Chapter 656 Counterattack!

“Tomorrow is the beginning of the counterattack.”

In the tent, Xie Ming looked at his three teammates and said lightly: “After this week of fighting, you also understand how to fight on the battlefield. But the results will not be clear until tomorrow.”

“Your task is to hold back and try to kill the enemy’s captain. You don’t need to control or support you for everything else. If you really have enough energy, then you will be responsible for the two. This brigade is going to other places to be wiped out.”

“The rest, I don’t need to say anything, you know it in your own heart. Keep the green hills, not afraid that there will be no firewood. Tonight, take a good rest.”

After talking about what needs to be explained, Xie Ming left directly as usual.

“What…” Hana Sakura said angrily, “It’s a great look.”

“Airport, people have treated us very well.”

Shun Kong mocked: “Have you never seen other lone wolves?”

“What do you mean?”

“Meaning, they have done their best to us.” Shun Kong said funnyly: “The three of us said they came to help him, but so far, what have the three of us helped KT?”


“Nothing helped me, and I was taken care of by others.”

“Isn’t he the captain? This is not…”

“Please, airport, this is a temporary team, not an official team.”

Shun Kong looked at Hua Sakura speechlessly: “KT has no obligation to take care of us at all. The reason why he has come to remind us now that he has taken care of us is already taking care of us. If I changed those lone wolves I knew, he would not take care of us at all. Bird ours, just do the task on its own.”

“Asshole, who are you with!?”

“If I was with KT, would I have to talk to you about this?” Shunkaku turned Byakugan: “People say you have a big chest and no brains. You have no chests and no brains. What should I do, alas… .”


“What are you, you are sleeping.”

“Sooner or later, I will beat you into a pig!!”

“Yes, yes, then I don’t look forward to that day. I fell asleep.”

Shaking his hand, Shun Kong lay on the bedding and closed his eyes.

“Hana Sakura, hurry up and sleep.” Chen Zhong said with a wry smile: “There is still a tough battle to be fought tomorrow, we still have to cultivate our energy.”


Hana Sakura gave Shunkaku a fierce look and lay on her bedding.


Shaking his head helplessly, Chen Zhong put out the light.

No words for a night.


In the early morning of the next day, as usual, the Sprite tribe and the coalition army began fighting. But what was different from before was that there were two other Magister Battalions that sneaked around to the enemy’s right flank.

These two brigades are the final trump cards of the coalition army. Including Tan Ya’s 203 battalion, the five magister battalions of the United Army have all been dispatched in this counterattack. At the same time, the coalition army also pulled out artillery that could only create chaos.

“Time, it’s almost…”

Looking at the watch in his hand, the top commander of the line of defense finally switched on the communication device: “Now, let’s start! All guns, open fire!!”

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

Hundreds of cannons fired at the same time, and the roar was enough to shake all the birds in the sky, like a thunder.

The cannonball crossed the battlefield and smoothly hit the enemy’s middle and rear camp, blowing up countless sprites.

Yes, blow up, not blow up. Because there is no magic in the shells, and the magic artillery is still under development, these previous artillery can only create chaos for a short time.

However, this is enough.

“The fourth and fifth magical battalion, kill the enemy’s right-wing force! The first, second, and third battalion, follow me to make a breakthrough! The substitute team, the two battalions on the left wing of the enemy, will be handed over to you. !”


“Boom boom boom!!!”

The air forces of the two sides also started fighting with the raid of the Fourth and Fifth Magic Brigade.

“It’s all started…”

The rainbow gleams in Xie Ming’s pupils, seeing everything on the battlefield in his eyes. A gun in one hand and a knife in the other.

“Here, it is about 3 kilometers away from the enemy’s city. Within half an hour, break through the 3 kilometers of the enemy and enter the city to kill the enemy ten thousand chief…”

As he said, a smile appeared on Xie Ming’s face.

“Half an hour? More than enough.”

Taking a deep breath, Xie Ming adjusted his state to the best in an instant, and the acceleration muscles of his legs bulged slightly.

“So, let’s start!”


A big pit was left in the same place, Xie Ming’s body shot out like a cannonball out of the chamber, and the countless sprites who stood in front of him instantly turned into two halves when they approached him 1 meter.

Countless blood and killing intent gradually entangled Xie Ming’s body, forming the appearance of a blood-colored dragon. Looking down from the air, it was a scarlet mad dragon unreasonably destroying, devouring everything in front of him.

Killing intent fluctuations were originally formed by pure killing intent. And in this life-and-death battlefield, the effect of the wave of killing intent will rise at a geometric speed.

3 kilometers, 2.5 kilometers, 2 kilometers, 1.5 kilometers, 1 kilometers!

Every five minutes in the past, this mad dragon traversed 0.5 kilometers and swallowed 0.5 kilometers of enemies. In the last kilometer, a deep blue ball of light appeared in the mouth of the crazy dragon.

“It’s estimated that this gun will simply be scrapped.”

Thinking of such a thought in his mind, Xie Ming remained still, dozens of sophisticated magic circles appeared at the muzzle of the sniper rifle, and the blue ball of light was slowly expanding.

“Breath of the mad dragon.”


The blue ball of light turned into a dark blue beam of light, annihilating all enemies in front of it, and directly creating a smooth and unobstructed passage of 1 kilometer. At this time, Xie Ming’s speed further accelerated.

It seemed that he was planning to smash through the city gate directly and break into the city directly.

“Damn substitute!!”

With a roar, a black shadow flew out of the city and collided frontally with the mad dragon formed by Xie Ming.


The explosion that smashed the sky and the ground, the gusting wind, and the harsh metal friction sound all sounded at the same time.

The blade of the demon sword has already cut into the sharp claws of the enemy in front of him. Xie Ming’s palm flipped, and the enemy’s fingers and claws were cut off together. If the enemy did not react in time, then that hand would be chopped off.


The black tiger skin has a light silver pattern. After a few breaths, the head of this tiger tribe grows out his fingers again. A pair of pale yellow eyes looked at Xie Ming with murderous intent.

“Substitute, you are looking for death!”

“Wipe your saliva, kitten.” Xie Ming said coldly, “I heard that cats have nine lives, I don’t know if it is true. Today, I can verify it.”

“Roar!!! I want you to die!!!”

With his mouth full of savage sharp teeth, the tiger-man captain pounced on Xie Ming again.

The top combat power, start clashing!

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