Chapter 649

Looking at the little girl who salutes them in front of them, even Xie Ming, who knows the original work, feels a little bit offended.

“I’m KT. They are Hua Sakura, Shun Kong and Chen Zhong. Major Tan Ya, since you call us the substitutes, you probably know what happened, right?”

“That kind of monsters have come to invade the world, so what can be surprising about other things?”

Tan Ya said solemnly in an immature tone: “Although I don’t know the details, I just need to know that it is enough for you to reverse the war in this world and defeat the Sprite Clan.”

“Turn the situation around?” Xie Ming smiled: “Major Tan Ya doesn’t need to put such a high hat on us. We have only one mission, to kill the highest commander of the Sprite tribe. For the rest, you still need your local residents. Work hard by yourself.”


Tan Ya curled her lips in her heart, thinking that she didn’t fool around, but her face remained silent: “I understand, Mr. KT. But the enemy commander is located in the very center of the enemy line. Even if a few of them are powerful, they may not be able to break through. . So it’s necessary to reduce the enemy’s power and create a breakthrough, isn’t it?”

“Of course it is.”

Xie Ming nodded: “But Major Tan Ya also understands that the strength of individuals in a war is extremely small. As you said, even we cannot break through with such a large number of enemies. Therefore, I also hope that the coalition forces can do their best to cooperate. We. I believe everyone understands the point of capturing the thief first and the king.”

“I met an opponent!”

Looking at Xie Ming who was smiling but not smiling, Tan Ya became serious in her heart.

Just a few words that Xie Ming and Tan Ya just said are translated like this.

Tan Ya said, you are responsible for solving the sprite tribe, so the sprite tribe’s invasion requires you. Whichever is the most dangerous and tragic, you need to participate, because you are the savior.

And Xie Ming immediately provoked this matter, explaining that he and others’ tasks, if you want them to work hard, they will only work on the task. You have to solve the rest by yourself.

Seeing that she didn’t succeed in wearing a high hat, Tan Ya changed her mind. Don’t you want to kill the commander? But we also need our help, right? You come to help reduce the enemy’s combat power, can’t your goals be achieved? In short, I wanted to use another method to let Xie Ming’s lives.

But Xie Ming has been an emperor and has lived with Lu Lu Xiu for so long. He just doesn’t like cheating people, but that doesn’t mean he won’t cheat people. Tan Ya wanted to take them into the pit, so naturally he wouldn’t be polite.

Didn’t you say that we can’t break through the enemy’s camp? Well, just so, doesn’t the coalition army exist for this? You open the breach, and the four of us went in as a commando team to kill the leader. As a result, the enemy lost the leader and the army was distracted. You can also wipe out the sprite clan better.

The flowers on the side Sakura listened to the clouds in the mist, and Shun Kong could only understand them roughly, only Chen Zhong took a deep look at Xie Ming and Tan Ya. These two people, regardless of a young man and a young girl, this city mansion can be compared to the head of his own family.

Lone wolves are all old fried dough sticks, because lone wolves that are not old fried dough sticks are long dead. Chen Zhong now understands the meaning of this sentence.

“Mr. KT is really not good-looking.” Tan Ya sighed old-fashioned, then took off his hat and bent over and said, “The officer once again apologizes for the temptation just now. Now, please let me lead the way for you. The second magistrate wants to see you.”

“I also hope this cooperation can go smoothly.”

Xie Ming smiled: “After all, the Sprites have turned the imperial army into a coalition army now, and the battle situation is very precarious, isn’t it?”

“At this point, I would like to ask Mr. KT to go to the staff headquarters to talk in detail.” Tan Ya said calmly: “The rest, let the subordinates lead them to your lounge.”

At the door, another woman with big eyes came in. She smiled and said, “Everyone, please move to the lounge.”

“Ah, good, thank you.” Hana Sakura blinked and followed.

“…Idiot girl.”

Xie Ming was speechless for a moment, and looked at Shun Kong and Chen Zhong who were aside: “Chen Zhong will come with me, Shun Kong, please go and watch Sakura Hua. After I get back, I will explain to you in detail.”

“Okay.” Shunkong did not refute. He was really not good at these intrigues, so he followed Hana Sakura. And Chen Zhong, like a rock, followed Xie Ming’s side a step away.

This distance, if something happens, he can block it for the first time.

“Mr. KT has two good subordinates.” Tan Ya said with a smile.

“Major Tanya is a teammate, not a subordinate.”

Xie Ming corrected it earnestly.


Tan Ya signaled an apology to Chen Zhong, then looked at Xie Ming: “Then, please, please.”



Two hours later, Xie Ming and Chen Zhong frowned and returned to the lounge. Inside, Shunkong and Hana Sakura have been waiting for a long time.

“so slow!”

Hana Sakura complained, “What are you talking about for so long!”

“Shut up, idiot!” Xie Ming glared at the idiot: “If you are stupid, be more obedient and do less. You can do what people tell you to do. Are you our teammate or their subordinates?”


“What are you?”

Xie Ming said angrily: “If this mission is successful, I will ask your sister to give you some of your captains when you go back! Sooner or later, your captain will kill the team!”

“What is fierce!”

Hana Sakura stomped angrily, sat aside, and rolled his head. Fortunately, she didn’t play any small tempers for Xie Ming, otherwise Xie Ming really wanted to hang her up for a while. TMD, come here to fight, not to take care of the little girl.

“The situation of the battle, is it difficult?” Shun Kong asked solemnly looking at the expressions of Xie Ming and Chen Zhong.

“Reluctantly jump on the death line.”

Xie Ming sighed, took out the world map he just wanted from the portable space, and spread it on the desktop.

Shun Kong surrounded him, even Hana Sakura also came over, but still pouting a little mouth.

Ignoring Hana Sakura, Xie Ming began to introduce the current situation to the two of them.

Saying that he was jumping back and forth on the death line, there was really nothing wrong with it. Because this continent has four-fifths of the area, all of which have fallen into the hands of the Sprite Clan. 70% of the mainland’s population were either killed in battle or used as slaves to work in areas occupied by the sprite tribe.

The remaining 30%, 10% of the population, work for all people, and do their utmost to support the operation of the army. The remaining 20% ​​are all soldiers.

This is not just the soldiers of one country, but the soldiers who survived from all countries.

This number ratio is already shocking.

The current coalition army is almost maintaining the front with human lives, and once that front is breached, then humanity will be completely invaded by the Sprite tribe.

Using his finger to gently draw a circle on the map, Xie Ming said heavily: “This area is the last pure land for mankind.”


The other three people were silent. How to fight this gap…

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