Chapter 646 Dragon’s Breath, Secret Kill, Hunter

On the sixth day, the arena.

This is a 170-rank and 132-ranked battle. Logically speaking, the audience will be full for battles within 200. However, in this one, there were only spectators but less than half of the seats. And this half of them almost came to see Xie Ming being beaten.

“Well, now let us focus on the battlefield.”

The host said listlessly: “The 170th ranked KT player who fell all the way from 10th. The other is the best adventure group in the second-tier adventure group, the chief mage of the new moon adventure group, Yanyue.”

“In a sense, this is a matchless game. In another sense, it is another game worthy of everyone’s attention. So, let’s start playing.”

There was a roar of laughter in the audience. As for whom the laughter is aimed at, it goes without saying.

In their eyes, they would only see Xie Ming being abused from the original tenth place to the 170th place. They did not see that Xie Ming did not use any abilities, only relying on the iron sword in his hand to fight.

This kind of watching people who are stronger than themselves are being abused will greatly satisfy their feeling of inferiority. Such substitutes are like this in the main god space: reusable garbage.

Even if it is no longer useful, they will bring a little benefit to the main god space if they travel to the mission world to perform missions. If he is dead, it doesn’t matter at all. It’s like a bottle of a drink after you drink it, you can use it to fill water. But if it is actually lost, you won’t care too much. If there is a better one, you will also replace it directly.

This is why there are the largest number of first-order and second-order substitutes. In fact, the only ones who are really valued by the main god space are those who develop with more than three attributes.

At this time, Xie Ming’s opponent Yanyue was a mage who developed agility, intelligence and energy. Only such a person can discover the reason why Xie Ming’s ranking will decline.

“I’m actually trying to switch between different styles of swordsmanship…” Yanyue, who kept her distance and constantly released small consumption magic to interfere with Xie Ming’s actions, was shocked in her heart is indescribable.

So far, Xie Ming has switched four different styles to fight in front of him. When high-damage magic attacks, his actions become mysterious and hard to find. When sustained magic damage, he will violently break through. And ordinary interference attacks, there is no value even for him to deal with.

It’s not that he hadn’t watched Xie Ming’s previous games. At that time, Xie Ming’s style had not changed so quickly, and his whole body and movements seemed very stiff and uncoordinated. Such a thing actually appeared on a substitute who was considered to be a master of swordsmanship, it was impossible to think about it.

And his leader, Kozuki, who developed the four attributes of strength, durability, agility and energy at the same time, said this to himself after defeating Xie Ming.

“That’s a monster…. He didn’t wear any equipment, any skills were useless, just using the sword technique that was still experimenting, he forced one of my hole cards.”

Those who defeated Xie Ming in the front were basically relying on Xie Ming to seize those few seconds of rigidity and attack before he succeeded in the process of switching fighting styles. But after every battle, those who paid attention to Xie Ming found that the time for this guy to switch styles was getting shorter and shorter.

Today, Xie Ming in front of Yanyue has finally achieved her goal. Be able to make a fighting style that restrains the opponent in one thought.

“Even so, I won’t give up easily!”

Seeing Xie Ming approaching at a high speed again, Yanyue gritted her teeth and once again released a magic similar to resisting the ring of fire, she began to brew high-level magic with considerable power. But before Xie Ming came into contact with this circle of magic, his body was already floating backwards like a falling Fengye.

With his toes lightly tapping the ground, Xie Ming quickly retreated to the key point of the opponent’s retreat skills, and once again burst out at full speed, approaching again with wild aura and mysterious steps.

This time, Yanyue had nowhere to hide. So the iron knife cut off his head.

“Well, KT won this game.”

After yawning, the host said lazily: “KT players chose to continue to challenge. Interested audiences can continue to challenge Xie Ming.”

After that, Xie Ming’s ranking rose to 60th.


“Finally, it’s done…”

In his personal space, Xie Ming looked at Taidao in his hand and sighed. After recalling the styles of all enemies, and combining their own situation. Xie Ming finally created three styles of swordsmanship suitable for various situations.

The first type is absolutely wild and violent, with the knife in his hand ruthlessly dividing the enemy into five horses. This style is named ‘Dragon Breath’. The breath of the dragon will destroy everything in front of him unreasonably with absolute power.

The second type is to use a wealth of combat experience to see through the enemy’s movement and thoughts, and use secret steps to completely disrupt the opponent’s judgment, which is an absolutely fatal blow in cooperation. Like a seasoned killer, perform a quick assassination before the enemy moves. Like a ninja, they continue to interfere. Therefore, this style was called ‘Secret Kill’ by Xie Ming.

The third type is to use the environment and geographical location to make a fine layout, interfere and induce it with swordsmanship, thereby creating flaws and killing them. The enemy is like a prey stepped into a trap, there is no way to escape. So this style is called ‘Hunter’.

But in battle, there can be no time for you to think about superfluous things. Therefore, Xie Ming fought endlessly in the arena for 3 days in order to imprint these three fighting styles into his body and become his own instinct.

Of course, these three styles can be mixed. You can lay out, cooperate with the mysterious footsteps to carry out a frenzied attack on the enemy. It is also possible to see through and predict the enemy’s actions, and then crush them with absolute violence.

If only one style of combat can be used, isn’t it a bit of an upside-down? Xie Ming, naturally won’t let this happen.

Now that he was ready, at the last moment of the day, Xie Ming decided to go to the Tower of Swordsmanship and fight the White Yaksha again.

After all, it’s not good to make people wait long, is it?


The Tower of Swordsmanship, 41 floors.

“Dangdang! Dangdang!!”

The collision of the two iron knives echoed continuously. Both sides are like tigers, swinging their swords and swords, and they will not stop swinging their swords until they kill the enemy. An excited smile appeared on Sakata Gintoki’s face.

“Not bad!” Sakata Gintoki smiled: “You have made up for your shortcomings in such a short period of time. It seems that you are very talented!”

“Talent? I just have more training time than others.”

Xie Ming said faintly, but the power to swing the blade didn’t decrease at all, on the contrary, it became heavier and heavier.

“Isn’t it a kind of talent that the practice has corresponding results?”

“Who knows?” Xie Ming was noncommittal.

Although Xie Ming was chatting with Sakata Ginshi on the surface, he had already set up a round in the previous battle. Now, just wait for the enemy to get online.

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