Chapter 652 Everything Is To Live

It was said that Xie Ming was given a two-day break for several people, but in fact there was only one day. In the evening of the next day, the four had arrived at the barracks on the final front. It was Tan Ya’s 203rd Aviation Magic Brigade who set off with them.

The reason why Tan Ya came together is actually very simple. Xie Ming’s strength, Tan Ya, had already seen the leopard, at least better than himself, but lacked long-range combat experience in the air. But she hasn’t witnessed the fighting power of the other three.

War is not a child’s play, let alone Xie Ming and the others can be regarded as the most important role in the human counterattack. If it’s time to come, and you find that it’s all over the top, what can you do?

Moreover, even if they are warriors who have experienced many battles, even experienced soldiers will feel like vomiting at this level of meat grinder battlefield. Therefore, Xie Ming said that he would pull over to train and train, no matter whether it was the three people in Xingkong or the high level of the coalition army, they had no objection.

In fact, Xie Ming really guessed it.

When there were 5 minutes away from the last line of defense, Hana Sakura’s face began to turn pale, and Xingkong’s stomach began to roll. Even Chen Zhong’s flight path was a bit skewed. Obviously, just by smelling that kind of smell, the three of them are almost dead.

Xie Ming saw the performance of the three in his eyes, but there was no fluctuation on his face. Those who adapt live, and those who don’t adapt die. He is the captain, not the nanny.

“Captain, they…”

A team member behind Tan Ya moved forward gently, and asked with some worry: “Are they…reliable?”

“Glanz Ensign, be careful.” Tan Ya warned slightly: “Don’t forget, even if it is us, it was the same when we first came to the battlefield. The performance of the three of them is already better than ours. That’s a lot.”

“Yes! I’m so sorry, Captain!”

The young man called Glanz Ensign’s face tightened, and he withdrew to his place.

To be honest, Tan Ya doesn’t care much about this kind of thing at all. Her goal is always only one, kill people to earn military merit, and complete the task perfectly. If it weren’t for the poor treatment of the Sprites, she would have thought of hopping to the Sprites.

This is why Tan Ya was transferred to Otherworld by Existence X to reincarnate, becoming a thin little girl with both parents dead. Because her values ​​are different from those of ordinary people, there is no such thing as compassion, sympathy, or awe in it.

Tan Ya pursues rationality, rules, and efficiency. From this point of view, perhaps the identity of a soldier really suits her. And that Existence X was just because he couldn’t get used to Tan Ya’s point, so he dug pits for her everywhere and gave her a blessing (curse).

Every time he uses magic power, Tanya must praise ‘God’ softly in order to gain power far beyond others. For Tan Ya, who pursues ‘atheism’, this is simply disgusting to the point of nausea.

Things did not end like this. The idea of ​​the existence of X is that as long as Tanya Tenten recites the words of praising ‘God’, sooner or later she will develop a sense of awe and faith. In this way, its purpose will be achieved.

However, if Tanya leaves the front line, then she will no longer use magical powers and the “Orb of Calculus”, so how can Tenten praise it?

So Existence X once again dug a hole for Tan Ya, and in a subtle way, let the people in the headquarters recognize Tan Ya’s strength, and let her start to form a magister team. This is also the establishment of the 203rd Aviation Magic Group.

Of course, this did not end. After Tan Ya received her own blessing, there were few opponents in the air that could be matched. That being the case, shouldn’t it be enough to train a few opponents?

In times of crisis, I believe that Tanya will know that the great Yamato of the “God” is noble, so that he will have a heart of worship.

That’s why Xie Ming said that this existence X is more like an evil god. But since it can control the reincarnation of people, it shows that it still has a certain ability. But this kind of guy who digs pits for himself everywhere and staged bad self-directed and self-acted people all day, how can others be full of awe for it?

It’s just a dream.


When they arrived at the battlefield and saw the ungrown red desert, the expressions of the three people in Shun Kong had already gone to the extreme. It’s not that I have never seen a corpse, but I have never seen so many corpses.

“The three of you will take a rest here and get used to it.” Xie Ming said calmly: “Major Tan Ya and I will meet the commander-in-chief of the final front.”

After speaking, Xie Ming walked out quickly without waiting for the answer from the three of them.

Inside the tent, there was silence.

In the end, Xingkong and Chen Zhong adapted first. Chen Zhong smiled bitterly and said: “It seems that the captain’s idea is correct. If we don’t have the slightest adaptation, we will face this all at once, how much fighting capacity can we have?”

“…50% or less.”

Shun Kong said with an ugly face: “Space magic requires the practitioner’s understanding and recognition of space. In my state just now, I can only use space blades at most. Even now, I can use teleportation at best. .”

“Hahaha, I’m okay.” Chen Zhong said happily: “I am an MT, and my skills are basically defensive. But in my state just now, I can block a third-tier mid-stage attack. Not bad. Hana Sakura, how about you?”


Hana Sakura sat on her sleeping bag, her face pale: “I… don’t know.”



Chen Zhong smiled awkwardly, what should I do now? Looks like this, tomorrow she can’t even do a normal fight.

“But having said that, the captain hasn’t wavered at all.” Chen Zhong once again raised the topic, wanting to divert everyone’s attention: “It seems that the captain has already experienced a fierce battlefield comparable to this war. what.”

“That monster…” Shunkong grabbed his hair annoyedly: “A mission world with this degree of war is generally available only in Tier 3 and Tier 4. That guy has experienced it in Tier 2, And he survived. Really…”

“But wouldn’t it be better?”

Chen Zhong smiled and said, “Although it is a bit of a shame, but with an experienced person leading the team, our chances of surviving will be higher. Just like this time, if the captain is a substitute who has not experienced war, that’s it. If you rush to participate, then I believe that our end will never be any better.”

“At least, we still have a week to adapt. But tomorrow is definitely our most dangerous day. The captain may protect us in secret, but if we perform too poorly, then we may really die in the hands of the enemy.”

“Moreover, we are all four-attribute advanced powerhouses. How can we willingly accept the protection of others like this? Appropriate acceptance is for survival. But to rely on shamelessly is a shame.”

“……. I kind of understand why KT will hand over the deputy captain to you.” Shunkong walked over and said softly: “Yes, I don’t want to be a defeated player forever. One I lost the first order, and I also lost the second order, but I will win the third order!”

“How about you, Hana Sakura!”

Shun Kong looked at the flower Sakura who was looking at the two of him: “The reason why you entered this four-attribute advanced world without telling everyone is to prove that you are not relying on your sister alone? Then cheer up! Otherwise, you will always You can only hide behind your sister!”

“…..Cocky shit, can you still talk a little bit more occasionally.”


Hana Sakura’s face was still pale, but she managed to show a smile, stood up, and walked to the two of them.

“Everything is to survive!”

“Everything is to survive!!”

“Not bad.” Outside the tent, Xie Ming smiled and looked towards the horizon.

In his hand, he held a specially borrowed magic rifle.

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