Chapter 655: Captain’s Responsibility


With a low roar, Chen Zhong’s heavy shield in midair stood fiercely in front of him, and an invisible wave spread instantly, causing the surrounding giant bird riders to change their attack targets.

At this time, a black light flashed in Chen Zhong’s eyes, and his whole body was surrounded by small energy shields one after another, forming a complex protective cover. The enemy’s spears, spears, claws and sharp beaks constantly hit it, sparking sparks.

“Shingkong, Hana Sakura!”



Hua Sakura swung his long stick, and two energies flung out from the two ends of the long stick, and penetrated into Chen Zhong’s body, instantly replenishing the energy he had just consumed, and at the same time, the muscles were visibly swollen.


With a low growl again, Chen Zhong slapped the shield in the air fiercely. Focusing on the place where the shield slapped, the air began to be distorted to an extent visible to the naked eye, and the giant bird knights who were caught by Chen Zhong all entered a short-lived state of dizziness.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Zhong lifted the shield and rushed out. At this time, Shunkong’s incantation was also finished.

“Space, broken.”


Numerous cracks formed a huge ball, enveloping the enemy. As Shun Kong’s palm squeezed fiercely, the Sprite Clan inside instantly and that piece of space turned into fly ash.

“On behalf of the squad, there are reinforcements from two enemy squadrons in the direction of 10 o’clock, hold them back!”


The three of them glanced at each other and disappeared. When they reappeared, the three were already above the enemy’s reinforcements. Hana Sakura swung a long stick fiercely, blasting the head of the enemy vanguard. However, Chen Zhong blocked the attack on Hua Sakura and bounced it away forcefully.

With a wave of the instantaneous staff, the three figures disappeared again and appeared in the center of the enemy’s formation.

Immediately afterwards, there were taunts, supplements, dizziness, and group attacks.

On the land, Xie Ming, who had already entered the middle and rear of the enemy, swept away the surrounding enemies, looked at the three of them, and nodded slightly.

The so-called one trick to eat fresh all over the world is just such a thing. Temporary team, do you think they can have any perfect cooperation? That’s idiotic talk about dreams. Xie Ming didn’t think about the perfect tacit understanding between the three of them. All they need to do is one thing.

Use the most reasonable and energy-saving moves to achieve the best results. In this way, it is enough.

In war, there is no need for exaggerated and gorgeous effect moves, nor is there any need for personal heroes to be handsome. They don’t have Xie Ming’s passive skills that can restore physical strength by killing the enemy, so they can only save it.

This set of skills of the three of them can be used 5 times in total, including automatic recovery. And every time, they can kill at least one enemy of the squadron.

If you are lucky, it is not a problem to kill two squadron enemies at once, just like this time, this is only the aspect of annihilating the enemy.

If three people don’t count the consumption, they will do their best. Then it is completely not a problem to drag the enemy’s two brigade for half an hour and kill the enemy’s brigade leader. This is the progress of the three.

After five days of fighting, in a flash, Hua Sakura and Chen Zhong finally got used to the atmosphere of the battlefield and understood how to survive on the battlefield. Their progress made Tan Ya and other veterans very surprised.

But in fact, this is reasonable. Which surrogate has not experienced a bloody sea of ​​swordsmanship? In each new mission world, the surrogates quickly merge into that world and adapt to that world. Only in this way can they perform better and complete their tasks.

The substitutes who were unable to do this were eliminated from the first-level advanced missions, and how could they survive to the present? The three can quickly adapt within five days, and achieve Xie Ming’s target designation, it is not considered to have buried the word’Tianjiao’.

At least, their performance during this period of time has concealed their ugliness on the first day. The soldiers of the coalition army no longer think that these three people are coming to make fun. Xie Ming’s words will be more convincing when they are at the combat headquarters.

Although it is said in the mission, there will be local forces that will support the actions of the agents. But it’s not that the local forces don’t have any ideas, otherwise it won’t be called support and control. The group of old foxes in the combat headquarters had already been driven to a dead end, but they were still thinking about calculations.

The reason why Xie Ming’s substitutes can maintain the autonomy they have now is also because of the trade between Xie Ming and the group of old foxes.

That’s right, it’s a transaction, not a cooperation.

The local forces want to expel the sprite tribe, they need Xie Ming’s high-end combat power. If Xie Ming and others want to complete the task, they need the low- and middle-end troops of the local forces. So in a sense, the two sides are in an equal position.

It is precisely because of this equality that transactions will occur. The local forces meet the needs of the substitute team and give the substitute team the right to participate in the war independently. The surrogate team is the high-end combat power to kill the enemy and help the local forces regain the territory and the city.

And if all goes well, then the local forces will help the surrogate at all costs to open the way to the enemy’s base camp, so that the surrogate can smoothly kill the enemy leader.

Someone may ask, is there any point in this type of transaction? If the enemy is not killed, the natives will be enslaved and become slaves. Who would like this kind of thing?

Yes, no one wants to be a slave. This is also because the war at this time is the reason why the Sprite tribe has an overwhelming advantage, and the weak have no right to speak. However, what if, with the help of Xie Ming and others, the combat power of the two sides was balanced?

Then, the so-called doves will jump out at that time. Say nothing to cause more harm. The people don’t need war. They have already shed enough blood. They want to cede the territory of the mainland and reach an armistice agreement with the Sprites.

At that time, what will happen to the four of Xie Ming? Will be thrown out as a sacrifice, as a sacrifice for peace.

Don’t doubt, this possibility is very high, and there will be no shortage of such pacifists in any world. They just want to maintain the peace in front of them and never think about the future.

Sprites, who have enslaved so many planes, will sign an armistice agreement because of their short-term disadvantages?

Yes, yes, but compliance or non-compliance is not necessarily true. When the reinforcements arrive, without Xie Ming’s assistance, this plane will completely fall into the hands of the Sprite Clan.

In order to prevent this from happening, Xie Ming specifically reached this deal with the combat command, especially the hawks.

The hidden content of the transaction is that if such a “dove” appears, Xie Ming will kill it personally, and the hawks will help to induce domestic public opinion, so that the war will continue until the enemy leader Huang Qiu is killed by Xie Ming. until.

Only when the Sprite Clan is completely expelled can this plane be considered completely safe. At that time, it doesn’t matter how you want to toss and toss, it doesn’t matter the space of the substitute and the main god.

To fight foreigners, you must first settle down. Xie Ming’s deal with the hawks is to make sure that he and others will not be stabbed in the back. With the authority of Xie Ming using his own main god space, and putting the knife on the neck of everyone in the combat headquarters, this contract was established.

If someone is wronged, then that person will die on the spot.

Of course, this will completely evil the local forces. But it doesn’t matter. Xie Ming is the captain, and the only thing that needs to be guaranteed is the safety of the four of them.

This is why Chen Zhong willingly obeyed Xie Ming’s orders.

This is the captain, this is the responsibility of the captain. Chen Zhong is ashamed of him.

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