Chapter 658

As soon as he entered the city, Xie Ming’s brows wrinkled.

Although it has long been inferred from the details that the social system of the Sprites is feudal slavery, the aborigines of the planes conquered by the Sprites will become the slaves of the Sprites. However, Xie Ming still doesn’t know the specific situation.

And now, a corner of the Sprite Clan has been revealed in front of Xie Ming’s eyes.

On the street, there are almost no young women and men, but only children and old people are left behind. Everyone’s eyes are full of numbness, the deep hatred that has been hidden under the eyes.

“Get out of the way!!!”

At this time, a horse-drawn carriage rammed over, hitting several children and old people on the road, but the people next to him did not respond, and stood aside obediently, waiting for the carriage to pass by.


Xie Ming silently looked at the tiger soldier who jumped from the carriage and raised the demon sword.

There is still fighting outside, and now is not the time to consider these. After cleaning up the sprites in the city, leave a living to ask for information, and then go to support.


At night, Xie Ming’s body shook, and the blood all over his body was shaken away, and he walked out of the torture room slowly. Some people from the combat headquarters and interrogators who are good at torture followed out, their faces pale.

Said Xie Ming would torture? That wouldn’t be possible, but as a master of swordsmanship, with the mustard-level observation power of Forbidden Demon Eye, it was very simple to make people feel unhappy. Moreover, the effect is not bad.

The tiger tribe who was captured by Xie Ming from the city lord’s mansion, at first, would rather die than surrender. But Xie Ming stimulated its mental power, kept him awake, and let it see its own bones being taken out one by one, it collapsed.

But because of this, Xie Ming learned about the sprites.

The Sprite tribe is a race where all the people are soldiers. The highest is the King of Sprites, and there are six Admiral Army under the King of Sprites: lion, tiger, bear, eagle, dragon, and fox, the patriarchs of the six races. Among them, the Lion, Tiger, and Bear tribes are responsible for ground confrontation, the Eagle and Jiao tribes are responsible for aerial confrontation, and the Fox tribe is the military division.

This time Xie Ming rushed into the city lord’s mansion, and did not see the foxmen’s military division, presumably used other means to escape. Generally speaking, every captain will follow a group of 10-20 foxmen army divisions.

The foxes are a talented caster race, so they are unusually rare. Every fox race can be said to be a key protection target in the sprite tribe’s army.

The head of the tiger tribe who had gone out of the city to fight against Xie Ming might also have the idea of ​​delaying his coming out and buying time for the fox tribe to escape.

Therefore, Xie Ming also knew the order of killing in the future. If you kill all the fox people in this world, I believe that even the sprites will feel a little heartache.

Sixth, under the Admiral army is the level of the ten thousand chief. Almost every race of the Sprite tribe has several ten thousand chiefs. And the native clan of the Six Admiral Army has nearly a hundred captains.

The remaining captains, centurions, ten captains, and ordinary soldiers are countless.

The internal situation of the sprite tribe is almost like this, and the situation of their treatment of slaves is probably clear in the city.

The local residents, children and old people who have been captured in the world are thrown aside to fend for themselves, while young humans have three purposes.

Reproduction, food, coolies.

The thin young humans would be fed medicine by the sprites’ slave cultivators, and they would become ‘meat pigs’ for army soldiers to eat. Humans who are strong and physically fit are allocated for reproduction and coolies.

For reproduction, no need to say more. When a woman gives birth to 10 children, she will be promoted to a subordinate slave and have a certain degree of autonomy. If a man succeeds in getting ten women pregnant, he will be filled into a cannon fodder team and become cannon fodder on the battlefield.

The men used by coolies grow food for the slaves, build weapons for the sprites, build houses, and so on. They do all the chores.

Of course, if humans with extraordinary talents existed, the Sprites would not be buried. They will become subordinate slaves, slave owners who help the sprites manage their slaves, accept the teachings of centurions and thousands of captains, and their status can be comparable to that of ten captains. This is the highest level of slaves.

At the same time, Xie Ming also knocked out the situation of the two quasi Tier 4 guards beside Huang Qiu from the captive’s mouth. The two quasi-fourth-tiers are the patriarchs of the ghost tribe, a very rare tribe in the sprite tribe.

The ghost race is a rare and precious existence in the sprite race. This kind of preciousness lies in their combat effectiveness. A ten-husband-level figure of the ghost race can kill the centurion with all his might. By analogy, the centurion class can die with the commander, and the commander can die with the commander.

However, it is very difficult to improve at the rank of ten thousand captain. What the Guiren clan’s powerful fighting talent brings is that it is very difficult for itself to sublimate the life level, so the two Guiren clan patriarchs have been infinitely close to Tier 4, but they can’t break through life and death.

Even so, they can also be called the existence of invincible hands below Tier 3.

Excluding the two patriarchs of the Guiren tribe, Huang Qi also has a guard team composed entirely of the Guiren tribe. There are only ten people, but they are all commanders of the rank.

Because Tier 4 is forbidden to enter this world, in order to protect Huang Qiu, the Six Admiral Army separated all the ghosts and humans under his command to form this guard. They can die, but Huang Qiu can’t die.

Even if he blew himself up with the enemy, he had to let Huang Qiu escape alive. This shows how important Huangqiu is to the Sprite tribe. But from this aspect, we can also know that Huang Qiu is definitely the weakest sprite clan ten thousand chieftain.

If there were no life-saving items on him, Xie Ming would be able to kill it with a single blow even in his normal state.

Xie Ming understood it very simply when he couldn’t get any more news out of this livelihood. The bones of his body were half removed by himself. The only thought of this guy was to hurry up and die. He didn’t want to live anymore.

Although they learned about the situation in the city, many people wanted to torture it and vent their emotions. But in this state, let it go.

To torture, there are many opportunities in the future.

Knowing the situation within the Sprite Clan, the possibility that the local forces will turn back to the water is further reduced. But wanting Xie Ming to cancel the contract is still unrealistic. Who can believe you old foxes without a handle.

Tonight, Xie Ming will clean up the city again. He hadn’t forgotten the parasitic talents of the Sprites. It used to be indistinguishable, but now he has a temporary squad skill given by the main god space: “Sprite Tribe Scan”, and he can clean it with confidence.

This temporary team skill is specially used to scan the sprite tribe that is parasitic inside the human body. Except for the special existence of Huang Qiu, no sprite tribe can escape.

One scan can scan one-tenth of the city, and the cooling time is one hour. Maybe, those fox people who missed their wings are parasitic in the human body and want to escape the catastrophe.

What about the parasitized person? Sorry, nothing can be done. Weakness is the original sin. Because you are weak, you will be treated as meat by the sprites, slaves and coolies.

Xie Ming didn’t have such a good heart, thinking that these were civilians and couldn’t deal with it. If the second big change brought to Xie Ming in the world of Lulu Xiu, it was coldness.

Xie Ming would never have any other thoughts when he should be cold. He still understands that mercy is not in charge.

So tonight, it must be a bloody sleepless night.

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