Chapter 665


Wielding a giant axe to dissipate the smoke and dust, the head of the bear human race looked in front of him.

“I’m not dead yet…”

Chen Zhong held up the huge shield and knelt on one knee, leaving two marks on the ground, and his whole body was wounded. Behind him, Hana Sakura and Shun Kong were also very embarrassed. Hana Sakura leaned on a long stick, her face pale, and her energy was exhausted. Shun Kong is also the same, but he still has a little escape magic left.

“This is…the third-tier pinnacle…” Chen Zhong wanted to stand up, but his whole body was weakened by the paralysis of thunder and lightning.

“It’s horrible…”

As a priest, Hana Sakura understands the power of the blow just now by the bear-man clan leader. If she hadn’t exhausted her energy to maintain the bloodline of the three, then Chen Zhong would definitely be dropped immediately, and she and Shunkong would also be seriously injured.

The face under the instantaneous mask was also very ugly. You know, just now, he assisted Chen Zhong in defense, releasing five ‘space barriers’ in succession in front of the enemy’s attack. Each “space barrier” has a durability of 1000 points. But these five layers of defense were destroyed in an instant.

The durability of 5000 points, the defensive power of Chen Zhong’s own equipment, as well as his damage reduction skills, and the recovery of Sakura’s full strength in coordination, were almost lost in seconds. From this it can be seen how powerful the attack of the bear-human clan leader just now is.

In fact, within the Sprite tribe, in terms of pure destructive power, the Xiongren tribe ranks second in existence. In this ten thousand captain’s eyesight, three surrogates who were only the peak strength of the centurion, unexpectedly took a blow to him and did not die, which was also very surprised to him.

However, it was only a surprise.

There was no movement in the city lord’s mansion, indicating that the leopard had been killed. A powerful enemy is coming, and you must quickly kill the three people in front of you.

“The next blow is over.”

Thunder and lightning entangled again on the giant axe, and the bearman clan leader roared, and the powerful pressure and aura once again locked the three of them.


“To be here…”

“Do you use your hole cards?”

The three people of Shun Kong looked very ugly, and the same thought flashed through their minds. However, using the hole cards here is really not worth it! But if you don’t use it, maybe this is the burial place of yourself and others.

“Oh, my team members are taken care of by you, stupid bear.”


The pupils of the bearman clan leader shrank, and the energy locked in Chen Zhong and the others was instantly relieved. Before the giant axe had been charged, he slashed at the enemy who felt dangerous.



The sharp blade of the giant axe rubbed against the blade of the demon knife, making a harsh sound like nails scratching a blackboard. The enemy’s strength was completely put aside, Xie Ming slashed with a backhand, and the blade slashed deeply on the right arm of the bearman clan leader. The figure flickered, Xie Ming drew his knife and dodged, avoiding the aftermath of the attack and pulling away.

The guided axe hit the ground, directly causing a huge pothole. Countless gravel and gravel splashed, hit the surrounding walls and turned into powder. If ordinary people are hit by this random stone, they will be directly injured and severely injured.

If each Tier 3 pinnacle completely liberates its destructive power, it can easily blast a city into ruins. But the reason why the battle between the third-tier pinnacles did not cause so much damage was because the two sides were trying their best to compress their own strength.

For example, a strong man can break a brick with one punch. But if the power of his punch is compressed on a finger, his finger (regardless of physical strength) can easily penetrate the steel plate.

The battle between high-end combat power is to see whose power can be better controlled and can be compressed less. What they pursue is not to cause widespread destruction, but to effectively use force to kill the enemy.

“Roar… Right arm, unable to move…”

The head of the bear human tribe tried to raise the right arm that was cut by Xie Ming, but he couldn’t.

“Of course, that knife has destroyed all the nerves in your right arm.” Xie Ming said lightly: “If you didn’t cut it off directly, it means your bones are very hard.”

“You are the surrogate who killed the stupid tiger… how about that leopard?”


“That’s also…otherwise you won’t be here.” The bear human clan leader said hoarsely: “Then, the last question, are you Tier 3?”

“No, the second-order peak.”

“The second-tier pinnacle, the second-tier pinnacle human who is easy to kill the third pinnacle, hahahahaha!”

The head of the bear human tribe laughed wildly: “All planes think that my sprite tribe is a threat, but they don’t know that humans are the greatest threat! If human development on the planes is allowed, sooner or later the entire time and space will be affected by mankind. destroy!!”

“Alarming talk.” Xie Ming said indifferently: “The purpose of your sprites is not to invade and rule the entire time and space. Why do you need to build a BZ here and set up an archway.”

“Hahahaha, very descriptive. But what about you, what righteousness do you have to attack our sprites? A task assigned to you for the main god space?”

“There is no right or wrong and righteousness in war, but only winners and losers.”

Withdrawing the knife into the scabbard, Xie Ming assumed a posture of drawing and cutting the knife: “If you don’t even understand this, it’s easier to die earlier.”

“Then let go!!!”

The head of the bear human tribe once again raised his great axe, his blood-red fur was all erected, revealing his hideous teeth, his pupils were violent, and there was no trace of reason.


With a grunt, Xie Ming felt a pressure and breath locking himself. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and a sharp aura burst out of his body, like a knife, directly slicing the enemy’s pressure and aura in half.

“Evil thunder burst!!!”

“too slow.”

When the bearman tribe’s great axe was only half-swinged, Xie Ming had already arrived in front of it, and the demon sword was out of its sheath, leaving a cold light in the air.


Standing behind the head of the bear human race, the demon sword slowly slipped into its sheath. At the moment it was sheathed, the enemy’s body split into two.

“To deal with you, I don’t even need sword skills.”

That’s right, for Xie Ming, the strongest enemy is not surpassing his strength or speed, but an enemy who has the same superb skills and comprehensive development as him.

Not to mention, the enemy in front of him has entered a frenzied state, actively abandoning the calmness that he needs most in battle. Yadi’s leopards and bears, not even the black tigers of Genoa, exerted as much pressure on Xie Ming.

Ultimate’s strength or body speed may bring you strength that is superior to the same level, but it will also bring you obvious weaknesses that the same level does not have.

If you don’t know this, how can you be promoted to Tier 4, your life is sublimated, and you can become a strong one?

The third-order peak is already the limit of these people.

Looking at the dumbfounded three people, Xie Ming said indifferently: “Have you had enough rest? The space channel has been destroyed. We should go to the next city.”

“Wow, is pervert so cool…” Hana Sakura said blankly.

“Nymphomaniac Airport, has the energy recovered?”

Instantly flipped Byakugan: “Hurry up and restore my energy. I have to destroy the space channel.”

“Asshole, are you jealous?”

“I’m a mage, you say I am jealous of soldiers!?”

“Sure enough, I’m still jealous.”

“How come there is so much nonsense, quickly recover!”


Chen Zhong smiled bitterly, and as expected, only the captain can cure these two enemies.

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