Chapter 663 Destruction in Progress

At the moment when the demon sword and the spear collided, Xie Ming’s pupils shrank, and the eyes of the head of the leopard race were full of horror.

“Master of Sword Art!”

“Half Master of Spear Skills.”

The Leopard Clan’s ten thousand husband exerted a fierce force, trying to push Xie Ming away. However, Xie Ming was aware of it in advance, picked up the spear, and then changed his move to a stab, preparing to pierce its heart with a single blow.


With a low growl, the muscles of the Leopard-Human clan ten thousand chieftain tightened, stepped out of a circle of sonic bursts out of thin air, escaped the attack at a speed far surpassing Xie Ming, and landed on the ground for a distance.

“Protect the Lord of the City!!!”

“Kill the intruder!!”

The response of the sprite guards had to be said to be very fast. The Leopard humans, armed with various weapons and in standard armor, rushed to the vicinity of the city lord’s mansion, preparing to kill Xie Ming together. It’s a pity that in high-end combat, it is not possible for some ten captains and centurions to participate.


At this time, Xie Ming raised up to the sky and let out a dragon roar. With Xie Ming as the center, all sprite tribes with a radius of 500 meters halted in an instant, and the formation began to fall apart. Some people uttered fearful shouts, some had golden eyes, some became dull, and there were only a handful of people who had nothing to do.

Evil Dragon Mask Active Skill: Long Xiao, will determine the will within 500 meters of the whole body, and the loser will fall into one of the three states of faint, fear, and silence.


The head of the Leopard Clan yelled angrily, trying to stop it, but its speed was not as fast as Xie Ming’s knife.

“Splitting Void slashed with a knife.”

I don’t know when the demon sword that was returned to its sheath came out of its sheath again, and a circle of expanding black knife tracks appeared around Xie Ming. The body of the sprite soldier who encountered the blade track was directly cut into two parts, and the armor shield did not serve any purpose at all.

Even the head of the Leopard race had to cross the spear to block this move. At this moment, Xie Ming’s feet pressed hard and moved up close to his body again.

“Qiang!!! Squeak!!!”

The Panther Clan’s Wanfu long tilted the spear, letting the blade slide down the barrel of the spear, and at the same time lifted his foot to kick Xie Ming.

Xie Ming’s footsteps were wrong, his breath became volatile, and his body easily escaped the enemy’s kicking skills like an illusion. Release the right hand, the demon sword slid down to the left hand, the body turned, and the right foot slashed horizontally.


Even if the head of the Leopard Human Race evaded in time, its chest was cut open with a hideous wound.

“Roar, substitute!!”

Feeling the pain caused by the wound on his chest, the long eyes of this Leopard-Human tribe turned into a faint blue instantly, as if they were two ghost fires in the middle of the night. Its body seems to have contracted a few minutes, but it has become more streamlined and its muscles have become tighter.

As the captain of the Leopard race, it does not have the same special abilities as the black tiger, the captain of the tiger race on the front line. The reason why it can become the master of ten thousand is because its unique acceleration talent of the Leopard human race is matched with its half-master-level marksmanship, which can kill the grandmaster.

“Spike skill, Qiancong!!”

The silver spear seemed to turn into countless light thorns, blooming in front of Xie Ming.

“Enough speed, but insufficient strength.”

A faint comment, Xie Ming’s breath changed again, giving the enemy a feeling of incomparably brutal violence.


Every time the enemy’s spear is pierced, Xie Ming will swing the demon knife with the smallest amplitude to pick it away. If there are bystanders, you can see that the thousands of gun shadows seem to be fake, and they can’t hurt Xie Ming’s hair at all.

“It’s actually a junior grandmaster who is about to enter the middle grandmaster…”

Although his face was still fierce, the head of the Leopard Race had already some recognition in his heart. Relying on racial talent and marksmanship, he can kill at most those who have just entered the master. And this kind of enemy who can enter the middle-level master in just one step, can’t be compared with it in technique.

Well, it’s no better than skill! !

Throwing the spear violently, the Leopard Man clan captain flipped back and landed on all fours, with fangs in his mouth, and his claws pierced into the ground.


The spear wiped the tips of Xie Ming’s hair, pierced several houses behind him, and nailed it to the wall. Xie Ming looked at the enemy calmly and lifted the knife slightly.

It seems that there are flaws everywhere. But the head of the Leopard Clan knows that if you really attack these flaws, it will only die.

“Not coming?” Xie Ming said calmly: “If I don’t come, I will pass.”

A half-step master, also voluntarily abandoned his spear, such a guy is not worthy to let Xie Ming stalemate with him. As soon as the voice fell, Xie Ming tapped his toes and rushed in.

At this moment, a violent explosion occurred in the distance. At the same time, there was an angry shout like thunder.

“A group of little bugs! Dare to invade the portal site!!!”

“Sure enough, there is still a ten thousand chief.” Xie Ming sighed helplessly in his heart.


A glimmer of ecstasy flashed in the eyes of the Panther Clan leader who was always ready to go. This guy actually dared to distract himself in the battle, and today he will add a glorious touch to his resume! !

Like an arrow from the string, the body of the head of the Leopard Human Race turned into a stream of light and struck Xie Ming’s neck. If it is scratched, the corpse is definitely separated.

“Too lazy to fight with you.”

A diamond-shaped one-handed shield appeared on the forearm of his left hand, and a streamer greeted him from the front.

“The shield is against.”


As if an ancient bell was ringing, the leopard-human clan leader, whose strength and physical fitness were not his strong points, was spread all over his body by the strong vibration from the shield.

No nonsense, Xie Ming demon stabbed the enemy’s head with a knife.

“If you use a gun, you can hold on for a while. Sure enough, there are very few people in the Sprites who value skills.”

Pulling out the demon knife, throwing away the dirt on the blade, Xie Ming flew into the air, rushing to the place where Shun Kong and others were.


Time moved forward for a while, after hearing the explosions in the distance and the roar of the enemy, Shun Kong and the others looked at each other and continued to hide their figures.

“Hurry up!! An accident happened in the city lord’s mansion!!”

“Asshole, Laozi just fell asleep!!!”

“It should be okay, after all, Lord City Lord is considered to be a very strong presence among the ten thousand masters this time.”


At this time, a dark bear race flew into the air and shouted in a low voice: “Split half of the troops to see what happened in the city lord mansion! The rest of the people enter the highest alert state! The city lord mansion is attacked, it does not mean that we are here. It’s all right.”

“There is an error in the portal, everyone has to die!!”

“Yes! Lord Wan Fu!”

All Sprite Clan weapons touched the ground and said neatly.

Seeing groups of soldiers ran out in an orderly manner, Shun Kong’s head was a little bit painful.

“How do I get in here?”

“How to get in? Need to ask?” Hana Sakura looked at Shun Kong like an idiot: “You haven’t played an assassination game. Can you just use your space ability to assassinate all the soldiers on the road?”


Suddenly, Shun Kong was speechless, and assassination games were really just what this idiot girl could tell.

“Hahaha…” Chen Zhong smiled bitterly: “The raccoon is actually right. At present, there is only this way. The raccoon is attacking and the falcon moves, and I will guard against it.”

“we can only do this……”

Looking at the triumphant flower Sakura, Xingkong sighed.

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