Chapter 651: The Last Line of Defense

To be honest, Xie Ming is very busy, really busy, so busy that he doesn’t even have time to manage the contradictions in this team. Fortunately, Shun Kong and Chen Zhong also worked hard step by step on their own, without any backing. So they know the big picture, know that the only way to survive is to live according to the arrangement.

The words “Master of Swordsmanship” represent not only strength, but also credibility. Don’t look at Xie Ming’s ability to dig each other with some grinning old fritters, but people who are not as firm as steel and whose heart is as transparent as a mirror cannot become a master.

Xie Ming said before that he will do his duty as a captain. This sentence means that he will live and die with everyone. He also said that the leader of the third-order pinnacle will deal with it. It seems easy to say, but is it really easy for the second-tier peak to fight the third-tier peak?

It doesn’t seem to be too difficult…

But Shunkong and Chen Zhong didn’t know, so they were obedient to Xie Ming, and they also knew that Xie Ming was not good at team combat. But if you want to elect a deputy captain from the three of them, then they must be unconvinced by anyone.

Shun Kong, an intermediate space mage, there is no problem in killing the middle stage of the third stage by one person.

Chen Zhong, the second-tier top MT, once resisted the crazy attack of the third-tier peak BOSS alone, and bought time for his teammates to escape.

And Hua Sakura, there is a sister who is very likely to enter Tier 4, and her own combat power has also said that she can fight three low-end Tier 3 alone, and she is a priest. Does the priest know? A mother is a mother if there is a milk, the pastor and MT are the two most important in a team.

Although it is not known how much Sakura’s recovery is, as long as the four attributes are advanced at the same time, it is definitely not low.

Each of these three people is a son of Tianjiao. They can obey Xie Ming’s five-attribute advancement, but they definitely don’t accept each other.

However, if they don’t cooperate, then throwing it on the battlefield is really the same as playing, and it won’t last long for it to become a member of that place. They are not Xie Ming’s all-round development, killing and rejuvenating pervert.

Therefore, these three people must work together. But not now, wait until the day after tomorrow.

What Xie Ming needs to do now is preparation.


“Unexpectedly, Mr. KT could actually fly in a physical body.”

Wearing a combat uniform, carrying a continuous-fire rifle, and holding one in his hand, Tan Ya curiously said: “Is it possible that the other three can also be?”

“should be.”

Xie Ming also held a United Army standard rifle in his hand and flew by Tan Ya’s side: “We people, never know how many cards are hidden. I believe Major Tan Ya can also see that the four of us are temporary Team up.”

“Well, that’s it.” Tan Ya smiled: “But Mr. KT shouldn’t be from our world. Can we use our magic power?”

“So this requires Major Tan Ya to cooperate. After all, one of my abilities is to be able to convert the energy in my body into energy that I have been exposed to. Therefore, I must first contact Major Tan Ya’s magic power before I can use it.”

“No wonder.”

Tan Ya nodded: “I understand, the enemy can only use magic to break the defense. Mr. KT wants to see if he can break the enemy’s defense after converting the energy into our magic.”

“That’s right.” Xie Ming said with a light smile: “If the guess is successful, then we will have a greater certainty in the first counteroffensive next week.”


Talking about this, Tan Ya’s expression is also very solemn: “Can Mr. KT really deal with the Master of the Great Wall?”

“Of course.” Xie Ming shrugged: “Also, the coalition army can only trust us, can’t it?”


Tan Ya said bitterly: “Instead of maintaining this day-to-day war of attrition, it’s better to fight for that glimmer of hope. Even if you step in, the coalition army also has the idea of ​​launching a final battle in the near future. All soldiers, are all. Ready to die in battle.”

“So, here we are.”

“Yes, fortunately you are here.” Tan Ya smiled: “The front is the last line of defense.”


Xie Ming has seen the battlefield.

The blood has already stained the soil red. Nearly a hundred kilometers of land is all black and red. The strong smell of blood and gunpowder smoke can be smelled here by Xie Ming.

Severed limbs, pieces of meat, wings, sharp claws…There are sprites, but more of them are human. And the two sides are still fighting.

The human whose neck was bitten by a werewolf did not hesitate to detonate the “Calculation Orb” in his chest, exploding himself and the surrounding five or six enemies to pieces. The soldier holding a bayonet rifle, regardless of his own body being penetrated, penetrated the enemy’s head with a bayonet with magic power, and blew himself up again.

In the battle on the ground, the soldiers had only one final return, and they blew themselves up. Bring one more person down, and the line of defense will be able to support it for a while.

The battlefield in the sky is relatively good compared to the ground.

The magisters of the coalition army used all kinds of flying machines and held rifles to fight the enemy. The bullet is empty? Then retreat immediately, and definitely not stay in the airspace for more than half a second.

It’s not that they are afraid of death, but because they can only kill more enemies if they survive. Because they are elites, they have to carry their comrades on their backs and continue to fight until the end of their lives.

“The term’meat grinder’ is a very appropriate description.”

Xie Ming said calmly, and then looked at Tan Ya: “So trouble the Major to launch an attack.”

“Mr. KT always surprises subordinates.”

Tan Ya, who thought Xie Ming would react somewhat after seeing such a tragic battlefield, looked a little different again. However, she was also unambiguous, raising the rifle in her hand and aimed at the airspace with the most enemies.

“Lord, praise you.”

In an instant, Tan Ya’s eyes turned golden, and several huge magic circles appeared at the muzzle. Then she pulled the trigger.


The magic bullet crossed the battlefield and detonated at the enemy she was aiming at. A huge fireball spread instantly, and instantly emptied the enemy in that airspace.

“Then, it’s Mr. KT’s turn.”


Withdrawing his hand on Tan Ya’s shoulder, Xie Ming raised his rifle.

“Then try it.”

Energy, transformed into the same magic power as Tan Ya. However, at this time, there was a slight change in the power of Spartan in Xie Ming’s body. There is only one energy that can change the power of Spartan.

Divine power.

“With the magic of the nature of’God’?”

Such a thought flashed in Xie Ming’s mind, and he aimed at a squadron-sized soldier on the ground of the Sprite tribe. The magic in the body is injected into the gun, and the muzzle has more and more magic circles.

“Hey hey, Mr. KT…” Tan Ya suddenly felt something wrong, she didn’t seem to tell Xie Ming something important.



A fireball five or six times larger than Tanya’s, hit the ground and burst. The huge air currents blew the people in the air and swayed, and also emptied one-fifth of the enemy’s army.

“Huh, not bad. But the quality of the guns is not good enough.”

Looking at the rifle whose muzzle had exploded, Xie Ming threw it out.

“…” Tan Ya said that she didn’t want to say anything anymore.

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