Chapter 654

“Really a group of outstanding talents.”

In the substitute lounge, Xie Ming looked at the three people coldly and ‘praised’: “The mage didn’t trust the MT, and ran away on his own, exposing the priest to the enemy’s attack.”

“The priest is even more powerful. Killing an enemy with one stick is a remarkable record.”

“And MT? I rush forward on my own, and then be surrounded by enemies. Tsk tsk tsk, are you really the captain of the second-tier team, not the first-tier rookies?”

“Simply hot eyes!”

Yes, the performance of the three on the battlefield can only be described with spicy eyes, and no one is commendable. If Xie Ming hadn’t made a move at the time, one of the three might really have died at the hands of those sprites in the middle of the second stage.

Xie Ming would not say that if he were replaced by other weaker substitutes. But these three are the strongest ones among the second-order generations. Now, being forced to this point by a group of second-stage mids, Xie Ming feels ashamed for them.

Fortunately, the coalition army did not count them into the combat effectiveness at this time, just let them play freely. Otherwise, with the ‘excellent’ performance of these three people, at least one squadron’s magister will die today.

Faced with Xie Ming’s cynicism, the three of them were speechless. They know how they are doing today. The three men are all captains in the main god space, and the entire team fights with them as the core. So in the battle, they are also used to fighting with themselves as the core.

But this is not a reason. It is precisely because they are the captain that they need to be more adaptable and observant. The reason why the captain is the captain is not because of his strong combat effectiveness, but because the captain can let go of his unnecessary self-esteem and cooperate with the players.

Although it was temporary, the three of them are now in the same team anyway. And for a team to cooperate, the most basic thing is trust. And they don’t even have this most basic thing.

“Today is the first and last time. If you continue to do this tomorrow, then go to death. Don’t be burdensome for this task.”

After speaking, Xie Ming turned and left. If the performance of these three people is still like this tomorrow, then he really won’t make a move. Really, what do you think of the battlefield?

They are all substitutes, so it’s better to know a little bit in their hearts.


Xie Ming’s departure restored calm to the lounge of the substitutes. All three were silent, and no one spoke. In the end, it was Chen Zhong who stood up first and bends down deeply towards the two of Shun Kong and Hua Sakura.

“I’m sorry, two. The main responsibility this time lies with me.”

Chen Zhong said solemnly: “As an MT, I am going forward. I did not protect the instantaneous air, nor did I protect the flower Sakura. In this battle, the most serious mistake was me. If there is someone in this battle Death, then it is me who is most responsible.”

“MT, you should die in front of the team members. If you want to die, MT should die first. So, I’m really sorry.”

“Mr. Chen Zhong…”

“Uncle Chen Da…” Hua Sakura also stood up and bent down deeply: “I also want to apologize! As a pastor, I was emotionally controlled and went to fight the enemy. I didn’t judge the situation at the time. Circumstances, I didn’t support the cockroach and the uncle in time, I’m sorry!”

“……..Feel sorry.”

Shun Kong also lowered his head: “I didn’t trust everyone, I just left. If my judgment was correct at the time, this wouldn’t be the case, sorry.”

The three looked at each other, and they all smiled bitterly. Chen Zhong said softly: “The captain is right. Today we didn’t even show one-tenth of our strength. In the final analysis, it’s because we are not familiar with each other.

“However, although we all have heard of each other. But today is only the third day we know each other.” Shun Kong frowned, “It is impossible to be familiar with trust in such a short period of time. ”

Hana Sakura nodded: “Yes, and as a pastor, I am the most dangerous. Let me entrust my safety to someone who has not known me for three days, I can’t do it.”

“I won’t discuss this for now. Our main problem now is still because we don’t cooperate with each other. But this can’t be achieved overnight. So, I thought of a way.”

Chen Zhong took out a pen and paper from his portable space, and drew three circles on the paper: “In the battle, there must always be a core presence and other people to assist. Everyone fulfills their own duties, then this Fighting is perfect. So, what we must first determine is the core of the battle and the corresponding responsibilities.”

“However, the three of us all want others to cooperate with us. What should we do. Then, why don’t we set up three cores and change who is the core to fight according to different battle conditions.”

“The three cores…” Shun Kong murmured thoughtfully.

“Yes, like today’s situation. Shunkong was the first to be attacked, so I started the tactics with me as the core. I used taunting skills to make the enemy attack me, and then Sakura gave me blood support, and Shunkong took advantage of it. Time to use attack magic to wipe out.”

“Or, start the tactics with Snapshot as the core. Take Sakura’s attack power as the spear, my defensive power as the shield, and Snapshot your mobility as the foot. The three of us can definitely become a guerrilla force. , Slowly devour the enemy.”

“Or, with Hana Sakura as the core…”

“No, just let me be the core, Uncle Chen Dali.”

Hua Sakura said frankly: “I am a combat priest. Although I have combat effectiveness, I am still a priest in essence. There is indeed a fighting method with a priest as the core, but it is not suitable for our team. So, just follow Uncle Chen Daqing. As mentioned, let’s act in two ways of fighting.”


Shun Kong looked at Hana Sakura in shock, his eyes made Hana Sakura upset: “What do you look at, cocky! Although this lady is arrogant, she is also general!”

“You also know that you are arrogant…”

“Fucky! Are you looking for me to single out!?”

“Who is a scumbag! I said I have tolerated you for a long time! Where am I scumbag!?”

“Aren’t you stinky? Wearing a silver robe, dragged to death. I remember that when I was in the first tier, I put a bunch of cruel words before the pervert monster, but I was slapped in the face. Bar?”

“I warn you again, Hana Sakura! Do you understand the word that people are hard to break!?”

“Ah~ I’m a ruthless eldest lady, I don’t understand~~”

“This yellow girl, airport!”

“Fuck, try again! Who is the airport!?”

“It’s you!! I don’t understand. They are obviously sisters. Why are the characters and figures of the two people so different?”

“You are dead! Cocky!”



Chen Zhong looked helplessly at the quarreling two people, and he went back to the bedding and lay down.

Young people are really energetic.

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