Chapter 659 Future Strategy

The situation within the sprite tribe can’t be kept for long. No, it’s better to say that the people in the command headquarters didn’t even think about concealing it, and they couldn’t keep it at all.

In a city with so many people, how can it be possible to control everyone’s mouth? What’s the explanation for the city lord’s mansion, slave camp, breeding ground, and meat farm built by the sprites? Can only tell the truth.

Human beings are equivalent to beasts in front of the Sprites. After breaking the city, the local residents have deeply realized this. At this moment, even the factions that had thought of surrender in their hearts before cut off their minds.

They finally realized that this is not a battle between humans, but a war between races. If you don’t want to be treated as a carnivore, as a slave, as a breeding tool, you can only fight for your own life!

After Chen Zhong, Shun Kong and Hua Sakura came to this city again, their faces became extremely ugly. They also finally understand why they and other surrogates have to support the various worlds and help eliminate the sprite tribe.

This is the enemy of all worlds, all planes! Before inquiring about the Sprite Clan from the mouth of their own Tier 3 captain and deputy captain, they didn’t say anything, only told them one word.


When you meet the Sprites, you don’t need to think too much, just kill! Kill as much as you can, kill one more if you can kill one more!

Whether it’s Chen Zhong’s upper class, Xing Kong’s master, or Hua Sakura’s sister, they all show cold expressions and awe-inspiring killing intent when they mention the Sprites. At first, they didn’t know why, but at this moment, they understood.

The mission world of “The Battle of Tanya” was only invaded by the Sprite tribe for three years. And what is the situation with other planes that have been invaded by the Sprites? It will only be worse than this city, more shocking!

With the gunshots of the flying magic group, all the buildings built by the Sprites became ruins. The original humans inside, Xie Ming, who had salvation value, were saved that night, and those with no salvation value, such as humans who have become’hogs’, mentally broken humans, brainwashed humans, and voluntary surrender sprites. Clan, helping humans persecuting their compatriots together…

These, together with the humans parasitized by the Sprites, became Xie Ming’s dead souls under the sword.

A city with a total of 500,000 humans, nearly 10,000 people were beheaded by Xie Ming that night. This is just a city, and there are more than a hundred cities in front of it that have not yet been breached.

The 300,000 enemies counted by the coalition army before are simply farting. Where are the remaining enemies? All are parasitic in the human body! Once these sprite tribes succeed in parasitism, then the human beings in this world will completely lose their weapons of support and be slaughtered by others.

Even Xie Ming said the sprites’ parasitic ability, but the coalition army did not dare to gamble. Because of the human corpses killed by Xie Ming, various sprites did appear.

What can be argued about? People who kill the sprites are indeed experts.

Moreover, the war continues. This time it was a surprise and captured an enemy city. Next, the Sprites will definitely gather a large number of troops to counterattack.

The reason why it was consumed before was because it was unnecessary, because the human side simply did not have a combat power that could be compared with Master Wanfu. But this time, now that the Tigerman clan leader is beheaded, the enemy will definitely take it seriously.

Therefore, the strategy must be changed in the subsequent battles.

First, it is reinforcements. Only relying on the coalition army can no longer continue to support the next battle. It is necessary to request reinforcements from other regions. Fortunately, the coalition army had already done this before.

The messengers from America and Asia looked very ugly after seeing the status of this first city. They know that this is not the time to play politics. My own country does not have the strength to fight against enemies at the commander level.

If you do not seize the opportunity of the existence of high-end combat power such as substitutes and wipe out the sprite tribe completely in one fell swoop, then Europe will be completely invaded, and then Asia and America will follow.

They all understand the truth about the death of the lips and the coldness of the teeth. So as soon as they learned about the situation, the envoys got on the plane and returned to their home countries.

However, even so, the arrival of reinforcements will be at least one month later. After the envoys returned to their home countries, they would gather soldiers and collect rations, which all took time. A month’s time, it was already the quickest of the quickest.

So, how to survive this month is what the coalition army needs to consider.

So after Xie Ming and the combat headquarters discussed all night, an answer was reached.

The coalition forces gather all their combat power to conduct defensive battles at all costs. Hold the current territory firmly!

Xie Ming led Chen Zhong, spent Sakura and Shun Kong, using powerful mobility to attack the enemy’s city, supply line, and behead the enemy’s commander and commander. Do your best to interfere with the enemy’s interior and buy time for the arrival of reinforcements.

This is the best and only strategy.

“You all understand the matter.” Xie Ming looked at the players and said calmly.

“In other words, we will become guerrillas next, right?”

Shun Kong smiled: “Actually, this combat style is more suitable for our surrogates. And I have my spatial ability. It is easier to escape by setting up space nodes in some places.”

“That’s it.”

Xie Ming nodded: “But in the next month, life will not be so easy.”

“I said, are you underestimating us!” Hua Sakura stuck her waist and glared at Xie Ming: “No matter how unbearable we are in your eyes, that is also the substitute for the second-tier peak! When we come to the main god space, we Are you here to enjoy a good day?!”

“KT, perhaps in your eyes, we are all the darlings who have a Tier 3 strong team as the backing.” Shunkong stared at Xie Ming: “However, we have all gone through deadly battles before we have gained our current status.”

“Those Tier 3 strong teams don’t want the sons who can only enjoy, but the strong ones who can fight and kill.”

“Indeed, Captain. Hard times, which mission world did we not experience the crisis of life and death?”

Chen Zhong said softly: “Everyone is a substitute.”

“Yes, sorry, I took the liberty.” Xie Ming smiled: “Then take another day off tomorrow, and we will set off the day after tomorrow.”

Unfolding the map, Xie Ming threw out the pen in his hand and pinned it to a city five cities away from this city, which was also the capital of the country in this region.

Here, it is also the important information obtained by the joint army intelligence officers risking their lives, and it is one of the largest supply locations for the Sprite tribe.

“Our first goal is it, the city Yadi!”

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