Chapter 664

“OK, the guard patrol route and the location of the secret post are already understood.”

Reaching out and putting away the exploration props that were floating outside, Sakura said seriously, “Now, we have two choices. One is to solve all the enemies outside, and then enter the interior of the building. The other is. Just bypass the guards and enter directly.”

“So, which plan do you prefer, raccoon?”

“The first.”

At this moment, Hua Sakura also showed her analytical ability as the captain: “First of all, we have confirmed that there is a captain here. Therefore, if we want to close the space channel, we must overcome the difficulty of the captain. Neither option can be avoided. But the first is to face only the captain and a few miscellaneous soldiers, and the second is to face the captain and half of his troops. Everyone knows how to choose.”

“So, we need to clean up the surrounding soldiers as much as possible without disturbing the captain inside, to prevent other variables when facing the captain.”

“That being said.” Shun Kong asked: “None of us are assassins. If we want to assassinate, we have no experience and no suitable skills. It is very difficult not to disturb the ten thousand chiefs inside.”

“Hey, so I have to rely on this lady at this time.”

Flower Sakura puffed up her chest and looked amazing: “This lady has a skill called’Silence Domain’. The effect is very simple. With this lady as the center of 50 meters, no sound will be heard. ”

“In this way, whether it is assassination or infiltration, it can be done!”

“No, no, no, although you look like you are coming to praise me…” Shun Kong’s eyes turned into dead fish eyes, and he vomited: “But what do you do as a priest learning this assassin skill?”


His face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Hana Sakura said angrily: “You need to take care of it!! Anyway, let’s act quickly!! Otherwise, the pervert is over!!”

“Ahaha…” Chen Zhong said dumbfoundedly: “In short, the raccoon has this skill, and the plan can proceed. Falcon, in the silent domain, can you use magic?”

“No effect.”

Shun Kong replied: “The space magic system I learned, chanting incantations is to cause the resonance of the space and the magic in my body, and it has nothing to do with the spread of sound.”

“That’s good, then our tactics are decided like this.” Chen Zhong commanded: “When the first team of guards passed by, the raccoon opened the silent domain. The three of us kept a distance behind the guards, and the Falcon began to chant a spell. When the chanting is over, the Falcon makes a gesture, and the raccoon moves forward to let the guard enter the silent area and then kills the Falcon. I stay on alert.”

“no disagreement.”


“Well, then first start from the periphery and get rid of these secret whistles. The action begins.”

The idea of ​​the three is indeed very good, but one thing they forgot, that is, although the sprite tribe is a human form, it is not a human being. They have five senses and bodies far more than humans, and they have far more sensitive and dangerous perception capabilities than humans.

From the moment the bear human clan leader, who was sitting quietly beside the passage, was waiting for someone to do something, he felt something wrong.

“… the smell of blood? Is it from the city lord’s mansion? Or is there a bastard stealing snacks?”

The head of the bear human race put his arms around his chest and murmured: “Damn, I don’t know what the leopard is doing. It took so long. It’s true that so many things have happened suddenly when they are about to occupy this continent. .”

“The stupid tiger at the forefront was also killed. It is said that a substitute with the main god space has come. Is it possible to kill the substitute for me and the ten thousand chief, is it quasi-fourth? No, if it is quasi With the existence of Tier 4, the bastard Huang Qiu should have run away long ago, how could he stay in the base camp with such peace of mind?”

“It’s not quasi-fourth, then it means that the strength is below the third-level peak, does the main god space tianjiao? Actually willing to send that kind of character in, which shows that the main god space has also invested a lot of money to kill Huang Qiu… . To be honest, that guy is indeed a shit, but who would call his life skills Upgraded, for the king’s sake…”

“Damn it, why the smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger!!”

Suddenly standing up, the leader of the bear human race opened his scarlet horizontal pupil, picked up the giant axe beside him, and scanned the surrounding soldiers.

“You guys, keep it here! I, go out and have a look!”


The bear people walked out slowly, and the corpses and blood on the ground were printed in the eyes. And the three people dressed in black and wearing masks seemed to be preparing to enter the building where they were.

“Dead… All dead…”


Feeling the constant pressure on the giant bear in front of him, the three of Shunkong opened the distance in an instant, and Chen Zhong lifted the heavy shield with a very serious expression.

“A group of little bugs, dare to break into the portal!!!”


Centered on the head of the Xiongren tribe, the huge sound wave dispersed, even scraping off the building behind it.

“You guys are looking for death!!!”

The giant axe swung down fiercely, and the Qi machine had firmly locked the three of them, unable to dodge at all.

“Damn it!!!”

Chen Zhong gritted his teeth, instantly activated all defense-related skills on his body, and raised his heavy shield to greet him.



With unparalleled power, the giant axe slammed into Chen Zhong’s heavy shield. Even after using the force-relief technique, Chen Zhong’s legs sank to the ground to his knees and coughed up blood.

“This guy, even in the third-tier peak, is the leader in strength…”

Clenching his teeth, Chen Zhong pulled his feet out of the ground. At this time, a green light penetrated into Chen Zhong’s body and healed his injury.

“Priest, heavy shield emissary, and magician…”

The fierce pupils glanced at the three of them, and the leader of the bear human race grinned and exhaled white breath: “The substitute who should have been on the front line unexpectedly ran here…that is to say, in The surrogate who killed the stupid tiger on the front line also came here, right…”

Looking at the city lord’s mansion that made a violent noise in the distance, the fur of the bear-human tribe’s head slowly turned scarlet.

“If you don’t have time to spend with your group of miscellaneous fish, give it to me and die!!!”


In the sky, a thunder light smashed into the sky, entangled on the giant axe of the bear-human tribe’s captain, and kept ‘cracking’.

“Space blade!”

When he turned his body, he glanced at the injury on his chest, and a little violence was added to the originally full of anger in the horizontal pupil.

“Evil Thunder Crack!!!”

The Qi machine locked the three of them again, and the thunder light on the giant axe burst, and the bear human tribe’s captain was slowly and heavy, swinging down the weapon.


The huge explosion, the smoke and dust splashed, instantly covered the entire open space.

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