Chapter 650

“The battle situation is indeed very serious, but there is no need to be discouraged.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, all three raised their heads. At this time, Xie Ming didn’t have any fluctuations on his face.

What if there is only one area? Before the Black Knights took off, it was only a terrorist group, and there was no self-sufficient supply line.

“First of all, I want to make sure. Do you have weapons that contain the origin of the world?”

The three nodded, Shun Kong took out his staff, Chen Zhong put his huge shield on the ground, Hua Sakura played her long stick a few times.

“Well, in this way, the natural defense of the sprites will be of no use to us.” Xie Ming smiled: “The first good news is related to this. Soldiers in this world, everyone can hurt. To the Sprites.”


Shun Kong said in surprise: “So, the origin of this world is in everyone’s hands?”

“No, no.” Chen Zhong shook his head and explained: “People in this world possess magical powers. Only when they use magical powers can they harm and kill the Sprites. So the origin of the world should be hidden in this. In the magic of the world.”

In the world of Tan Ya’s War, everyone has magical power, but not everyone has the power to use, which is the so-called ‘magic adaptability’.

Those with higher magical adaptability will be incorporated into the training of aviation magical trainers and become aviation magicians after undergoing an assessment.

The people here do not use things like wands to use magic power, but rely on a mechanical device called the “Calculation Orb” to release magic power, and then cooperate with magic machinery and magic guns to fly and attack. .

Of course, it does not mean that ordinary soldiers have no magic power, but because of their own qualifications, they cannot use too much magic power and cannot reach the level of entering the aviation magister. But now that the sprites invaded and the population was greatly reduced, almost every soldier possesses the’Orb of Calculus’.

“In other words, we do not only rely on four people to complete this task. The local combat power of this world will also help us.” Xie Ming said calmly: “The strength of the aviation magister is generally a second-tier low-level. The Major Tan Ya that we just met has the strength of the second-tier peak. Her subordinates are basically the middle of the second-tier.”

“The strength of the opposing sprite tribe has also been investigated by intelligence personnel. The number of the enemy is nearly 300,000, of which the squad captain is the ten captain, the squadron captain is the centurion captain, and the brigade captain is the thousand captain. Each city is managed. The lord of the city is the captain of ten thousand.”

“Centurion and Thousand Commanders will not mention for the time being. Except for their base camp, Burren, there will only be one in every city. Among Burren, there are at least two quasi-fourth-tiers.”

“Before, the reason why mankind was unable to counterattack was because of the lack of people with high-end combat power, that is, the captain of the city lord. In other words, as long as the local forces have high-end combat power, they can launch a counter-offensive horn at any time. ”

“But…” Hua Sakura asked: “According to our strength standards, the tenth commander is the first-order peak, the centurion is the second-order peak, the thousand-lord is the third-order low-level, and the tenth-man is even more. The third-tier peak. Regardless of you, my strength can at most be against three third-tier low-ends at once. Who should deal with the third-tier peak?”

“If I can’t kill the third-order pinnacle, do you think the main god space will send us to die?” Xie Ming asked rhetorically.


Xie Ming looked at the other two who were shocked: “My strength is too far from yours, so this temporary team is basically carried out by the three of you. When it comes to the siege, I will rush into the city and kill ten thousand people. Captain, and your task is to hold back and kill all the captains stationed in a city.”

“I am a lone wolf, so I don’t have experience in team cooperation. So my departure is more suitable for you. So our first task is to let the three of you have a certain tacit understanding. The day after tomorrow, we will join The final front of the’Meat Grinder’. There, I believe you will be able to cultivate it soon.”

“As for whether you will die or not, everyone is a substitute. If this kind of scene cannot be crossed, then there is nothing to say about death.”

The three had no objections.

“After cultivating a good understanding, we will launch the first counter-offensive. Humans will invest all their combat power in this counter-offensive and break the boat. If it is captured, then humans will have a chance to breathe. If we can’t attack, we will prepare. Launch a suicide attack against Burren, the base camp.”

“Time is limited. Within a week, you must cultivate the most basic cooperation on the final front. The battle is severe and time is tight. I don’t want to die, and I believe you don’t want to. Then let go of your unnecessary self-esteem and pride and get serious. .”


Chen Zhong asked with some doubts: “Captain, have you experienced this kind of war in previous missions? It seems to be very familiar. When I was in the combat headquarters, the plan provided surprised those people.”

“That’s right.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “After all, it’s a lone wolf. Everything is good for survival. Regarding the command of the three-person team, Chen Zhong is yours, okay?”

Xie Ming looked at the other two people and asked faintly.



Hua Sakura and Shun Kong didn’t say a word, and Chen Zhong smiled bitterly when he saw it: “Captain, I listened to your command because you are the captain of this temporary team and are strong. Our main mission is to assist you. But, I if……”

“Oh, nothing.” Xie Ming sneered: “Then wait until the final front, I hope you can continue to maintain this attitude. Although they are all born to death substitutes, unless the individual strength is strong enough, then in the war, What is really needed is teamwork.”

“If you can’t, then die. It’s a simple truth.”

After speaking, Xie Ming left the lounge, but he didn’t have time to take care of these stinging feelings.


When Xie Ming left, Hua Sakura kicked the table abruptly, full of anger: “What is it! A great look!!! She also killed the Tier 3 pinnacle!? Haha!”


Shun Kong looked at Hana Sakura like an idiot, shook his head and returned to his bed.

“What are you looking at!!”

Hana Sakura glared at Shun Kong, “Don’t think that you are an Intermediate Space Mage, that’s great!?”

“I’m too lazy to talk to an idiot.” Instantly flipped Byakugan, took out a book and read it.


The long stick stabbed the book in Shunkong, causing it to pounce on his face.

“You have the ability, you come out to practice!?”

“… Hold it back, hold it back.”

Putting the book into the portable space, the blue veins on his head burst out, desperately calming his anger. With a wave of space fluctuations, he left the lounge.

“…… How difficult the future is.”

Chen Zhong sighed, and also left the lounge. How did such a guy become the second-order pinnacle of four-attribute advanced? Relying on her sister?

Feeling that there was no human aura around him, Hana Sakura also put away the long stick, jumped onto her bed, and hugged her knees.

“…I don’t want to die…Sister…”

Outside the lounge, the three of Xie Ming leaned against the wall, looked at each other, and sighed at the same time.

Why was it arranged for such a spoiled eldest lady to come over?

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