and skills.

Therefore, Xie Ming never used too many skills and equipment in the arena. Normally, he would only use the iron sword and the equipment purchased by Tier 2 to fight with the killing intent fluctuation or space ability.

But this time, in order to quickly digest the experience and skills gained from the duel with the masters and make up for his shortcomings, Xie Ming only prepared to fight with an iron knife. Use the pure skills to defeat the enemy.

Faced with what kind of attack, what kind of skills or methods should be used to deal with it. How to defeat the opponent by only relying on swordsmanship, these are all questions Xie Ming needs to think about.

Such a life must be very stressful. But only with this pressure can he gain more and become stronger in these seven days!

Therefore, in this short period of 3 days, he went straight from the original 31 floors to 41 floors. But on these 41 floors, Xie Ming was very embarrassed to lose.

The 41st floor guard, Bantian Ginshi.

Sakata Gintoki is from “Gintama”. It tells the story of humans resisting after a race called ‘Heaven and Human’ invaded the Earth from an alien planet.

And the guy Xie Ming faced with natural curly silver hair, dead fish eyes, and a hand that kept digging his nostrils, was the protagonist of “Gintama”, Sakata Gintoki. However, he is a little different from the main story.

Ginseng at this time was an existence called “White Yasha” during the war. Just mentioning the name, enemies who have experienced those battles will shudder.

“You are the challenger…”

The little finger picked his nose, and then flicked it casually. Gin Shizuo calmly said, “So, are you here to fight?”


Having just challenged the 39th floor, Xie Ming, who was physically weak, would naturally not be polite. He directly accelerated his speed and prepared to solve the battle with the most thrilling limit close combat.

It’s a pity that every 10th floor of the Guardian will have a qualitative leap in strength. Between the 31st and 39th floors, although the guardians of the class are also masters of swordsmanship, they are considered to be the weaker side.

Just talking about the skill level of swordsmanship, it is probably not much different from Xie Ming’s swordsmanship in the world of “Zhan Chi”. In the following world, Xie Ming’s sword skills have been improved several times, and these people will naturally not be opponents.

In the tower of swordsmanship, the master of swordsmanship is on the 31st to 80th floors. A total of 50 levels, each 10 levels equivalent to a small realm of the master realm. And the final 71 to 80 floors, are all half-step master’s swordsmen.

From the 31st to the 40th floor, although the strength of each guardian will increase, they are only those who are in the first stage of the master. For people like Xie Ming who have entered the second stage, it is not difficult to deal with, but it will also be physically exhausting.

But thinking that time is waiting for no one, Xie Ming dragged his body to the 41st floor, and he was still thinking about solving the battle as soon as possible. With such an idea, of course he will lose.

In Bantian Ginshi’s storm-like attack, Xie Ming could only passively defend, and could not find any flaws to attack. Therefore, Bantian Ginshi relied on his powerful strange power and explosive power to slash Xie Ming to the point of being unable to resist it, and then killed him with a knife.

“I think about finding flaws all day long, but there are so many flaws in the real strong.”

This was a hint from Bai Yasha that Xie Ming faintly heard when he fell to the ground.


Sakata Ginshi’s words, like a thunder explosion, directly exploded Xie Ming’s already somewhat muddy head to sober.

I don’t know when it will start, but my swordsmanship seems to have entered a strange circle. When facing a weak enemy, directly ignore everything and solve it in an instant. However, when facing a strong enemy, he was thinking of finding out his flaws and making a fatal blow, so as to conduct a protracted defensive war against the enemy.

Always thinking of a fatal blow, but how can it be so easy? The stronger the enemy, the fewer flaws they have. Even with the help of the Demon Eye of Forbidden, it is not so easy to attack the enemy’s flaws.

But what should we do at this time?

If it were replaced by Xie Ming, perhaps he would use other abilities to forcibly open up the situation, or rely on the advantages of the equipment to attack it. However, Bantian Yinshi brought a brand new solution to Xie Ming. One, the solution to the quintessence depends on the technique of swordsmanship.

Why wait for others to reveal their flaws? The person who uses the knife must have an indomitable momentum and mentality in his heart. Since the enemy does not show any flaws, attack! Attack like a storm!

Offense is the best defense. Relying on fierce offense to play your own momentum, this will not only make it easier for the enemy to expose weaknesses, but also make your own state better.

The title of “White Yasha” of Sakata Gintoki was born precisely because of his swift and fierce fighting style. If his style of swordsmanship is as wild as a tiger, then Xie Ming’s style of swordsmanship is like Lion Majesty.

This style is also related to personal character. Even with the violent skills of Spartan power, it can’t change Xie Ming’s caution. But if you want to improve your sword skills, you can’t be limited by your style.

No matter what kind of opponent, he restrained his style of swordsmanship and moves against the enemy, this is the correct way to the great master.

Therefore, in the next two days, Xie Ming did not enter the Tower of Swordsmanship again, soaking himself in the arena. Recalling the fighting style of the opponent in the past, began to try to fight with different fighting styles.

At the beginning, it was really uncomfortable. This maladaptation also led to the end of Xie Ming’s winning streak in the arena and began to lose repeatedly. He had already reached the 16th place. After more than ten consecutive defeats, he fell directly behind the 100th place.

This caused some spectators who supported Xie Ming to yell at him, saying that Xie Ming played a counterfeit match. The so-called support is actually the same thing, most people are neutral. It’s human nature to shout 666 if you win, and yell at you if you lose.

Xie Ming naturally didn’t care about the audience’s insults. He came to the arena to exercise his sword skills, not to please the audience. Before fully adapting to this multi-style switching battle mode, I believe Xie Ming will continue to lose.

But when he fully adapts, then his combat effectiveness will suddenly soar. At that time, it was when he challenged Sakata Gintoki again.

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