Chapter 662

In the field, the map obtained from the Resistance Army was spread on a boulder, and Xie Ming began to assign the task at night.

“This time, I’m going to split up.”

Xie Ming pointed out the two red-marked locations on the map: “The three of you, work together to attack this suspected space passage facility. And I will attack the City Lord’s Mansion alone.”

“At 12 o’clock in the evening, we started to split up. Starting from the first explosion in the City Lord’s Mansion, when you see the sprites soldiers in turmoil, you will start again. I very much doubt that there are two ten thousand chiefs in this place.”

“Two ten thousand captains…” Chen Zhong said with a serious expression: “Captain, do you mean that you will be used as bait to attract two ten thousand captains, and then we will sneak into the closed space channel?”


Xie Ming nodded and said calmly: “Although the three of you work together, you should be able to fight against a ten thousand captain. But don’t forget, our goal is to cut off the enemy’s supplies and disrupt the enemy’s rear. So kill the strong enemy. It’s not our primary purpose.”

“Of course, you can slaughter it easily along the way, and you’re welcome.”

“Haha…” Chen Chonggan laughed twice: “I mean…”

“Uncle mean you can fight against two captains?”

Hana Sakura said bluntly: “Don’t do it alone. If it doesn’t work, then withdraw.”


Xie Ming showed a strange look: “When do I need your weak chickens to worry about it?”


As soon as these words came out, even the calm Chen Zhong’s face became stiff, not to mention Shun Kong and Sakura.

Weak chicken? Are we weak? ! We are the second-tier peak four-attribute advancement, and the ability is lower than the third-tier substitute! Are you weak here? No….. Compared with you, we are indeed a bit weak, but the problem is not to be calculated like this! !

We cared about you kindly, but were mocked by you, can this be a chatter! ?

“I can’t help it anymore, I can’t help it anymore!!”

Hua Sakura gritted her hands, gritted her teeth and said, “Even if you teach me a lesson today, I will fight with you!!!”

After finishing speaking, the young girl rushed over, spread her teeth and danced her claws with great momentum.


“You’re not Inticus, who would you show me a big mouthful of White Fang.”

Xie Ming flicked a finger on Hua Sakura’s head and directly flew her out. Then he stood up and said calmly: “Okay, pay attention to the evening. If you find the captain, don’t push it. But if you are found, the three of you must stabilize. If you can kill, try to kill it, if If you can’t kill, you will hold back time.”

“I attacked the city lord’s mansion and killed the city lord. It is estimated that it will take less than 10 minutes. When encountering the captain, you can hold it for 15 minutes. It is all clear, right?”

“Oh oh.”

Chen Zhong and Shun Kong looked at the flower Sakura who was lying on the ground and couldn’t get up again, and the corners of his mouth twitched and replied.

“OK, then you can move freely now. If you want to enter the city, you can do it, but don’t expose it.”

After speaking, Xie Ming put away the map and walked to the secret base of the Resistance Army. This map must be returned.

“Uncle Chen Dali…” Shun Kong looked at Xie Ming’s back and murmured: “I couldn’t react to the flick of his finger just now.”

“Me too……”

Chen Zhong sighed and said complicatedly: “The gap is really that big.”

“it hurts!!!!”

Hana Sakura covered her forehead and stood up with an anguish call: “That pervert, don’t you know Lianxiangxiyu!?”

“Lianxiangxiyu? You?” Shunkong subconsciously stunned: “Which girl will directly rush at others? Men don’t do it, okay.”

“Asshole, I can’t beat him, can I still beat you!?”

“Oh~ if you have the ability, you can try it, the airport.”

“Hey, you two.” Chen Zhong looked at the two who took out the staff and stick, helplessly trying to stop.

“Uncle, don’t interfere!”

Shunkong and Hana Sakura said in unison.

“No, I mean, the captain hasn’t gone far yet. If you fight, he might hang up and fight together.”


We are still good friends without telling the truth, uncle.

The movements of the two of them froze in an instant, and their expressions were very embarrassing.

Chen spread his hands heavily and shook his head. The two are both big and young, how can they be like a kid.


At night, there were only sprite guards patrolling the road. In an alley in the city, four dark figures suddenly appeared.

“Then, follow the plan and act separately. Do you all have props to hide your face?”

Xie Ming took out the evil dragon mask from the portable space and asked faintly.

“What are you doing to hide your face?” Hana Sakura asked as she took out the raccoon mask from her pocket.

“…Preventing the face from being exposed is detrimental to future actions.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Ming still answered the silly girl’s question.


“Then, use masks to address other members when you act.”

Wearing the evil dragon mask, Xie Ming’s breath instantly became secretive. At the same time, the trio’s perception of his face was also blurred. This caused Shun Kong and others to look at their mask again, and a sense of powerlessness rose in their hearts.

Even the mask, this guy’s is the best.

Xie Ming had no time to control the psychological activities of these guys and arranged: “I am an evil dragon, Shun Kong is a falcon, Chen Zhong is a wild elephant, and Sakura is a raccoon. This is also very helpful for hiding everyone’s identity. As for the real name, it must not be revealed. Who knows if the magician on the Sprite tribe has cursed magic based on the real name.”

“Then, you are one step ahead. I will start attacking the City Lord’s Mansion in 5 minutes. Let’s start!”


By the night, the four divided into two teams and went to the target locations according to the map in memory. Xie Ming easily escaped the rounds of inspections by the guards and came to the front of the City Lord’s Mansion.

Looking at the brightly lit City Lord’s Mansion, and the human screams, the roars of wild beasts, and the wild laughter of the Sprites, the expression behind the evil dragon’s mask became more and more indifferent.

“One minute left.”

“30 seconds.”

“10 seconds.”


Take out the blood seal and hang it around your waist. Holding the hilt of the demon sword in his hand, Xie Ming moved forward with his right foot and took a slow breath.

“I have a knife to kill foreign enemies.”

“Quickly, draw a knife and cut!”


With the sound of explosions and the sound of building collapse, the City Lord’s Mansion was instantly split into two halves!

“who is it!!!?”

In the ruins, a leopard-human marquee with Madara pattern floating in the air holding a spear, shouting angrily.

“Your grandpa!”


The spear and the demon sword clash in the dark. Aftermath, blowing away everything around.

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