Chapter 653

When Xie Ming entered, the atmosphere of this temporary team was much better than before. The three of them are talking about the world they have experienced, what happened in that world, and so on.

But seeing Xie Ming coming in, they immediately stopped. Not because Xie Ming was deliberately excluded, but because Xie Ming was holding a big map when he came in.

No need to remind, the three people automatically gathered around the table and watched Xie Ming spread the map.

Xie Ming didn’t say much nonsense, and just started to explain.

“This map is a regional map of this area. The red punctuation is the sprite tribe, and the blue punctuation is the coalition army. And we are in this area.”

He took out a marker and Xie Ming drew a small circle on the map.

“And the enemy’s base camp is behind the enemy’s formation, that is, this piece. And next week, our counterattack is to break through the enemy’s base camp and enter the enemy’s city. I will kill and lead this city. The lord of the city, the captain of the tiger tribe, doesn’t know his name (too lazy to think about it).”

“The total number of enemies attacking the last line of defense is about 10,000. Among them, the teams below the squadron don’t need us to worry about. What we need to deal with is the brigade. And what you need to deal with is the enemy’s flying brigade.”

“Every city will have at least one flying group and one land division. And we are facing the enemy’s front line this time, so the enemy arranged three flying groups and two land divisions. In other words, the enemy The high-end combat power has 5 commanders and 1 commander.”

“Five third-order lows and one third-order peak…” Shun Kong muttered, “It’s not unacceptable.”

“I will be responsible for the divisions and captains on land. You don’t need to worry about it.” Xie Ming said lightly: “What you need to do this week is to rely on these three of you to hold two flights. Brigade.”

“Where is the one flying group left?” Sakura asked.

“The 203 Brigade led by Major Tan Ya carried out annihilation.”


Hana Sakura asked suspiciously, “Can they do it?”

“At least it must be better than you.” Xie Ming glanced at her and said calmly: “You know, before we came, Major Tan Ya once led four flying groups and successfully wiped out six enemy flying groups. And all the sprites of the low-level Tier 3 were killed by Major Tan Ya’s sniper.”

“Of course, more than half of the four flying teams were injured, but this is already a very impressive record.”

Xie Ming glanced at the three people who were a little dissatisfied: “If you talk about individual combat power, you can all beat Tan Ya. But if you three form a team to challenge Tan Ya’s flying brigade, you will only die.”

“And this is the battlefield. Looking at your performance just now, it’s good to be able to show more than 50% of your strength. I don’t expect that much from you. If only the three of you kill a flight within this week. The brigade, even if it is beyond my expectation.”

“Tomorrow is your first battle, so take a break and get ready. If you get beaten down in the first battle, don’t talk about anything else.”

“I’ll put the enemy’s army map here, you can study it if you want to study, that’s it.”

The three of them watched Xie Ming’s departure, Hua Sakura was already full of anger.

“I actually underestimated us!!”

“But what he said is right and cannot be refuted.” Although Shun Kong said so, his frowning brow also means that his mood is not very happy: “The first thing we need to do is to adapt to this environment. Only adapt to the environment. , In order to give full play to our original ability, to slap him in the face fiercely with the record.”

“But…air combat…”

Chen Zhong smiled bitterly: “It seems that I have to train flying skills.”

He didn’t say anything about Xie Ming, after all, when he was middle-aged, he had already seen a lot of things. In the team, if he sings a white face, he is a peacemaker, so a black face is inevitably needed.

And no one who plays this black face is more suitable than Xie Ming. But the black-faced guy is destined to be an annoying guy. Xie Ming consciously assumed this role, which also represented one thing.

“The three of us are all cumbersome…”

With a wry smile in his heart, Chen Zhong began to smile and comfort the two young men.


On the second day, when the sun had not risen, the first shot from the sentry tower announced the beginning of the war.

The Magister Group led by Tan Ya ascended into the air neatly, setting out a formation to meet the enemy.

The three of Shunkong followed the flying troops to lift off and began their first experience of the war. In the headset, Tan Ya’s serious and distinct commands continued to come.

“The first squadron, drag the right-wing enemy. The second squadron pulls up to the highest altitude and encircles and suppresses the right-wing enemy! The fourth squadron of the third squadron, join me in intercepting the frontal enemy! The left-wing enemy does not need to be in charge, it will be carried out by other squadrons. procrastination!”

“The Substitute Team! Go and help the left wing!!”


Chen Zhong replied, raising the heavy shield and flying towards the left wing.


At this time, a giant bird swooped down from high altitude and spotted the instantaneous sky in the middle of the team.

“Damn it, too late to fight back!”

The instantaneous use of teleportation subconsciously caused the enemy to lose the target. But in this way, the flower Sakura was exposed under the sharp beak of the giant bird.

“Even big birds like you dare to bully me!!!”

Hana Sakura yelled angrily, a blue flame was instantly wrapped around the long stick in his hand, and he swung down at the giant bird fiercely.


In an instant, the giant bird turned into a fireball and fell to the ground, but at this time, Hana Sakura opened the door wide because of the attack. Behind the giant bird, the birdman’s long sword, which has been flapping its wings, has been pierced out.

Hana Sakura blocked the long sword with the long stick, but he was also driven into the ground.

“Shingkong, what are you doing!!?”

At this time, as a MT, Chen Zhong was surrounded by dozens of giant bird riders. The beak, claws of the giant bird, and the long sword of the birdman on the back of the giant bird have left many scars on him.

“Damn it! I don’t have time to use attack magic at all!!”

Shun Kong also roared back. Around him, the giant bird riders continued to stab, so that he could only use teleportation to evade.

“Does this start, will it all be wiped out…”

“It’s really a bunch of trash.”

At this time, a cold voice rang in the ears of the three of them.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Three magic bullets that crossed the sky penetrated through the body of the enemy around Chen Zhong, reducing his pressure instantly.

“Retreat, Chen Zhong covers Shunkong. Shunkong uses the space coordinates to teleport the flower Sakura up!”

Gunshots kept ringing, and Xie Ming’s emerald green pupils kept aiming at the enemy, covering the two with a rifle in one hand. And around him, there is already a corpse.

The blood of the enemy was dripping slowly on the demon knife.

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