Chapter 661 Conflict

Walking in the city’s drainage channel, smelling the peculiar smell floating around, all three of Xiankong frowned, but Xie Ming and the youth didn’t feel anything. This made the youth look at this man who seemed to be the captain again.

You know, it took her a long time to get used to this peculiar smell.

“My name is Alexia, you can just call me Yali.”

Recovering her voice, taking off the covering hat, the girl said calmly.

“It’s actually a girl?” Hana Sakura was a little surprised.

Frowning, Yali continued to say to Xie Ming: “Yadi’s resistance has not been in a very good condition, perhaps because this is a very important stronghold for the Sprites, so the search for the resistance is very strict. ”

“Moreover, there is a very strange phenomenon. The number of sprite soldiers who have left Yadi has so far reached nearly 20,000, but I haven’t seen any city sending reinforcements, nor have I seen a decrease in the number of soldiers in the city and the barracks. ”

“…… I probably guessed a few possibilities.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “Did you mark the distribution of the buildings built by the Sprites on the map?”

“Building?” Yali murmured: “The meat farm, the breeding ground, the city lord’s mansion… By the way, there is another area, which is very heavily guarded! No matter who, even the Sprites, just enter With a range of 500 meters, you will be sentenced to death without a pass.”


“And there have been many sprites from there, right?”


Yali nodded silently. Obviously, after Xie Ming’s reminder, she also noticed something wrong in that area.

“Nine out of ten, the teleportation channel established by the Sprite Clan.”

Shun Kong’s eyes flickered: “When I first entered this city, I felt some strange spatial fluctuations, but although such spatial fluctuations are rare, they are not uncommon. Great power collisions can also appear in such spaces. fluctuation.”

“However, after what you said, that area is a spatial channel for the Sprite Clan to transmit troops, it is very possible.”

“Hey~, cocky, it seems that you, the Intermediate Space Mage, are not just talking.” Hana Sakura smiled.

“I’ll knock you to death, the airport.” Shun Kong glared at Sakura. Is it time to make a joke on such a serious occasion?

“Ahem, Captain, then we tonight…”

“I saw the leader of the resistance army in this city first.” Xie Ming interrupted Chen Zhong and gave him a calm look.

“Uh… OK.”

Chen Zhong was stunned for a moment, and then immediately nodded. He realized that he had made a mistake. It is best not to tell anyone about the actions of yourself and others. Even if the possibility is low, it does not mean that the Resistance will not betray themselves and others.

Yali turned her head and glanced at Xie Ming deeply. It was discovered that Xie Ming’s dark pupils were also staring at her.

“…” Without saying much, Yali continued to lead the way for Xie Ming. But along the way, no more words were said.

After about 10 minutes, Xie Ming and others came to an iron gate. Yali stepped forward, knocked twice, and then knocked on the iron door with a strange pattern.

“…Morse code, Tan Ya, she spread it?”

Xie Ming squinted his eyes and opened Shikai to read what Yali wanted to express.

“Coming from the coalition army, no danger, credible.”


The iron gate opened slowly, and a gray-headed man glanced at Xie Ming and others, but did not speak. Yali lifted her foot into the inside, followed by Xie Ming and the four.

A little moss grew on the walls, and three oil lamps barely kept the room bright. Bedding is piled up in the corner, five magic rifles are placed next to it, and in the center is a large table with a detailed map of the entire city.

Several sturdy men who looked like soldiers were staring sharply at the four of Xie Ming.

“Introduce yourself again. I am the leader of the Yadi Resistance Army, Alexia.”

“Substitute, KT.”

“Chen Zhong.”

“Flower Sakura.”

“Instantaneous air.”

“KT, right, just like you don’t believe us, it’s hard for us to believe you. But since you have the contact information that the general set up for us before leaving, it is enough to prove that you and the Sprites are not in the same group.”

Yali changed her style just now and looked at Xie Ming with majesty: “Now, our Yadi Resistance Army treats each other frankly. The most precious thing in the entire Resistance Army, the map of the sprite tribe’s forces is right in front of your eyes. Can you tell us about the intelligence of the coalition army and your purpose?”

“…Interesting, no wonder you can become the leader.” Xie Ming smiled and said calmly: “It is true that Genoa was defeated and the city lord was killed by me. But the situation will not be better than before. .”

“When a ten thousand captain is killed, the sprite tribe will surely guess that our substitutes have already arrived. So they will inevitably gather forces and want to use human tactics to consume us alive. And when we die, this The world has completely lost the means to counter the high-end combat power of the sprite tribe.”

“Of course, it is not all bad to break Genoa. At least through understanding the internal conditions of the sprite tribe, countries in Asia, the Americas and other continents have also decided to send troops to support it, but it will take at least one month. So for When we have time for reinforcements to support us, the four of us will go deep into the enemy and prepare to create chaos, while at the same time we can kill the enemy’s high-end combat power as much as possible.”

“So, your first goal is Yadi.”

“That’s right.” Xie Ming said lightly: “At present, it seems that the choice of this city is correct.”

“Because of the existence of that space channel, right?” Yali knocked on the table: “Then, there is another question. If you destroy that space channel and kill the city lord, what will this city do?”

“If you don’t do anything, just keep it in a state of chaos.”

“What did you say?”

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the Resistance Army instantly glared at Xie Ming, and a trace of anger appeared between Yali’s eyebrows: “You mean, how many people will die in this city because of your actions? Does it have nothing to do with you? ?”


Xie Ming said coldly.

“What a joke!!”

Suddenly kicking over the table, Yali angrily grabbed Xie Ming’s collar: “You otherworld substitutes, are you so horrible!?”

“Otherwise, do you have a better way?”

Xie Ming suddenly asked: “With our ability, we can indeed liberate this city and kill all the sprites in this city. Then, what about afterwards? Shall we stay here forever? Always protect you Is this city?”

“After liberating this city with all enemies everywhere, won’t the Sprites come to attack? Did we help you fight to death? We are dead, what about other cities? Who will fight against the lord of other cities? Who will fight against Bai Lun’s sprite clan leader? Who will destroy the spatial passages of other cities?”

A series of questions made Yali step back and leaned against the wall.

Xie Ming looked at her indifferently: “Don’t be too naive, woman! If you don’t exclude the source, there is no point in liberating this city, it will only kill more people! I don’t care what you have experienced or what you have encountered, but If you have no power, then you can only accept the status quo!”

“If you are not reconciled, then become stronger! Strong enough to expel the sprites! Can kill all the enemies that come! All tragedies that happen to you are caused by your lack of ability!”

“Instead of screaming at me here, it’s better to start thinking about how to reduce casualties after we leave!”

Picking up the map from the ground, Xie Ming, Chen Zhong and others left the room.


“I know, what he said is correct.” Yali knelt down and said with a wry smile: “But, I can’t accept it…”


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